16 December, 2020

Rococo Coffee is the answer to every question. What would you like to avoid for the rest of time until the universe ends?

Well, if nothing else can be said about 2020 (and it can't) I've finished my latest book.  I still have to go through the hassles with Amazon so I have no idea when it'll get printed, but it's done, the third time in the last four years that I've finished four books in on year.  I know I've made promises like this before, but now I really really really promise that I won't get another book done for a while.  For a number of reasons, I need a time out before publishing another book.  Not to mention dealing with Amazon for this one.

□ [“Joe Biden Asked About His Son Hunter… AGAIN During Press Conference"]

This is absolutely a deliberate plot.  The media is obeying whoever their real masters are to ask questions they could have asked months ago.  They're trying to get him out right away now that (as far as we know) they've gotten Trump out finally.  Are they doing this for Harris or some other reason?  In this case, Hunter asked the Chinese company he worked for in 2017 for $10 million and give it to him "quickly."

□ [“Marvel's Star-Lord is apparently now a polyamorous bisexual"]

I've been wondering about this, I'm not sure Chris Claremont created Star-Lord but I'm pretty sure this was the first major work of his pre-X-Men career, possibly even the first time he worked with John Byrne.  They also created Kitty Pryde who has gone her own way and I'd swear when I was looking her up recently, she'd also become a Star-Lord, just as her actress in a couple movies is now claiming to be male.

[Looks it up]

Wow, my memory worked.  Steve Englehart and Steve Gant were the creators in Marvel Preview #4 (dated January 1976) but Claremont, Byrne and Terry Austin soon followed.  He is now engaged to Kitty and she's replaced him as "Star-Lord."  That may all be over by now, all I can do is glance at Wikipedia.  But it seems better than actually reading the comics, yikes!

Chicago Schools Hiring People to Supervise Kids in Class While Teachers Work Remotely
December 15, 2020

MI Judge Grants Attorney Matt DePerno Permission To RELEASE Results Of Forensic Examination On 16 Dominion Voting Machines In Antrim Co.
December 14, 2020

Joe Biden Snaps Back at Reporter Shouting Questions About Hunter Biden – Then Shuffles Away
December 14, 2020

BREAKING: US Treasury Reportedly Breached by Hackers Backed by a Foreign Government
December 13, 2020

Shots Fired at Manhattan Cathedral During Christmas Concert — Ends in Officer Involved Shooting
December 13, 2020

I may have already posted that one but since I can't check right now, I'll just make sure it's posted.  That's one of the reasons I've started including dates on these headlines so that I can keep track of when they happened.

□ [“IT’S HAPPENING: President Trump Issues Warning – Swing States that Found MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD, which is all of them, CANNOT LEGALLY CERTIFY these votes"]

This also came from the 13th.  Today it's started coming out about something that may actually provide hope, the specifics of how the elections are handled.  If true, I still think it's mindbogglingly insane to hold out for this, but it's also one of those things that make suspect there's an actual plan.

Even if the Electoral College vote is over, it's not fully done yet, the two houses of Congress have to certify the results.  It's usually simple, but if a senator+congressman opposes any part of it, it has to be handled first.  Members of the House did this four years ago, constantly interrupting then-Veep Biden who basically told them to shut up unless they had a Senator with them which they didn't.  That obviously is not going to be the case here.

It's should be noted that seven states, the ones that caused all these problems, have selected "alternate electors."  No idea what that specifically means although I've seen the claim that now Biden and Trump both have enough people to get 270 votes.  This has happened before in 1887.  I know that was a very unusual election but other than getting the South involved for the first time since the Civil War, I don't know any details.  My understanding is that it also involves each state having one vote in this, not the population-based numbers that are usually used, and in this sense, Republicans have a solid majority because they run 90-something% of the country, Democrats keep themselves in big cities.

From this point it gets very unclear, just in case it's all made total sense for the last six weeks.  There are specific requirements for the House and Senate and I don't pretend to understand them.  The current Veep is also involved.  The Senate can pick a new Veep and the House can pick a new President.  Of course the Senate would pick the current Veep and the House would say this is total nonsense, they'd already stolen the election fair and square.  I don't get how a decision could be reached and there's no way everybody's going to go along with it but I do suspect this was what was always being aimed at.  Why they didn't pick a more sensible method, no idea, but it does stand by the Constitution, definitely a plus.

□ [“NFL Ratings Drop Leaves Networks Scrambling to Make Advertisers Whole"]

This is interesting, Thanksgiving had about half the viewers from last year.  It's another example of the left taking over everything they can and removing all the interest people had in it and have no way to force people to pay attention.  Sports have always been about enjoying the highest level of skill and ability, now it's just showing off all the new records being set by women with penises because *somebody* thinks that's more important.  Oh, and skin color's crucial too.

I think that's enough writing for the time being.  I could use a break.  I have a new comic to read.  I can't wait to see what Star-Lord does next.

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