06 December, 2020

Just another manic Sunday, I wish it were Monday, that's my fun day. Or at least it's not Sunday, ewwwwww!

Dueling Pro-Trump Versus Antifa Rallies in Olympia Result in Gunfire
December 6, 2020

Michigan and Pennsylvania Secretaries of State Gave Far Left Rock the Vote Activists Access to Sensitive Data on All Voters
December 5, 2020

□ [“Trump Pulls Troops From Somalia, Gnashing of Leftist Teeth Follows"]

The "anti-war" movement is all nonsense, they're just going along with leftists and opposing anyone else.  Never mind all the months on Syria and Libya, two of my three Iraq deployments were under Obama and a third one elsewhere in the Middle East and there wasn't a protester to be found.  They aren't opposed to war, they're opposed to anyone who disagrees and are more than willing to send men with guns out to get them.

□ [“LA Restaurant Owner Rips Garcetti Hypocrisy: Why Shut Me Down While Allowing A Hollywood Canteen In My Parking Lot?"]

They really have no idea what they're doing, do they?  It's always about choosing the people who suck up to them and limiting or eliminating those who don't.  They have no idea how to run a business, they have no way to measure any method of success, all they can do is repeat the same slogans anyone else on their side recites and assume that's progress.

How do they get to that?  It's one thing to indoctrinate the youth but many of them do realize at some point that there's more to life outside leftism and set examples everyone else can see no matter what the indoctrinators demand.  How is it that so many people can't?  I don't even think it's conscious for the most part, they just don't think that way.

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