14 May, 2024

When are they going to reboot Debbie Does Dallas?

Armed French Gang Attacks Prison Convoy, Kill 2 Guards, Wounds 3, Frees Drug Trafficker ‘The Fly’
May 14, 2024

Biden Says He “Works For Kamala Harris” in Awkward Remarks at AANHPI Heritage Month Reception
May 13, 2024

□ [“Biden Announces New Tariffs on China"]

What happened to the old tariffs on China, the ones Biden complained about in 2019?  Haven't heard if he actually ended them or was just lying to his voters.  But either way, he could be doing the same thing now and none of his supporters would notice it.

These tariffs will hit Chinese imports, such as steel, aluminum, semiconductors, batteries, critical minerals, solar cells, and electric cars.  All those people who want to buy electric cars will need a lot more money to reach that dream.  And the government is looking to ban every vehicle that isn't electric, so they'll be making a lot more money that way too.

We'll know the rulers are serious about opposing China if they ever try to restart the manufacturing industry that used to be so big in the US.  Otherwise the US has to import everything useful, so these tariffs are basically an extra tax on Americans (and/or a bribe to the politicians who imposed them.)  It's definitely not going to help the economy, but that's not really the goal here.

Pro-Israel Conference in Nashville Canceled Due to Threats from Antifa and Pro-Hamas Groups
May 13, 2024

Stormy Daniels Wore a Bulletproof Vest to Court in New York But Made Sure to Show Off  Her Cleavage
May 14, 2024

□ [“Northwestern University Journalism Professor Admits 'Our Work is Not About Objectivity'"]

They can only get what they want by denying reality and they've developed the notion that they can 'self-identify' whatever they want as the truth.  As they would say, that's the "narrative" they're pushing.  And they get well-paid for it, probably because they oppose money.

□ [“UC Davis Poetry Professor Tells Critical Woman ‘Put a Gun in Your Mouth, You Piece of Sh*t’"]

And this is how they devolve themselves.  Is it really suicide if you're just obeying the professor's command?  Wouldn't that be *causing* a death by giving the orders?  But opposing Israel is enough to justify anything, according to the people in charge.  You can see why they support Hamas.

This is what colleges have been about for over half a century.  Probably much longer but I'm just being convenient here.  They get to be elite while pretending to believe in equality and look down on anyone who disagrees.  To be honest, I'm surprised that it's taken them this long to be so insane.  It's probably an example of how great society was before they destroyed it, that there was always so much more in life, which is why they had to ignore it.  There was too much "objectivity."

More Hospitals Beginning to Demand Payment Upfront Before Administering Patient Treatments
May 13, 2024

Secretary Blinken Rocks Out in Kyiv Cocktail Bar, Singing “Rocking to the Free World”
May 14, 2024

□ [“W.H.O. 'Pandemic Treaty' Will be Negotiated in Secret"]

Well of course they'll be in secret, that's just they're nature.  Nobody's been saying 'vote for me and I'll give the UN full authority over your lives.'  Chairman Zi is the only one we can name who will be in charge, and that's still just speculation.  We wouldn't know it if he's a figurehead, any more than we conclusively know who dictates orders for Biden.

It's not clear how much resistance they're getting.  It would help if people were actually working to oppose them.  But we do know the soon-to-be slaves are opposed to their self-appointed masters.  So the people in charge need to make plans without telling the rest of us until it's too late to do anything.  Either that or "population reduction."

Only two weeks before the official meeting starts, and I still assume they have everything in place already, thank to subordinates.  I also think there will be unexpected problems, but for convenience, I assume they'll go through with everything they intended.  But they're really going to need, at the very least, a figurehead, if not an actual dictator leader.  There's simply no way to expect the world to obey the orders of people we've never heard of and they're the ones who impose themselves on our lies so it's all on them.

Training Materials Explain to Noncitizens and Illegal Aliens How To Register to Vote in DC Elections
May 14, 2024

□ [“Jennifer Lawrence Calls Mike Pence Gay at GLAAD Awards, Says He Has a Weird Penis"]

She would know.  The elites have their sexual pets and send them to Hollywood.  I think she's actually sending out a message by calling him 'gay.'  We know this crowd has been saying 'everyone is gay' for a long time and therefore it's oppression for people to not be.  They don't even need to wonder how they get the new generations of kids to molest, they just want to shove it into all of them, good and hard.

At this point, I have to wonder how many Hollywood stars were actually born as normal people and how many were groomed from birth in hidden collectives.  The fact that I have any clue who Jennifer Lawrence is suggests how deeply this runs, but when I look up something in older Hollywood, I have to wonder how many of them were involved in things like this.

So that's why I think Lawrence is calling Mike Pence out for some reason.  Why else would she have any reason to mention him?  They're having as much conflict as the rest of us, it's just that they're all 'dom' compared to us as 'sub' so they have different ways of expressing it on the rare occasion they go public.

Or maybe she's just trying to set Pence up as the next Republican candidate, hoping voters will screech 'oh no!  She's attacking Pence!!!'  That doesn't seem likely, but remember, we aren't dealing with sane people here.

John Ratzenberger Says Working Class People Support Trump:  ‘He Knows How to Build Things’
May 14, 2024

I've been noticing a lot of youtube videos that are just people watching old movies and listening to old music.  I've played more of those videos than I care to admit, although at least I limit them to a limited range, since I don't have too much interest in this.  I will admit that "Airplane" seems to be the one I keep going back to.  That movie just holds up mindbogglingly well.  It's also interesting seeing what people's first reactions to "Blazing Saddles" is.  That's not the world we live in now.

But it is interesting to see how these people usually have no clue what they're about to get into and are usually pleasantly surprised.  The music is actually memorable, which is something it's lost in the last few decades, while the movies have characters, stories and real interactions.  At this point, I think the subsect of people who go for special effects and things like that is minimal.  It's not a real space ship, it's not even cgi, but it looks cool and someone had to blow up the Death Star.  [I'm referring of course to Lando and the Millennium Falcon since nobody cares about that stupid X-wing in the prequel movie.]

It's also an interesting look at how worthless modern art is, and how relevant things were even a few decades ago.  Just being interesting is a skill that few people have anymore, and that's not counting what the movie and music industries have become.  Maybe you can just blame youtube and the internet in general, but it's all been going downhill for quite a while.  Yet the real quality does exist, even if it's harder to find now.

Charles III Unveils Creepy First Oil Portrait of Him as King
April 14, 2024

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