26 November, 2021

If Batman was here, he'd be asking "why am I here? I'm supposed to be on the comics page. Am I being kidnapped? Superman, help!!!"

CHAOS AND RIOTING Break Out on Solomon Islands in Defiance to Govt-Imposed COVID Lockdowns
November 26, 2021

This is going on all around the world.  Obviously as Americans, we don't pay much attention and wouldn't even if we had a free media.  But it's still going on.  I have to wonder if it's about each nation responding to whatever its wanna-be masters are doing in their own way.

The biggest objection I see to my "broken" theory is that there's no way to explain how these people would have seized power everywhere.  I definitely don't think it comes down to one guy somewhere taking power and appointing his stooges who are able to start spreading it from there, but how else would it happen?

I do think there was some turning point circa 1969 but that still doesn't give any explanation.  Might as well blame the moon-landing but there's no way to know if that's the cause, an effect or just a reflection of something else that's going on.  I always think that existence occurs on far too many levels for humans to contemplate so the moon-landing could be cause, effect and reflection in many different ways.  Or the Beatles recording Abbey Road.  Or whoever won the Super Bowl that year.  Or whatever my parents were doing that year, or grandparents, or great-grandparents, or their next door neighbors.

The point is that existence isn't explainable but we keep trying anyway and maybe, just maybe, as individuals or in groups, we can get closer to objective truth than we were before.

This is what viruses do.  Yes, we have to wonder if it's from one of China's colonies and man-made, but still, that's what viruses do, change constantly.  Obviously the authorities are lying so they can keep imposing their will on everyone else but how can everybody else not know this?

November 26, 2021

November 26, 2021

November 26, 2021

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