14 December, 2020

I wrote this hours ago and forgot to push "Publish." That's the worst thing that's ever happened in history. Sorry.

Not sure I'll have much to say today.  I'm almost done with the book.  I just need to go through one more draft and, honestly, it's more about making sure the format is right and noting all the subjects for the index.  I started out doing those right away on my books but it quickly became pointless given all the changes made in later drafts.  I rarely start on them now until I've got the proof copy in my hands.

Today is the day, the Electoral College should have met and voted.  I've barely looked at any websites or news headlines but it's not clear if that happened.  Are electors making two sets of votes, at least those from the problem-states, which will go the Senate and the President (i.e. Vice-President Pence) will decide?  That makes no sense.

Six Swing States (PA, GA, MI, WI, AZ and NV) and New Mexico Pick Slate of Electoral Delegates for President Trump and Joe Biden

At this point, I definitely wouldn't limit it to these states.  Furthermore, this is just too ridiculous to see as an option.  There's no way to see this as anything other than a desperate prayer which is not what his supporters want to see, or anybody who thinks elections should be fair.

Maybe I'll say more later.  Or tomorrow.  Or never, is never good for you?

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