29 May, 2024

If you can read this, we're all going to die.

Vatican’s World Children’s Day Features Drag Performer
May 29, 2024

□ [“Biden Rally in Deep Blue Philly  – Only a Few Rows of People in School Gym"]

There must be some real people somewhere who support Biden.  I don't know any but I don't get out much.  If you do know some, ask them where the zillions of people who voted for him three years ago are?  They actually believe this guy is POTUS, don't they?  Surely someone must want to get to see the POTUS, so ask why nobody shows up.

There will probably never be an official count of how many went to the Bronx Trump rally, but he went to a place that didn't vote for him anyway and still had a lot more people show up than Biden does.  Trump couldn't even get a rich and famous white man as an opening act, Biden gets Robert De Niro Elmo the Sesame Street puppet.  Because that's what black voters want to see.

They're going to keep pretending this until the very end but this sort of idiocy indicates what the end will be.  How do you steal elections for someone nobody actually wants to see?  Corrupted court cases on your opponents won't do it.  Lying about the economy and getting into as many wars as possible won't help either.

Still annoyed by the "Elmo" thing.  At this point, it's pretty clear that Elmo is a weapon to go after children, which would explain why he shows up at Biden events, but this makes it look like Biden's the one making the decisions.  Otherwise someone would say that this might not appeal to black voters.

Mayo Clinic Denies Life-Saving Lung Transplant to Mother for Refusing Covid Vaccine
May 29, 2024

□ [“Under Macron and Scholz, France and Germany Are Losing Relevance on the European Stage"]

So apparently there are European elections coming up in a few days.  Of course we know they're going to be stolen, but Europeans are generally turning against the EU.  I've always had a theory that France and Germany are the centerpoint of the European continent and have always been partners and enemies because of it.

To a large extent, France has been a united nation for a very long time.  Germany, however powerful and influential, has not.  Based on the calendar, it's only been a single united nation for a little over a century.  But the two of them have each conquered Europe at various times, socially and militarily.  Of course they've also had to deal with England, but now it looks like the two nations are losing the fight.

They've finally figured out how to install a collectivist dictatorship with the EU and it worked for a few decades, but times change and the rulers cannot cope with that.  Macron and Scholz don't like or trust each other, but they have no one else to rely on.  They might rely on the 2030 target date, but how will they last long enough to see if it works?

National Park Service Walks Back Denali Flag Ban - Meanwhile, Alaskans Respond With Flags Flying
May 29, 2024

□ [“Taylor Swift Fans Are Demanding That She Speak Out on War in Gaza for Some Reason"]

Just assume she supports whichever side you oppose most and go from there.  It's easier and lets you show how open-minded you are about complete strangers who don't agree with you.  But that's probably not what they're after.  This is why I assume Taylor Swift was manufactured precisely to group collectivists and children together like this.

I don't know Taylor that well.  We dated a few times but I dumped her and won't give any details about that.  It's none of your business and I'm sure she agrees.  Anyway, she's already done this by supporting Hillary and Biden and is very rich, so we know what side she's on.  But it is to her credit that she hasn't been told to step out and think people cares what she thinks about stuff like this.

There's already enough reason to hide what you actually think because you don't know who is around you, even if you don't have much to lose.  Taylor and her handlers have a lot more to lose, as do other famous people.  I'm sure that's why they get manufactured, the elites want them to shepherd the peasants along.

When the resistance finally happens, we will pay close attention to the rich and famous to see if they all oppose us, but it's totally understandable why we don't want to do that.  The whole point to entertainment is that we don't have to think about things like this.  The left opposes this and have always run Hollywood to impose what they want, not the rest of us.

Chase Bank Building Explodes in Downtown Youngstown, Ohio — One Missing, Six Hospitalized
May 28, 2024

Hunter Biden’s Stripper Baby Mama to Publish ‘Tell-All’ Memoir During The Democratic National Convention
May 29, 2024

□ [“Yale Student Group Calls for 'Open Intifada' Against the Citizens of the United States"]

Haven't heard much about the protestors for a few weeks, but the universities are setting themselves as support for the invaders and the elites.  They also function as expendable.  If there's anybody united on this side, it's probably the Muslims, so of course Yale is going along with them.  There's also agents from China and other nations, but that's probably the main goal, Islam rules.

I still think this is one reason the *woke* propaganda was pushed so much, to get the brainless students willing to sacrifice themselves for whatever reason is handy.  Meanwhile the others will be identified, monitored, recruited or just removed from the scene altogether.  They will be commanded by officers from China or related organizations, putting all the attacks together at once.

How many students are going along with this?  No way to know.  I just assume the more elite the school is, the more everybody is obedient.  There are those who go to learn useful skills and couldn't get into mechanics or plumbing, but otherwise they'll go along with the tribe.  If nothing else, they'll want to get laid.

Islamic Leader Declares Muslim Domination of U.S. Politics Imminent — Vows to ‘Rule’ America from Congress to White House
May 27, 2024

Illegal Alien Arrested at Virginia Truck Stop for Abducting and Taking ‘Indecent Liberties’ with Minor
May 28, 2024

North Korean Launch Hundreds of Excrement-Filled Balloons at South Korea – Regime Calls It a ‘Gift of Sincerity’
May 29, 2024

□ [“Politico Headline: 'Democrats in full-blown 'freak-out' over Biden'"]

They're definitely worried.  It's still ambivalent if it's just the lower ranks who don't know the thefts are set or if even the higher ranks see serious problems.  I've said for a long time that despite their standard policies, I really believe the left has some deep plan in place, but there is increasingly proof that that they really don't, even now.  If there's a plan underway, it's it's from high-ranking resistance tricking our rulers into this situation.

The trials aren't working.  There's just too many people who won't believe it, even if Trump is sent to jail.  He'd become a martyr and even blacks and immigrants couldn't ignore that example.  And if he doesn't go to jail, he's proven that he's more unbeatable than ever.  And this is what our rulers have spent years working on???  It just gives him an excuse to campaign on their property.

One reason I say there must be a real plan is because it's just too stupid to think they've gotten this far without it.  Could they really have believed that we'd be happier under Biden than Trump?  That's insane, but below the rulers, the next level of elites seem to have expected real success, Disney being the most obvious example.

So even devout leftists can see huge problems, and the only immediate solution is to send Robert De Niro in to mouth off?  That's not going to convince anybody and as far as I can tell, it's not even bring promoted by anybody except Trump supporters.  Giving your enemy reasons to mock you is a bad plan, and Democrats expect people to give them money to keep making this happen.

Housing Collapse Brewing: Top U.S. Mortgage Lender Offers Zero Down Mortgages
May 29, 2024

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