27 May, 2024

Fill in your own title here.

So then Beau Biden told me he had evidence that would lead to Hillary Clinton's arrest...20240526
Beau Biden knows where he is. He's in the jungle, baby. Why are you asking?20240526

Argentina Travel Influencer Found Dead While Under Investigation for Child Porn

I've been going through the very long and tedious task of chronologically organizing the thousands of pages of material I've written and published over the years.  Not fun, but I was running through a couple of things mentioned in 2016 that may be relevant today.

So really this is just a note-to-self on what to check for on other material, but remember 2016?  Obama was getting ready to hand over power to the replacement puppet, Hillary Clinton who would carry on his policies.  This is also where there seems to be the first official presentation of the state-sanctioned tyranny they've pushed ever since.

There's riots and protests by leftists.  This certainly fits the narrative but they're leftists, it's all they know how to do, so it might not be that big of a deal.  Or maybe it was, which is why I'm writing this note-to-self.  But what really stuck out were the references to transgenders.  The lunacy had existed for a long time, but either it wasn't popularized or I just hadn't been paying attention to it beforehand, specifically as an imposition from Obamacare.

Remember Obamacare?  It was supposed to make medical care perfect for everyone and yet it hasn't.  Are we still forced to buy insurance or was it just imposed on businesses if we expect to get jobs?  The price of everything certainly increased but leftists don't seem to care about that.  Maybe it's just because they give all their attention to transgenders.

And this lines up with something I noticed a long time ago, that Obama was clearly programed to follow a certain pattern.  When he ran in 2008, he was totally opposed to gay marriage and IIRC, had nothing to do with the trans movement.  But Obamacare was somehow passed anyway, and in 2012 he said he all of a sudden met gay people so he now supported that marriage, and here's the trans agenda.  Nobody noticed or cared, but this was all right there, and has been pushed ever since.

I'm not in the 'Michelle is trans' community, but it is a valid question.  Either way, this was clearly part of the push for Obama and Obamacare, as well as the imposition of this ever since.

CIA Blocked IRS From Interviewing Hunter Biden’s Hollywood Fixer Friend Ken Morris
May 25, 2024

BBC Calls Latest Trump Trial “Weakest Criminal Case” No One Is Watching This Circus
May 26, 2024

Student Thugs and Pro-Gaza Goons Disrupt Princeton Memorial Day Parade and Block the Road
May 27, 2024

□ [“Libertarian Party Chooses Gay Former Democrat as Nominee, His Speech Rails Against ‘Genocide in Gaza’"]

So he's basically out there to promote Trump.  Not that he understands that, he thinks he's promoting Biden and showing why the Libertarian party is worthless, but in doing so, he'll show intelligent Libertarians what Trump was talking about.  This is what they're stuck with.

He got into politics with the anti-GWB protests in the early 2000s, he supported Obama, he's clearly one of those uniparty members who are sent out to keep others in line with Democrats.  I have no idea how many Libertarians are like that, but the rest will be able to see this and will want to get the hell away from this guy.  They'll boo Trump but they'll still vote for him because the alternative is worse.

This is why I've always supported the two-party system.  Adding more just makes them all government employees first who just change seats after.  If it's down to two parties, each voter has to decide for themselves which one they want the least.  Politically and morally, that's just a better way to go.

Of course there's still the threat of the uniparty, but that would happen with a multiparty system as well.  In both cases, the threat is making government the priority, which is the opposite of freedom.  You can see that with this guy not having the slightest interest in problems that Americans are having, it's all about people far away and destroying Israel.  He knows he has no chance of winning but there are other ways to profit.

Louis Gossett, Jr., actor, age 87, 20240329

MSNBC’s Joy Reid Calls Rep. Byron Donalds a MAGA Prop ‘Black Guy’- Donalds Fires Back
May 27, 2024

□ [“Rep. Rashida Tlaib Suggests Voting Against Biden in November, Calls Him an ‘Enabler’ of Genocide"]

She's giving a speech to the People’s Conference for Palestine, so they'd all be more willing to vote for Hamas than for Biden under the best circumstances.  As it is, they're just tearing everything down, which also benefits Hamas, but anyway...  There are still Democrats who support Israel, so one side is going to be driven away no matter what.

You can support leftism or you can support Islam, but you can't do both.  Muslims know that and they're guaranteed to win, so what are Democrats going to do about that?  This is just another interesting glimpse of the extremely contradictory viewpoints Democrats have tried to keep together all these years.

If you trust polls, they don't look good for Biden anyway, especially in "swing states."  I wouldn't trust whatever the polls actually say, but everybody wants rid of him.  It's even speculated that this is why the Democratic convention is being run so late in the season while the first debate with Trump is happening so early.  It makes no sense, but this must be part of the plan, to show off how worthless Biden is while there's still time to replace him.

At a guess, this may have been the overall purpose for stealing the election.  Biden would get all the blame, the party tries to get credit for dumping him, then the next puppet can continue promoting the *woke* and funneling money to Ukraine or whoever.  This may have been what Hillary was expected to do, although she was just too lazy to get the first election stolen.  Muslims wouldn't want her either.

‘Transgender’ New Zealand Teen Tried Double Mastectomy on Herself After Watching YouTube Video
May 27, 2024

□ [“Biden Tells Gold Star Families At Arlington National Cemetery about His Son’s Death From Cancer"]

Cancer?  When did this happen?  Why are the American people always the last ones to be told about some famous person's son dying of cancer?  And which son was it, couldn't be Beau or Hunter.  [looks it up]  Ok, I guess he says it was Beau, but Biden has never said anything like this before.  You think maybe he's getting a little senile in his old age?

And why was he talking about himself and his losses when he's supposed to be there for other people and their losses?  He even specifies that it's wasn't the same thing, so why did he bring it up?  Not the brightest bulb.

□ [“Reps. Cori Bush and Ilhan Omar Mix Up Memorial Day With Veterans Day, Delete Tweets in Embarrassment"]

Speaking of which, these sitting members of Congress used the opportunity to ignore the dead and demand more government intervention to celebrate Memorial Day.  They don't even have the decency to admit it, they just erase their tweets.  Or at least their staff does, there's no clue if these females had a clue they were made.

This basically summarizes how leftists work.  They'll use any excuse to expand government regardless of how irrelevant it is, and when they're caught making a mistake, they hide it.  The public must be kept ignorant of their blatant ignorance of national holidays.  At least a decent response would be to keep it public and admit 'yeah, I did this, everybody should be able to know what I'm capable of.'  No wonder they want to run the government and expand its power over everyone else.

UK, Germany and the EU Float Military Conscription – Hungary’s Orbán Blasts the Idea
May 27, 2024

□ [“CNN Is Prepping Dems That 'Worst Case Scenario' May Be Coming With Trump Verdict"]

CNN is probably just filling up its screen time with stuff like this.  This is about the 'hush money,' the hooker paid by someone who didn't even tell Trump about it, which as you know is a crime.  It sounds like this is the only legal case that has a chance of being finished before the next stolen elections, so I'm sure the rulers are putting everything they can to guarantee a guilty verdict.

The Biden campaign has already announced that he'll be able to make a coherent speech on the matter as soon as the verdict is out, so they're flexing their muscle on the jury to ensure the results.  I'm sure that won't look good for the non-white voters who are increasingly announcing their support for Trump, but obviously the Biden campaign doesn't care what they think.

For convenience, I'll assume the verdict is 'guilty.'  I also assume there's a decent chance Trump won't go to jail, he'll just file an appeal and keep going.  To an extent, I'm willing to see him go to jail, just because it'll finally put the tyranny out in the open and we can start pointing out who to resist.  But I'm sure there's more going on than just that.

The rulers expect obedience and this is not how it works.  Pretend for the sake of argument that the accusations and 'guilty' verdict are totally fair, there's just too many people who don't believe that.  If 10% of the country didn't go along with it, that would be a huge catastrophe, and it's going to be a lot more than that.  You're not going to force them to go along and the stupidity required to think you could is, well, it's why we don't believe the accusations and upcoming 'guilty' verdict are true.

North Korea Launches Ballistic Missile Towards Japan – Okinawa Residents Told To Hide in Shelters
May 27, 2024

United Plane Engine Catches Fire Just Before Takeoff at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport
May 27, 2024

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