18 November, 2021

Feet and knees together...

Creepy Biden Grabs Child During Bill Signing, Says, “Meet Me After This, I Can Show You Around the White House”
November 18, 2021

□ [“Political Theater: Joe Biden Shakes Hands Maskless, But Puts Mask on For a Selfie"]
□ [“Pelosi Spotted Maskless at Swingers Bar in Dupont Circle in Violation of DC Mask Mandate"]

By now they're pretty comfortable showing that their rules don't apply to them.  No one can punish them, the media sure won't say anything.

Remember, it started just to last for a few weeks.  Then it was just adding a mask.  Then we all were told to take a vaccine.  And it required two shots.  Then we were told we needed to get a booster shot.  Then we were told we need to carry proper documentation proving that we've been vaccinated.  Then we'd lose our jobs if we didn't go along.  Because Freedom doesn't matter.

□ [“Kamala Harris’ Comms Director Leaving Administration Amid Reports of Biden, Harris Friction"]

Something is going on here.  I don't remotely believe it's along the lines of a feud between the two incompetent idiots in charge but am not sure what else it is.  Between their keepers?  That seems most likely.

□ [“Biden Admin Looking to Dump Kamala Harris? Fox Reporter Given Tip to ‘Familiarize Yourself With Confirmation Process’ for Replacing a Vice President"]

This article came out a couple days ago.  Very few Veeps have been replaced, they've usually just left the slot empty because they died or replaced the POTUS.

I've seen the suggestion somewhere that it's Michelle Obama who wants this and I might as well believe it because that's as stupid as anything else.  I might as well suggest that Harris is too obviously insane even for leftists and getting rid of her might been taking Nancy Pelosi out of the House so they're looking for other options.

This is what they're doing.  The current trial about a shooting has the prosecutor being as stupid as possible, up to and including pointing a weapon at the jury with his finger on the trigger.  No one above him would tell him to knock it off, telling me that the verdict was already settled and he can do anything he wants.  The guy shot to death had been convicted of 11 charges of child molesting, including anal rape, of five 9-11 year old boys.

The left mourns him.

Today I finished Army of One, collecting the best material from my 20 books.  I've been looking forward to doing this for years, even printing a proof copy in late 2015.  For the last few weeks, I've been wondering if this was like the final step, not just for me but for the rest of the world.  Maybe it's just coincidence but I haven't changed my mind yet.  More problems are going to start appearing in everyday life, aren't they?

For instance, if all the ATMs suddenly die, we'll have to pay for everything in cash which we don't have on it.  That's going to cause desperation immediately.  It just seems like that's going to make the prices skyrocket before everything is gone.  And a gas station had cars on every single dispenser but no one is there filling the car.  Are they inside buying something or is there no gas?

Ok, that really scares me.  Should I do something about it, like, right now?

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