28 December, 2020

What do we want? Peas! When do we want them?

Pennsylvania Certified Results for President Are Found in Error – The Error Is Twice the Size of the Difference Between Candidates
December 28, 2020

There's a few headlines about Trump signing the massive-spending bill and the House over-riding his veto of... a different spending bill?  I'm not paying close attention to this stuff.  Whatever else may be said about Trump, his opposition to spending went out the window early on so that problem remains growing larger every day.

□ [“Woman Has Courage to Say What Millions of Americans Are Thinking 'I’m Done' With this COVID Insanity"]

Will this be any kind of turn-around point?  I've heard bits of her comments - made to women in nurse outfits, suggesting they were either spreading virus from their patients or would be going back to work with virus for their patience - and she's not saying anything impressive, just the fact that she's doing it is making a big deal.

I'm positive people are tired of this nonsense.  I don't wear a mask unless I go someplace where everyone else is wearing one, but I go to few places anyway.  A virus is too small to be seen on a microscope, it's not going to be stopped by the cloth people put on their mouths.  Nor are they deadly to people who don't already have serious health issues.  This is all about faking a problem to increase government power over everyone and we've already noted the many government officials who get caught not wearing a mask.

Which is what the left wants.  They've been doing this for a long time.

□ [“Biden Goes Full Green New Deal Tyrant: Carbon Emissions Threaten 'the Very Existence of our Planet'"]

We release carbon from our mouths whether we're wearing a mask or not.  He could stop right now and save the planet but no one will catch him doing that.  He just gives orders everyone else must obey without question.  It doesn't sound like he ever had any questions either.

Just following up on my previous post, of course I listened to "Another One Bites the Dust."  I'd forgotten that Brian did a lot more on guitar than I'd expected, it's just mostly for background.  It's not a typical Queen song except in the sense that a lot of Queen songs aren't "typical Queen songs" but the guitar is noticeable, as are the drums which aren't remotely like Roger played them, very simple, very straightforward yet quite loud.  Music is rarely formed by the bass yet there it is and the frontman does his usual great job.  

You can pay attention to the song or to the individual parts of it, they're all right there.  You don't get that from Sinatra music.

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