19 May, 2024

A fat woman posted on my shoe sales website today...

Why did Marty McFly need his girlfriend's phone number?  Couldn't he just text her that night and she wouldn't have to write it down on the flyer that now he has to keep around.20240519

Former Texas District Attorney Official Guilty to Smuggling Illegal Aliens in Government Vehicle
May 19, 2024

□ [“P. Diddy Reacts to Viral Video of Him Punching, Kicking and Dragging His Former Girlfriend"]

*Something* is going on here.  Hotels have video cameras, so they would have all known that they could call the cops at any point.  But the LA District Attorney says they aren't going to prosecute because the California statute of limitations ran out several years ago.  Good thing they waited so long.  The hotel and whoever else knew about the video must not have seen anything unusual going on.

Gee, why would the places where rich and famous abusers go not want the law to be enforced?  Basically this could have become public in 2016 and they'd had the same reaction.  Diddy's public statement is just generic comments about how bad he was back then, he needed therapy, thank God.  No mention of if there are any more recent beatings he could be arrested for.  Nobody saying they'll drop business or financial contacts with him because of this.  Life just goes on, same as always.

Last year, the girlfriend sued and an agreement was reached the following day.  Diddy probably paid her off, which probably means she had proof such as this video.  It's possible she, or her lawyers/hangers-on, had info from this that helped lead to the Homeland Security raids on Diddy's homes last March.

Like everything else these days, the time just seems weird.  Why is this coming out now after all these years?  Is it just about Diddy's sex-trafficking?  Notice the similarity to this as with Johnathan Majors, the man who brought Kang to the world.  His collapse happened much more quickly, but the main difference that sticks out for me was how Majors ranted about what a great man he is and how his girlfriend was failing him by not being Loretta Scott King or Michelle Obama.

He went from saying he'd start considering suicide if his brilliant plans didn't work to saying he'd already prepared for suicide, just bouncing from one line trying to get her to go along with him.  At a guess, I'd say this wasn't like Diddy, who was better and worse in various ways.  Majors was a fairly-new actor who had been surrounded by adoration and handed the linchpin of the next MCU epic.

Whatever else you can say about Diddy, he'd been part of a big business for a long time.  Even as a figurehead, he'd have knowledge and experience about how to deal with things.  He'd also gotten away with everything and reached a much higher level, so he'd have no reason to restrain himself.  So the effect would be the same as Majors, it's just his reasoning would be a bit different.

So are these issues with Diddy and Majors just examples of internal conflict among the rulers?  Are they part of an operation in place against the 'new world order'?  Are they being sacrificed to keep the plan going?  Majors' career vanished very quickly, while Diddy was given an escape even though videos like this were available for years.

Apple’s Latest iOS 17.5 Phone Update Coerces Millions into Downloading LGBTQ Propaganda
May 19, 2024

□ [“Socialist Chicago City Councilwoman Calls Punishing Criminals ‘Racist,’ America is ‘Garbage Society’"]
□ [“Chicago Mom Spends Hours Calling 911 During Home Invasion, Told ‘We Have No Units to Send You’"]

That's how it works.  The people who make laws don't want their laws obeyed and get rid of law enforcement, so the citizens just have to suffer.  They'll take it, the lady even says the cops were nice when they finally got there hours after the attack.  That's how Chicago is run and what they want to happen everywhere.  Well, not the rulers' houses, but you get my point.

At what point will people actually stand up for this?  Couldn't people in Chicago start working together, for protection and to get back at the rulers?  They're going to have to sooner or later.  This clearly isn't going to stop, the people in charge require it.  I get that most people are separate from each other nowadays, we have internet, but one would think there are still connections and some would be talking to others.

Then there's the way this collapse has happened so quickly.  Granted, Chicago has been going downhill for a long time as a devoted Democrat city, but overall, it should be obvious that this really started with the stolen election.  Remember a few years ago when things were cheaper and life was easier?  But Democrats haven't changed, that can't be a coincidence, y'think?

Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey Placed Migrant Children in Hotels With Pedophiles, Registered Sex Offenders
May 19, 2024

□ [“Helicopter Carrying Iranian President and Foreign Minister Crashes"]

No word yet if either of them lived, the most recent reports I've seen is that the location is finally found.  Just a total accident, it couldn't have been caused by any enemy.  Just because there's a war going on is no reason to think anybody's trying to take down the people in charge.

There's too many possibilities to guess who was behind this.  US, Israel, fellow BRICS members, subordinates in Iran itself, just to mention a few.  All we know is that they are dead, their replacements will need to be in accordance with DEI.  Their western supporters would appreciate that.

Only a week left until the 'new world order' seizes power.  Whoever actually did this, whatever the purpose was, I would assume the NWO is involved somehow.  Or Boeing.  We can assume Joe Biden will immediately have a public statement about how this, a lot sooner than he mentions any dead Americans.  But he'll remind us that Beau did this way, so you know he cares.

Biden Spins Around Looking Dazed and Confused at Campaign Event in Atlanta
May 18, 2024

Black Ex-Marine Arrested For Planning Murder Spree in New Jersey ‘Gun-Free’ Zones ‘In the White Community’
May 16, 2024

Seattle Suburb Uses Fencing to Contain Growing Homeless Encampment Near Courthouse
May 17, 2024

Stadium Boos After Trans Athlete Wins Women’s 200 Meter Dash at Oregon State Track and Field Championships
May 19, 2024

□ [“Brawl on Stage at Tennessee High School Graduation After Student Flashes Gang Signs"]
□ [“Chaos Erupts After Two People Shot at High School Graduation in Cape Girardeau, Missouri"]

They've been pushing kids to get this started, and it's time.  Not sure if it's deliberate timing or if it's just the natural reaction they're having.  Probably different for each individual, but that helps expand the chaos.  And now they're out for the summer.

I don't think they'll be working with the college protestors.  There's too much reason for them to start shooting each other, so my guess is this is part of the plan, that they're all attacking things at different levels.

The cracks are getting wider and more is falling apart.  The collapse is almost here.  Things will get worse and worse but then it will happen all at once.  These kids will be totally bonkers when that happens.  Everybody will but they're already in the mood.

Joy Behar of The View Says the Supreme Court and Electoral College Are "Un-American"
May 18, 2024

Harvard Students and Professors Protest Against Israel and US – Chant “Intifada, Come to America!”
May 19, 2024

□ [“Biden Declines Two More Debates, Despite Trump Campaign’s Agreement"]

I'm starting to think the point is get Biden out of these debates, or just use AI instead.  Trump might even be fine with that.  I know this is just a distraction, whether it happens or not, but there's little of interest these days.

□ [“Trump Demands Biden Prove His Fitness with Pre-Debate Drug Test"]

Or Biden's people can find whatever excuse they want to cancel the whole thing.  They'd be fine with that because I'm not sure how else they could get through it.  Is it possible to drug Biden enough to make him look normal without being too doped up?  And with Biden's health status, the effect would probably be even worse.  It's not like he could get through an hour on the best of circumstances.

They already limited the debates to two.  One has to happen immediately because Biden looks horrible so they need to try to make him look coherent.  The second one is close to the election, when it's supposed to be normal.  But nothing about this is normal, and can't really be taken seriously.  So even if it wasn't just a distraction before - assuming previous debates were for real - it is now.

Judge Cannon Calls Jack Smith Out For His Dirty Tricks in Rare Sunday Order
May 19, 2024

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