19 December, 2020

Maybe I'm amazed at the way he's still there

□ [“Paul McCartney - "Find My Way"]

So Paul has a new album out, his fourth new album since Axl Rose released Chinese Democracy.  Of course that's a bit exaggerated, Paul has also released an album of classical music in 2011, live albums in 2009 and 2019, a greatest hits album in 2016, boxed sets of over a dozen of his previous albums, three promotional albums that I don't quite get why they aren't just called "live albums" but whatever, three singles that with other bands that aren't on his albums, nine performances on soundtracks or similar productions, ten other appearances on other people's live or studio albums, collections of videos...

Oh, and one day after Chinese Democracy was released, Paul released the third album by the Fireman, a two-man group he was in with producer Youth who had spent a year or two working on Chinese Democracy himself.  Paul also has a wife, an ex-wife and Linda, the wife he's known for who's been dead almost as long as they were married.  He has five kids and at least eight grandkids that can easily be found on Wikipedia.  There's running the biggest privately-owned music publisher in the world which is composed of 25 smaller publishers while working with movies and his daughter runs the picture department, there's maintaining his part of whatever the Beatles franchise is these days, there's his hobbies like painting...

And he self-recorded an album over the last several months.  Wikipedia says that one track has another guitarist and drummer and another track was written in 1992 but never got used.

The guy was legendary before G'n'R ever formed.  Matt Sorum was born in 1960, Axl and Izzy in early 1962, Dizzy in 1963, Duff in 1964, Slash and Steven Adler in 1965, two of the three current members in 1966 and the third in 1990.  Axl and Slash were legendary before she was born and at least Slash has been productive but even he would probably admit he's nothing compared to Paul.

Paul even made a music video for this song which is more than G'n'R ever did for Chinese Democracy despite promising to do so.  The music video is quite clever, just filming Paul on various instruments in a nice arrangement of images.  Nothing special but a lot of work done to promote the songs and it looks very good.

The song itself goes the same.  Paul's singing has gone down quite a bit from how we knew it but he still knows how to sell it.  It's a lot of fun and packed full of different parts that move smoothly from one to the next.  There's noticeable verses and choruses moving back and forth from, then there's a noticeable change for the bridge and Paul builds on himself to climax the song.

I was a little disappointed to hear it just stop with the guitar/bass ending.  I'm getting annoyed by songs that do that, then I checked and the video had only lasted for 2:50 and I was amazed, that was a ton of SONG going on and it was that quick?  Is that even legal these days?  Then the drums start up again, the bass rolls and Paul-as-a-band just jams for the next minute.  Wow!  The jam just ends quickly too but at this point, I don't mind in the slightest.

This is how music should be, ideas and variety that require playing instruments together.  It takes talent it takes ability.  Paul could just grow old and die - well, he's doing that anyway - but he's building on gotten him this far and it works out pretty well.  He definitely found his way.

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