09 October, 2020

If this year were glass it would be a broken window.

Texas Democrat Mayoral Candidate Zul Mohamed Arrested, Charged with 109 Counts For Mail-In Ballot Fraud Scheme

There's been a lot more stories lately of people (all Democrats, amazingly) trying to get fake votes and/or getting rid of real votes for their opponents, specifically Trump.  We do know that they aren't even going to pretend to go along with losing the election which would happen under any normal circumstances.  This guy stands out because he's obviously a Muslim and they know who's destined to win sooner or later.  They don't go along with abortion or gay marriage so in this generation or the next, they'll be running the Democrat party with sheer numbers and they know how elections work in their home countries.  They support God which will always win out, Democrats have nothing to do with that.

I've just realized we'll probably see a few days out if there's any chance of Biden winning.  Hillary had announced her victory celebration over a week earlier and cancelled it before Election Day.

Mike Pompeo Says He Has Hillary Clinton’s Deleted Emails and Will Begin Releasing Them Before Election Day

Will this get anywhere?  One gets the impression they're just killing time until it's too late to do anything about it.  Those of us with a Security Clearance know we'd be in big trouble if we did that, but we're peons.  Hillary skates free.

As usual, I'm doing nothing except working on the book.  I'm really hoping I can finish the latest one tonight, or at least this weekend.  I'm also getting close to finishing the first step of my "history project."  If I could really work on it, there's little doubt I'd be done in a week.  Alas, that's not how this year is going.

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