17 November, 2021

We just keep getting lower and lower, but there's no ground floor in Hell...

Definitely not expecting to write much tonight.  I know that's pretty common these days whether I write anything or not.  Maybe I'm just so desperately focused on the book that I'm not focusing on writing anything else.  Maybe I'm depressed.  Maybe the whole world is depressed.

I've been thinking about the "year zero" concept that revolutionaries go for although I've never looked into it.  It seems to be the notion that they can get away with anything and *after* they win, time will be allowed to pass.  My original thought was that this was being added to everything else they do, hoping to burn down anything they don't like, but I've realized that's irrelevant, they'd do that anyway without any "year zero" idea.

I will say that it sounds like it comes from someone who actually has to be in charge of others.  Subordinates wouldn't think as much about what year it is.

I did start it thinking about modern music and how it seems to be basically garbage that comes in and goes out.  There's no melody or skill, it all comes from pushing buttons.  This does seem to have been the goal of whoever's in charge, why would you move from rock'n'roll to this?  But I dunno, there seems too many other possibilities to go with this idea.  Maybe there's some connection but we'll never know.

I'm too lazy to look up the details of the trial going on about a Trump supporter who had a gun pointed at him by Antifa and responded by shooting the guy but it's looking like the fix is in.  The prosecutor acted as stupidly as possible and in a fair trial, that would have been called off by his supporters. Since no one would say anything like that to him, it's clear there will be a 'guilty' verdict and he didn't even have to try looking like he knew what he was doing, it was already set up.

Right now it's looking, correctly or not, like that's what will get rid of everything.  Time is almost gone.  Even Biden said this Thanksgiving would be miserable for people and it's not like he has a clue what he's talking about.  So there's another week or so, max.

Xi Jinping Warns Joe Biden Over Taiwan: US is “Playing with Fire – Will Get Burnt”
November 16, 2021

Dhimmitude Exposed: German Public TV Hires Antisemitic Islamist Radical and Covers For Her
November 17, 2021

Biden Claims His House Once Burned Down with Jill Inside – Then Clarifies After He ‘Misspoke’ - A 2004 Kitchen Fire That Was Put Out In A Few Minutes Isn't A House Burning Down
November 17, 2021

□ [“Dr. Fauci: ‘There is a Misplaced Perception About People’s Individual Right to Make a Decision that Supersedes the Societal Safety’"]

That's what individuality is and that's exactly what every single tyrant opposes.  But they don't realize that they're doing it through the very individuality they want to destroy.  No matter how brainwashed they get, at some level they're still coming to decisions on their own.  They have to do it to decide who to obey, to decide which orders they will follow and why.

They all see an 'us versus them' mentality.  "Deplorable" or "insurrectionists."  "Domestic terrorists" suddenly went from being a term they oppose to one they accuse anyone they don't like of being.  They can show off their peasants forced to wear masks and symbolize their own superiority by not wearing such things.  This helps with discrimination which they also love but sometimes pretend to oppose.

It's all for dehumanizing their opponents and helps to organize work-camps.  You know they're planning to do that as soon as possible for anyone who doesn't obey the propaganda, everyone who disagrees is "racist" say the people who claim to want "unity."  They're already spying on everyone, snooping through their files, bank accounts, etc.  One assumes public execution will happen soon and guess what, all of them will say it's entirely the fault of their victims.

I guess I'm done now.  Or I was done ages ago and haven't realized it yet.

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