07 November, 2021


Somehow the vaccinated are protected from the virus but not protected from the unvaccinated.  This is being pushed on them by their masters as an excuse to attack the unvaccinated and anyone else they want to attack.

This is training somehow but for what?  Is this trying to create an alternate version?  That would explain the military training and Hollywood support.

□ [“Samantha Power and Biden Regime Announce $300 Million Payday to Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala for Equitable Economic Growth, Human Rights and Fighting Gender-Based Violence in Migration 'Root Causes' Funding"

Is this a cover for the slave trade or for bringing support to the invading forces.

I've seen some records lately of people who speak Spanish fundamentally opposing this gender-swapping.  That would be natural, Spanish, like French and 'most every other European language, has defined words by gender.  This is imposing tyranny on their minds about as deeply as possible, forbidding them to speak the language they've used for centuries.

□ [“Kamala Harris Interrupts NASA Presentation to Ask if They Can 'Measure Trees' as Part of 'Environmental Justice'" (VIDEO)]

This stupid cunt has no idea what she's talking about.  She only got where she is by giving up pussy to men who paid her and at least they were sensible enough to keep her out of the public eye.  Now she has Biden.  This is where the 'let them eat cake' mentality would have came from.  [Some reports say Marie Antoinette was not remotely the kind of person who would say that.  I don't care whether she actually said it or not, I'm talking about the mentality which definitely does exist and Harris personifies.]  She has no idea what's going on and is worshipped despite that.

And just for the record, the French Revolution should get a little more attention as it was the first wide-spread assault by leftism in the modern sense of a nation.  It had been building up for a long time - look into that as well - and immediately followed the American Revolution, a typical example of leftism to follow successful people as a reason to seize power and make everyone slaves with claims to support freedom.

I'm still working out what to do next.  I've spent the weekend getting together reprints of my books, a collection of humor, Rococo Coffee which is already on sale on Amazon, and a completely reorganized collection of the entire series, everything in chronological order.  I've given up on trying to edit for the time being and for whatever reason, Microsoft Word does not treat page numbers well so I wound up just deleting all of them for Amazon, but who cares, the point is to get a printed version of the entire work.  Everything I've published up through July of this year and some things I haven't published.

Not sure what to do with the remaining material.  There's about half a book's worth of stuff written since July, should I just leave the second half blank so I can use it later if the power dies?  That is seriously tempting.  And what the hell, why not work on it now?

University of Texas astronomer retracts paper on use of data to make hiring decisions because it could harm ‘women and minorities’
November 4, 2021

WATCH: Thunderous Chant of ‘F-ck Joe Biden’ Breaks Out During UFC 268 Fight
November 7, 2021

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