20 October, 2020

I'm getting close to done with the next book and I still can't find a sane printer to publish the new book

I'm just annoyed at the moment.  I''m still having problems with Amazon on printing the new book and I've started looking at other internet printers but so far, they're always coming up with something that hasn't gotten me anywhere.  Blurb requires covers to be sent in as PDFs, but how do you change a JPG to a PDF?  I've asked them and they haven't responded.  Lulu says some of my fonts need embedding but they all look fine to me and there's no way to actually see what needs to be fixed, if anything.  The pictures in this book are all within the pagelines, the colors are all standard, there's nothing else about this book that's any different from all my previous books and after weeks of trying I still haven't gotten anywhere.

Why has this all of a sudden become impossible?  There weren't these issues in April when I did my last book?

Anyway, I'm not sure I'll have any more to add here beyond some headlines.

Family With Trump Sign In Vehicle Fired On By Biden/BLM Supporter In Maryland
October 20, 2020

Spencer Davis, Veteran British Rocker Known for ‘Gimme Some Lovin’,’ Dies at 81
October 19, 2020 - the day he died, not the date of today's article

50 Cent Endorses President Donald Trump After Seeing Biden’s Tax Plan
October 20, 2020

Well, he's not black anymore, at least that's what Biden says.

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