10 October, 2020

I'd like to find the guy who wrote the song that made my baby fall in love with him.

Dunno how much I have to say at the moment.  I finally finished the new book today and am waiting for the final approval to publish.  I'm also getting closer to finishing the first very long step on my history project.  So that's been my focus for most of the day, I don't know what else there is to talk about.

Joe Biden Promises to Create a Million New Good-Paying Jobs That He’s Never Created in 47 Years in Office

Well he can't create any jobs, he's never run a business.  He just gives orders to people who do.  One thing I've been noticing is the left's obsession with government.  They see that as the only relevant part of existance, well, at least when they're in charge of it.  They're outright offended by the idea of people doing things that has nothing to do with the government.  There's a quote from Lenin, I don't remember the specifics, but it's an order for the government he ran to measure and organize everything in existence.  That's what the left does now, more than ever as they've become upfront about wanting the nuclear family gone forever.  The government will own the children and control their lives, no one else.

They hate the government when they're not in charge but demand utter obedience when they are.

Well, this isn't really about Biden but like I said, I don't know what I have to say at the moment.

Biden's also going out of his way to avoid talking about stacking the supreme court, another things Democrats love because they want to do it but would oppose Trump doing.  Recently he said "You'll know my opinion on court packing when the election is over...  The moment I answer that question, the headline in every one of your papers will be about that."

What kind of idiot is he to think that?  Pretending for the sake of argument that it's true, media would be informing their audience of what a Presidential candidate plans to do if elected which is exactly what they should be doing.  Of course that's not what they would do, they'd put it somewhere deep into the paper or late on the news show just to mention it in passing after going through all the other stuff going on today.  They aren't running stories of how Biden refuses to say what he'll do when he's in charge until after he's in charge which would also inform their audience.

BREAKING: White House Doctor Says Trump is No Longer a COVID Transmission Risk

And it's funny how this story has basically gone away.  I still have no idea whether any part of it is believable.  I'm not saying Trump made it up entirely to make him look awesome by running through a virus liberals claim to be petrified of - when they aren't out burning down buildings in crowds of maskless people - but I could believe that he did make it up for that reason.  I definitely don't think the virus is anywhere near the danger they wanted to pretend it is so it might just be a meaningless event.  I also notice that few people seem remotely concerned about how Melania is doing.

Pope pushes for end of private property and for global communism

I think this story's been out for a couple days but I'm just getting around to it.  I've been increasingly convinced for the past several years that the left has taken over the Catholic Church and nothing this guy is doing proves me wrong.

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