23 May, 2024

Time to do that word-thing with all those words and stuff...

Days After Creepy King Charles Portrait Unveiled, Horrible Princess Kate Painting Is Revealed
May 23, 2024

FBI issues terror alert warning of Islamic attack of ‘Pride Month’ events without mentioning Islam
May 22, 2024

□ ["Comedy Central Daily Show skit ripping Kamala Harris' word salads"]

Well this is...  Has a leftist group ever criticized Harris' inability to word-ise the language correctly?  Have they even mentioned it?  This is the most historical of days, where a woman has actually been made fun of.  When have you ever seen that before?

I won't say it was hilarious, but I did get a few chuckles, which is also a very rare experience from modern entertainment.  It was an actual comedic skit, a woman narrating and acting out her role as Harris' "Holistic Thought Advisor."  It wasn't very funny, but I thought she did a great portrayal.  It was like something you'd see on those TV shows that used to make fun of anyone other than President Trump.

Just the novelty stands out, same reason as the way that I actually know who Sydney Sweeney is.  Haven't seen this before.  Well, not for a long time anyway, not for free.  But now they're showing off some traits that could attract an audience, it might even make them money.

I assume Sweeney is being shown off for the same reason, but at least men always like to see that.  Why have they been showing off Kamala Harris all of a sudden?  Democrats aren't known for laughing when they're made fun of, so this was entirely deliberate.  It's like the time has come to say 'get rid of her' and they'll use humiliation to do it.

FBI Raids Office and Businesses of Controversial Soros-Funded District Attorney in Mississippi
May 23, 2024

□ [“Black Supporters Chanting 'We Love Trump!'"]

Have not looked up any info on Trump's Bronx rally, which is probably over by the time I wrote this.  I saw a little footage here or there, of non-whites complimenting him, or at least criticizing Democrats for making things worse over the last few years.  And there was a long line of mostly non-white people  who were waiting to get in.

I did see more footage of leftists criticizing him for this, that he's stuck in the Bronx because he's required to be in court.  Well, ok, so he finds something to do with his free time, and if that means campaigning in Democrat-solid districts, that's how Trump works.

You don't see Biden doing that.  He was invited to take part of the Ukraine Peace Summit in Switzerland but turned it down because he's going to Hollywood to campaign.  Priorities.  Maybe he'll send Hunter to get a new job.

How long until Trump starts going to other leftist cities?  Yet again, it's something Biden's not even remotely capable of it.  I'm guessing the point is to get enough votes for Trump that there's no chance of stealing the election.  I'm still pessimistic, but it's a nice sight, and I hope to find more articles about how this rally went and the effect on places like Chicago.

The left has to strike hard.  Otherwise they'll see blacks and whites working together for the same purpose.  This isn't going to go well for them, so they'll need a major attack.

It’s Like Déjà Vu:  Germany Vows to Arrest Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu on ICC Orders
May 23, 2024

□ [“Healthcare Kaiser Permanente Begs Unvaxxed Doctors Fired For Covid Mandates to Come Back"]

Do you say anything about how wrong you were to fire them in the first place?  Will you promise to not fire them the next time they refuse to get an untested drug or impose it on others who don't want it either?  I know, you were "just following orders" as the old stereotype says, but that doesn't mean anyone has to obey you, and you're the one begging the disobedient to return.

Not sure how they would do it, but I hope the doctors don't come back and instead work to put together  a working healthcare system instead.  It would be difficult to do, and that's not counting supply and logistics, but when everything collapses, at least there won't be government intruding.  And hopefully we'll be able to trust the doctors who get involved, because the rest were willing to push poison.

It's not clear where the company's desperation is coming from, based on their letter.  There's the same economic problems everyone else is having, and the fact that health care is somewhat more important to maintain than DEI requirements, but why now?  For that matter, which other healthcare providers are suffering whatever Kaiser is dealing with?

I'm sure this is part of the plan to have government take over everything, but that always happens.  What are the specifics here?  I just hope the doctors refuse.  I'm thinking of the climax of Atlas Shrugged where the most important men in every community go on strike and everyone else has to realize what life is like without them.

Taxpayer-Funded Government Schools in Seattle Are Now Offering Hormone Blockers
May 23, 2024

□ [“Biden Can Barely Walk, Struggles with Simple Directions at Welcoming Ceremony for Kenyan Leader"]

The Marine had to indicate where he was to go.  Jill had to take over the greetings.  But at least Biden got to introduce "our nation’s first black vice president, President Kamala Harris.”

I'm wondering if something is up with this.  He's repeated multiple times that she's the actual President, so it's not just a moment of senility.  Maybe he still remembers being veep - even saying a few days ago that he was veep when the Covid pandemic hit - and that's literally the way they made things simpler for him.  Tell him he's still veep and that other important person is the POTUS.  They're both dark skinned anyway, it's hard to tell them apart.

□ [“I Never Believed Biden Would Drop Out, But..."]

There are more and more indicators that the rulers are getting ready to dump Biden.  I think most people would support that, even those who like Biden.  But there's still the same problems, the party hasn't built the next generation, it's always preferred abortion, so they have nobody to pick.  And saying they'll go with someone who's just like Biden, only younger, means running into the same problem that people don't like Biden.

Can't give the WHO all the authority immediately because people will immediately revolt, so they need to pretend the uniparty legitimately won fair elections.  Which leads back to the problem of picking a replacement.  Nancy Pelosi's nephew is the only one who seems remotely possible, but he started his political career working for Willie Brown, probably under the same desk as Kamala Harris, so there's some conflicts.  And Nancy's not the only one with relatives.

CIA Blocked Investigation Into Kevin Morris, the "Sugar Brother" Bankrolling Hunter Biden's Defense
May 23, 2024

Russia Begins Tactical Nuclear Weapons Drill Near Ukraine’s Border ‘To Counter Militant Statements by Western Officials’
May 22, 2024

So what happened to the 'suicide burners' we were hearing a bit about not that long ago?  The military member was stupid enough to burn himself to death in front of the Israeli embassy in DC.  Then someone else did something like that and that's been about it.  There must be some underground praise for this, trying to inspire others, but it just seems to have gone nowhere.

Which makes sense, but that would be a real defeat for the leaders pushing this stuff out on their servants.  I keep making this point, but at least actual suicide bombers are trying to get as many other victims as possible, and they have devout religious motivation to get them started.

If you need an excuse to burn yourself up, anything will do, being dumped by your girlfriend or something.  And nobody's going to react 'I was completely uninterested in destroying Israel, but then I saw some complete stranger kill himself over this, so now I want to do that too!'

I'm sure there will be one or two more at some point, but this seems to be focused on the delusion and depression that leftists have anyway.  When society actually collapses, what Israel is doing will be the least important thing to anybody who's not in the Middle East, and suicide will be a lot more prominent anyway at that point.

I assume this is all based on the worship of death which is also normal for leftists, but this is much more limited than they expect.  The people who care about the dead are focused on the dead themselves, everybody else can go on with their lives.

RNC Headquarters Under Lockdown Due to “Suspicious Substance” on Site – Hazmat Team on Scene
May 22, 2024

The Left Can't Meme:  Campaign Wants to Hire a ‘Meme Manager’ to Win Over Young Voters
May 23, 2024

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