25 October, 2020

History, Herstory, Itstory...

Chelsea Handler: I Had to Remind 50 Cent He's Black, So He Can't Vote for Trump
October 24, 2020

China’s GTV Releases Videos of Hunter Biden Sex Tapes while Smoking Crack

At least four videos of this and other sex-exploits came out yesterday.  GTV is a Chinese tv network, it's not clear why they'd be releasing it.  Of course there's no way to know if any of this is real.  They can't continue blackmail if they release what they're using against the target.

But this is a good example of why aristocracy is such a bad idea.  The general saying has been along the lines of 'the hardworking man takes power and knows how hard he had to work to get to the top, the son saw his father's rise and can understand what it took to get there, the grandson knows nothing of the sort and takes power and influence as a given.'  Of course it's helped when the aristocracy doesn't really have much control over everyone else's lives so we can just go about our business on our own.  In free societies we can rise as individuals.

But that's not what Biden wanted.  There's no reason to think he was in on this but he'd be fine with his kids doing it.  He's been showing himself more and more to be the sort of dictator who will follow the mob just to stay in power.  This won't end well even if he does manage to steal the election.  There are anecdotal reports that Trump is still winning but we'll see if that happens.

Bernie Bro with Van Full of Guns and Explosives Plotted to Assassinate Biden. Media Buries the Lede, as Usual

It's also noteworthy that this is the sort of mob that such wanna-be dictators have to follow.  This is why it won't go well, they'll see themselves in power and know that they can get away with anything as long as they suck up to the person officially in control.  That is how nazism and communism works out, the leaders keep their mansions and get surrounded by applause, the next few levels of power can do anything.

It's been pointed out that Germany was a military tyranny through WWI, but it was specifically restrained.  The police and military were as restrained as the public and would be punished much more harshly if they broke any law.  That would be a right-wing tyranny.  Hitler - who started off with the communists although not as much as his big influence Mussolini - and the commies themselves would never work for such a notion.  That's largely why I refer to WWII as a 'sequel,' because what we're still dealing with really came out in earlier version, they just had more technology and media to promote the leftism that got its first big break in WWI.

Still working through the history project and I've noticed a few similarities to this were going on in the 14th Century.  Not enough that I can go into any depth in the matter - my focus is still on the initial processing I've been doing for a year at this point and frankly two or three years if I really get into it - I just wanted to make myself a reminder that I saw parallels in the 1300s so I can get back to it when I really get started.

It's quite possible that my books have been based on larger projects at the time, or at least that's how I worked them out.  I had nothing else planned when I did Life and Polonia but very quickly into the editing process, I started thinking about all the other material I had that could be printed and decided to add two books, Double and Revolutions.  Both would include most of my remaining fiction that I thought was publishable (and had access to) while the former would focus on my "pop culture" essays and the latter on history.  This is obviously where I came up with dividing books into an A-side and a B-side, which I had done for the first book but not consciously.

Putting together the second and third books made me realize there was way too much material so I had to add President Present and New Fun to the mix.  By the time I'd finished those books, I knew full well that this is what I was going to do with everything I could but I was leaving the Army and it was almost a year before I knew where I was going to live and work.  The year after that I did four books that could get through most of what I written that I thought could be published and also left stuff out to make the four book the following year and even that was building up to Big Fish, my one book in 2019.  And even then I was still going around the basic historical ideas that I'm still working on now, having finished a third book in 2020 and finally working on the history project I'd been slowly thinking about for a few years at that point.

There are times when I wonder if I'm doing some of the most important work on the planet and wonder if anyone will ever know it exists.  Hey, I've gotta fill up time with something...

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