22 May, 2024

I'm not wearing a bra. Prove me wrong.

House Republicans Accuse Hunter Biden of Repeatedly Lying Under Oath During Deposition
May 22, 2024

I have made comments in the past about how the Marvel Cinematic Universe really shows a lack of intellectual insight by the fact that none of their characters seem remotely bothered by absolute proof of reincarnation.  Not even the normal people have any questions about this.

But it goes further.  What about all million of people who believed that we're just flesh and bone, no such thing as a soul?  It wouldn't be named the "soul stone" if that was the case.  Or did the Avengers just say 'it happens' and refuse to explain anything behind it?  That would not keep the world functioning coherently if this is what we have to put up with now.  Maybe the soul stone is just a pretty piece of metal and Thanos really wanted it to make his fingers look good along with the five real stones.

How about pregnant women who vanished?  What happened to their babies?  This is not helpful for people who believe that abortion doesn't kill a living human being.  But as far as I know (not that I pay attention to it) no one in the MCU media released since 2019 has even mentioned these issues, much less had any serious discussion about them.

It seems like this could be a relevant drama for the MCU, a miniseries about a family dealing with this after some of them died and came back.  Or not even Disney, some cheap filmmaker who does the same thing, just changing a few details in past references to that space alien who got a magic weapons and clapped his hands with it.

But to do that, you'd have to take people's lives seriously, what they actually think about on a regular basis.  That's not something you can do with Disney IPs, at least not in this universe.

Having said all that, it does show why the post-Endgame Disney releases are so worthless.  It's even possible that's deliberate, that they actually realized there was nothing to follow that with.  I'm not sure how they handle this (or why) but perhaps they knew they were throwing money away after reaching the apex and it's about some other goal.

Maybe that's why the Avengers never explained this to the world, it's just something that happens with people like them around.  And now the muties start showing up, so there's a legitimate reason for people to want them gone.

Feds Ban Memorial Day Event From Petersburg, Virginia National Cemetery, Call it a ‘Demonstration’
May 22, 2024

□ [“Biden New Hampshire Event 'Funeral Like' Atmosphere – Small Crowd with Zero Enthusiasm"]

People actually want to see the President of the United States, the leader of the free world, the inspiration for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  At some point they're going to have to stop pretending that Joe Biden is actually President because then they'd have to admit he's *really* not popular.

Where are all the record-setting voters and why don't they appreciate everything he's done in office?  Are they too busy working three jobs just to pay the bills?  Maybe New Hampshire is the wrong place to go if he's trying to look like people really want to see him.

□ [“Democrat Politicians, Socialists and Open Borders Groups Announce Plans to Protest Donald Trump’s Bronx Rally Tomorrow"]

See?  They show up for Trump.  Maybe Biden should be more like Trump.  You know, not being senile and incapable of reading off a teleprompter.  Even Trump's supporters show up, how can you beat popularity like that?

But tomorrow we'll see how many Biden supporters will actually be there.  They'd be outnumbered and whining about an "insurrection" won't really help.  If there are any actual Biden supporters who behave like sensible human beings, they'll realize that this isn't what their masters have been saying will happen.  Then their allies will be there and attack everybody.

South Carolina Governor Signs Bill Banning Sex Changes for Minors
May 22, 2024

□ [“The Gaza 'Relief' Pier We Knew Hamas Would Loot Was Unexpectedly Looted by Hamas"]

The US military built this pier to send supplies into Gaza and there was nothing in place to protect the supplies.  They aren't actually taking all that much but only because the US and Europe aren't really sending that much, at least not officially.  Hamas says it's about secretly giving Israel weapons, even though we already send Israel weapons openly for decades.

What was supposed to happen?  I would assume the whole point was to send weapons to Hamas, but if it was supposed to help people, there was no plan in place.  This is why I keep citing "senior leadership" as what we really need, even though I (thankfully) never had to learn any of it, although I had to deal with a lot of people who did.

Ignore the fact that no plan survives first contact with the enemy.  Just making a plan means understanding who's going to do what tasks to accomplish whatever the goal is.  Building a pier, it requires construction men, equipment, supplies, as well as food, residence, electricity and transportation for all of that.  These all require armed guards.  Then there's the issue of how you're going to get this stuff to the Philistines.

You need to think about this before doing it because it will very easily collapse if you don't.  And that's without people shooting at you.  Then there's the fact that different tasks require different personalities, who can all react in different ways.  At least the military has a rank structure and we fall under the same rules, the rest of these people don't have anything of the sort.

To a large extent, small groups working on their own are actually more effective.  Not overall, but for smaller goals and operations.  Larger groups require senior leaders who can learn from previous experiences.  They also know that there's a lot they can't know.  And it looks like nobody anywhere along the line will accept this fact, even as they support Hamas and everything else leftists do.

Illinois State Law Set to Change Description of ‘Offender’ to ‘Justice-Impacted Individual’
May 22, 2024

□ [“Biden to be Excluded from Ohio Ballot if DNC Fails to Comply with State Nomination Laws"]

Naturally Democrats oppose this, even though they supported other states trying to ban Trump from the ballot.  The rules don't apply to everybody, and they don't even have to follow Ohio's rules.  There's a reason every state is allowed to make their own rules, because they know their people better.  This is not the way the elite want it.

Ohio law says the ballots must be ready 90 days before the election, but for some reason Democrats decided to hold their convention after that deadline.  I know this has happened before, there was one year when both parties held conventions after the deadline and requested exceptions.  This sort of thing suggests that Democrats will ignore the law.  They'll probably get more votes by mail-ins than they would from real people.

□ [“Bloomberg Begins Polling Trump v. Kamala Harris, Anticipating a Biden Departure"]

This all must have been planned, so getting rid of Biden must have been the reason they picked him.  It works as an excuse to cancel the election so the 'new world order' purge whoever it wants.  Whoever replaces Biden gets to be appointed as the dictator.  At this point, I can't see any way this wasn't always intentional.  About the only flaw I can see is if they know who the replacement will be.

You'd think they'd be fighting about this, even if it's all in private, but at this point, I don't even see how that works.  We're seeing some dissent from lower-level leftists, but those at the top seem to be entirely unified at this point.  They've been denying human nature every other way, why should this be any different?

Germany Reduces Sentences For Possession of Child Pornography From Felony to Misdemeanor
May 22, 2024

Rumors that Disney's financial problems have finally reached Star Wars, Kathleen Kennedy isn't happy that they're cutting projects and budgets.  Not unhappy enough to quit of course, no matter how old she gets.  I still wonder why she doesn't just use her own money to fund it if she believes in the work so much, although I guess there's also the issue of damaging the franchise more than she already has.

But Disney leaders are still spouting off about how horrible their fans are and they're to blame for everything.  That's just not a good move.  At least whatever fans are still talking about the franchise that shows they care about it, it's the ones that aren't talking whom you've probably lost forever.  And at no point has any "new audience" shown up to replace those who ditched, even though that was the whole point.

But it does look like some people are trying to purge their way up the chain, which is why Kennedy is now getting attention.  She's just pissed off that Harvey Weinstein's secretary is getting shot down for all the projects that she was supposed to do.  When you sign a Disney contract, the company can do whatever it wants, up to and including firing you, how could these people not know that?

Nikki Haley Finally Announces She Will Vote for Donald Trump
May 22, 2024

As I once told Beau Biden "Things used to be different.  I remember when we first met.  It was during the war.  I was in the Air Force, stationed in Drambuie off the Barbary Coast..  I used to hang out at the Mugumbo Bar.  It was a rough place, the seediest dive on the wharf, populated by every reject and cutthroat from Bombay to Calcutta.  It was worse than Detroit."20240522
Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop killing Beau Biden.

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