28 October, 2020

Only a dirty liar would say it is what it is, it is totally NOT what it is

Obviously the concept "A is A" came from Aristotle in 369BC, but isn't the left's sudden opposition to Trump saying 'it is what it is' more than just them opposing anything Trump does?  This is what Ayn Rand was talking about all those decades ago and she was lucky enough to escape from the first successful communist takeover of a nation, one of the few times they've ever successfully taken over even with the use of force.

One of the reasons I've been referring to World War I as *THE* turning point in modern history was because of the Russian Revolution.  Hitler and Mussolini started out in communist parties which led to the sequel.  Marx isn't the main source, he died as a complete nobody and it was only over the next few decades that anybody learned anything about his work.  He married a rich woman and never had a real job in his life but now his supporters use capitalism to maintain his grave because they won't do it for free.

I haven't gotten around to it yet, but I've thought for a while that the French Revolution was the first real movement of leftism - I'm still looking for a better term, "communism" or "marxism" or "socialism" doesn't seem quite right and "leftism" just came from the French sitting together on the left side of Congress - and wanted to look into it but even there I don't think it's where the concept started.  I know there's a European writer from a century earlier who's generally cited as creating the basic concepts but event here I doubt he woke up one day with this brand new idea.  I suspect it's been part of humanity for as long as we've existed.  Nobody could get anywhere with it until the 19th and 20th centuries because of the lack of technology or the ability to spend time and energy doing anything but getting food and protection from the elements.  The feudal nobility was the only thing that could get any further and notice how that comes back as soon as leftists take over.

Part of it, I think, is human nature.  Joe Biden's never had a real job in his life.  John Kerry did a semester in Vietnam and married two rich women, the second much wealthier than the first.  Obama said the words and then ran off to hang around rich people, even when Americans were under attack on the anniversary of 9/11.  He flew off to Hollywood, leaving Hillary to go home and not take any calls until the next morning.  Since then, slavery has been a normal part of Libya and liberals don't mind.

I'm a little off the track of human nature, I think we're all far too complicated to understand in such ways.  Even leftists, much as they pretend otherwise.  It's why communist nations are ruled by people who do nothing but agree with each other (and still find things to fight about) and send men with guns to enforce their master's will on the people.  They freely admit that the entire world needs to go along with them before it'll actually work.

I think that's part of the discussion/argument/battle between God and his adversary.  God will win although that doesn't make it any better for those of us here.  Whether it's part of his plan or just a reaction of the infinite to a non-infinite adversary, I think that's why he let Ayn Rand do her thing.  A super-intelligent atheist female enacted his goals a lot more than she'd ever understand.  God can do that anywhere with anybody, that's why he's God.  Leftists never want such a thing to happen and have to be pushed against their will to accepting anything of the sort.

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