31 May, 2024

I've fallen and I could get up if I wanted, but I choose not to.

Scientists Announce ‘Ground-Breaking’ Cancer Vaccine — Uses Same Technology as Dodgy Covid Jabs
May 31, 2024

Not a lot of news today, mostly comments on the Trump verdict.  That's understandable.  Wouldn't surprise me if there's events going on and this is a distraction, but probably not from our rulers.  Leftists tend to enjoy distractions like this, so I think it would come from their allies in China or Iran or somewhere taking advantage.

There's the "sleeping giant" metaphor being passed around among Trump supporters.  I hope so.  I keep thinking we should organize as a resistance, but this is an area where that isn't really as necessary as you'd expect.  As many people as possible moving in their own way would create more problems for our masters.

That's where Trump would be the least important part of the equation, which is part of his plan.  He even made a comment in his speech today that it's bigger than him, this is what he means.  I've wondered how long this was underway, I suspect it was why he announced his campaign, almost 10 years ago.  I don't know if he expected 2020 to be stolen, but I'm sure they planned for that possibility.

Michigan Passing Laws to Make Systemic Voter Fraud Easier, Harder to Catch
May 31, 2024

□ [“Ten GOP Senators to Boycott Passing Bills with Democrats, Citing White House’s ‘Un-American’ Actions and Rule of Law ‘Mockery’"]

This is a start, although we'll need some evidence that it's more than empty words.  They already made sure "national security" wasn't included, and at this point we don't know how they define that term.  Giving money to transgender illegal immigrants might be "national security."  But this could make the uniparty more obvious, going along with Democrats.

Then there's the states and cities.  The uniparty has established that federal crimes can be judged by state governments and the judge and jury can be as corrupt as need be to guarantee a guilty verdict.  Now they can file against Biden, his family, the Clintons, Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Mitt Romney, all the elites.  The Democrats set this rule, make them live up to their own standards.

Then there's the companies, big and small, and the famous people.  If they're going along with this, they need to be cut off permanently.  Unless there's a reason to think otherwise, I'd assume they're all on the enemy's side.  We're not going to get far by trusting everyone.

That said, I wonder how much of this should be done publicly.  There's valid reasons to keep things secret but I also think there's a point where it should just be open, what we're doing and why.  That is, 'we aren't putting up with this any longer, what are you going to do about it?'  It's going to reach that point sooner or later, might as well do it on our schedule, not theirs.

Biden Admin Plans to Use Taxpayer Dollars to Rebuild Gaza
May 31, 2024

□ [“Alex Soros Urges Democrats to Call Trump a 'Convicted Felon' at Every Opportunity"]

Why do they think promoting their fake courts help?  Might as well call blacks "convicted felons" since most of them are.  I made the joke yesterday about how blacks that shoot people can be called "Trump supporters" and so can the ones they shoot, which is why liberals don't care, but this is sounding more and more accurate.

And Soros specifies that “Repetition is the key to a successful message."  It also shows that the person speaking isn't capable of any real thought, just saying the same nonsense over and over again.  But this is how leftists win their followers, making people tired of constantly hearing the same thing and using that to seize more power.  Doesn't change the fact that they stole the elections and the courts to reach this result.  The ones who do this will be identified and held up to genuine justice.

This isn't going to work any place people are allowed to speak [we used to call that place "America"].  Anyone who tries this will be very quickly responded to with numerous arguments about how fake it is, and that will just make things worse.  What are you going to do, pass a law forbidding people to challenge the rulers?  Ok, they probably will, but it won't work.

This just reminds me of what we've been noticing from Disney for the last year or two, how they keep repeating themselves and think it'll work this time.  Then when it doesn't, they attack their own fans.  Even some Democrats must notice that this case could have happened years ago, isn't relevant in the first place, yet their leaders are suddenly so happy that they can ignore the wars and the economy and everything else.  All so they can add "convicted felon" to their dialogue and not get called "racist."

Former VP Mike Pence Speaks Out: Trump Conviction 'Disservice to the Nation'
May 31, 2024

□ [“Vox Whines That Corporations Are Abandoning Woke Propaganda"]

They probably whined that companies didn't do enough of it for the last few years.  It's not about helping the companies, it's about making the propaganda inescapable for everyone.  Then they'll be able to punish people who don't speak *woke.*  It's all they want, all the time, and anyone who disagrees is evil.

I still find it hard to believe that any company that wasn't permanently leftist would ever go along with this.  Ok, to an extent, it might be a way to get new customers, but it should have been clear very early on that there was no limit to this propaganda but there was a very quickly-reached limit to what the customers would put up with.

If there's anything interesting about the times we live in, interesting in a good way, I think that we really are getting to see why the old rules worked, because the new ones fail very quickly.  At best, they can get along through competition with others.  You might want to buy a soda pop because it's *woke* but the market will dry up if they all are and our rulers intend to force them all to obey.

Trump and RFK Jr. Agree to ‘The People’s Town Hall,’ But Biden Will Be Missing
May 31, 2024

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