24 December, 2020

Santa won't even answer my text messages. :(

Suspicion:  The media hasn't covered it much lately but what little has come through seems to be some sort of security issues going on in France, Britain and possibly other European nations.  Now the governor of New York has said all people arriving from Britain will be covered by men with guns because something something virus.  And yesterday, LTC Miller thanked the Vice-President for help with the most complicated military action in history.

Is this something?  If it is, will we ever find out?  I've just seen an unconfirmed rumor that Congressman Adam Schiff [D-CA] was just escorted by over a dozen police through LAX.  Were they guarding him or arresting him?  The same rumor says he hasn't been seen since this happened.

Whatever's behind 2020 has done a lot to remove our hope and optimism.  And yes, I'm deliberately saying this on Christmas Eve.  I haven't listen to much Christmas music, but it's already been more songs than I've heard in many years and I'll probably hear more tonight.  Not that it helps but it's something.

It would be really nice to believe that Santa Claus will be here in a few hours.  It's basically the last grasp for hope I can see for the foreseeable future.  The left will take over and they've been happy to work with Iran supporting terrorism, China supporting slavery, Venezuela supporting dictatorship and Europe trying to destroy its history.

We need help and it's not showing up.  We could take action, individually or in groups, but no one has a clue what to do.  There's a real need for a higher power getting involved and not just for Christmas.

MSNBC Doom and Gloom Doc: Don’t Get Overly Optimistic About the Covid-19 Vaccine, We’re in For a “Decades-Long Battle”
December 24, 2020

Congress Legalizes Smokey Bear Impersonations: The $2.3 trillion spending bill repeals criminal penalties for using Smokey Bear's likeness without government permission.
December 22, 2020

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