10 November, 2021

Crisis on Earth One is bad enough, how could it get any worse?

As always, I never know what to say at the moment.  Last time I looked at the news, there were just the usual depressing headlines.

□ [“Democrats Take Back Conceding the Virginia House and Are Now Pushing for Recounts in Two Seats"]

They are totally down with stealing elections.  At the moment, the only places they won't go for that are places Democrats never win.  That will last for a little while but not much longer.  And as it is, they're already going to steal every other election.

Yeah, they'll do like Cuba and Venezuela and the rest, pretending that it's a free election so 1% of the votes will be for someone else, which liberals have always supported.

□ [“Biden’s Marxist Treasury Nominee Says the Quiet Part Out Loud on Fossil Fuel Industry: 'We Want Them to go Bankrupt if We Want to Tackle Climate Change']

Because there's still too much food in stores.  Because nobody needs anything during winter which is coming up quickly.

They're going to keep their gasoline-powered engines and the cost won't come out of their pockets, it's everybody else that they want to impose this on.  Is it safe to assume they're keeping their private forces supplied with food to be able to attack everyone else during the winter?

NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio Says He Wants to Require Children Ages 5-11 Show Proof of Covid Vaccine to Access Businesses
November 9, 2021

US Surgeon General Warns Against ‘Misleading Memes’ – Says Not to Share Covid Vax Information Online Until Checking with Overlords at CDC
November 9, 2021

A Confused Joe Biden Hosts NBA Champs: “I Think I’m Supposed to Introduce Somebody… What Are We Supposed to Do Now?”
November 9, 2021

France Joins Canada, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark and Finland – in Warning of Heart-Related Health Risks with Moderna Vaccine
November 10, 2021

Fake US Warships Used for Target Practice Spotted in China’s Northwest Desert – Made to Look Like US Ships
November 10, 2021

Many people have been asking me (in my imagination) what my plans are for the book.  I have put together everything in chronological order for Vanity and am awaiting proof copies.  Don't really expect to get further than proof copies, it's just for my records.  I have also put together a book of my humor, Rococo Coffee, and am awaiting finished copies of that.

I am now trying to go through organizing my last part of the project, a 'best of' collection, Army of One.  I've had this in mind for years.  I still haven't decided what my final format will be, I'm just trying to rush through the material over and over until I've reduced it down enough to fit into one book.  I don't know how long that's going to take and I really do need to hurry.  It would be really nice if I could order finished copies by Thanksgiving, dunno how likely that is but I'll give it a try.

After that, I will continue to write, God willing, but my priorities will probably be more about surviving the upcoming chaos.  Anyway, my current plan for the collection is to be in the same format as my other books, but it will be up to 500 pages.  I really don't want to do re-writing but I will probably fix typos and I'll certainly move around relevant jokes as need be.

Well, that's enough for now.  Back to work.

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