17 May, 2024

Here's a secret: Secrets are stupid.

When you're having an argument with your wife, you can never go wrong by asking what would William Burroughs do in this position.20240516
I meant take lots of drugs.  What did you think I was talking about?

Hi!  I'm Christopher Woerner.  You may remember me from such internet posts as "who decided that the letter 'b' should come after 'a' but before 'q'?" and "oh my god, look at that meme behind you!"  But now I'm here to remind you that I'm lonely and pathetic with nothing better to do with my life whatsoever.  Don't forget to share and subscribe!  It helps the algorithms.20240517

Man Who Attacked Paul Pelosi Sentenced to 30 Years in Federal Prison After Nancy Demanded a “Very Long” Sentence
May 17, 2024

□ [“Putin Floats Creation of Buffer Zone in Northeastern Ukraine, Says Conquest of Kharkov Is Not in Russia’s Current Plans"]

For one thing, the basic offer is sensible.  I don't know if there's any real definition to "buffer zone" so it's basically conquered territory, one way or another.  It's what the victor does, says 'surrender now and give this up or don't surrender and we'll just keep going.'  No reason to think the rulers of Ukraine will go along with it though, they could have done this months or years ago and would have many more young men still alive now.  Obviously that's why Ukraine supporters will totally oppose this offer.

Second of all, Kharkov City has over a million people, if Russia really keeps going, that's going to be a big fight and probably won't be over soon.  Unlike Ukraine supporters, Putin can see reasons to avoid this and will leave the decision to others.  You'd think the ones going 'you'll have to kill us all' would be on the front lines, but they never are.

Third, I don't see any mention of Ukraine joining NATO.  A 'buffer zone' could help as protection from whatever the west might try next, maybe.  I could also see that it would be taken as a given, so Putin doesn't need to push this, but one would think it would at least be mentioned in passing.

Fourth, since we don't really know where Russia stands on the WHO taking over the world, whether they oppose it or if they're behind the whole conspiracy, this could just be about making sure the borders are as up-to-date as possible before the elites sign whatever agreements are still being negotiated.  You really expect Joe Biden or whoever to stand up and refuse to go along with this, no matter how many Ukrainians die?

Finally, there is the use of the phrase "current plan."  Maybe that's just something to do with the translation.  Yeah, sure, that must be it.

Netherlands Approves Assisted Suicide Death for Young and Healthy Woman Battling Depression
May 17, 2024

□ [“Are NeverTrump Donors Having a Change of Heart and Becoming Never Biden Voters?"]

Pretend, for the sake of argument, that the upcoming elections aren't already stolen, or won't be cancelled if the planned theft fails.  Imagine it's a fair election on who gets more votes.  These Never Trumpers were stupid enough to go for Biden last time, why the hell would you think they've learned anything since then?

It's not like they're poor, they aren't struggling to get through each day of this leftist economy that makes everything worse.  Some of them might own real businesses and not just get government funding, but then why would these people want to get in on politics in the first place?  And why would they want this promotion?

And never mind Biden, he was just a follow-up to what they expected to do with Hillary.  Was she defying the *woke* agenda at any point?  No, leftism had spent decades building up to that point and were outraged by any delay.  That agenda grew much bigger in 2017 through 2020 and would do anything for revenge.

How could these donors not have seen that then and every day since?  How could they miss everybody else getting increasingly pissed off at this tyranny?  This sort of thing makes it look like they're always on the leftist side or they're just puppets of someone else who is.  I'm starting to get the impression that all the elites were installed in this position at very young ages, and not just those who were born to rich families.

2016 Surveillance Footage Shows P. Diddy Violently Assaulting His Former Girlfriend Cassie Ventura
May 17, 2024

□ [“Biden Panders to Blacks, Says He'll 'Get in Trouble' If He Keeps Talking"]

Sounds like just a normal senile speech, I'm pretty sure he uses the 'I'll get in trouble' line regularly.  Never says who will punish him for whatever he's babbling about, but he keeps doing it anyway.  And this is why he's spent his whole life failing upwards.

As always, there's more talk about blacks turning against Democrats, or at least Biden.  At some level, I'm sure that's true.  There's just a point where the smartest of them see the problems our masters are causing, always blaming whitey.  They can promise more free stuff but it's also obvious that there's no money for that, yet they never quit.

Then there's the way made-up genders suddenly became the priority, along with abortion which is the single biggest killer of blacks, whose lives are supposed to matter.  It's very easy to see obvious contradictions in leftism, and those leftists refuse to even acknowledge this, much less do anything about it except seize more power and help themselves to our money.

No way to know if this is deliberate, but Trump is symbolizing this as the one being attacked by the government for any excuse they can make up.  They won't do anything about the actual criminals killing people now, they'll invite more of those.  This may be why Trump got the mug shot, to show a willingness to take it like the poor people have to.  You don't see Biden doing that, he just lies about it.

Gavin Newsom Boasts Lawless California is The ‘National Model’ on Solving Homelessness
May 17, 2024

AOC and Marjorie Taylor Greene Get Into Catfight During House Hearing
May 16, 2024

□ [“39 Secret Service Agents Demand Investigation into Biden’s DEI Policies After Unusual Assault by Female Agent on Male Superior"]

The Secret Service would basically have maximum authority.  Just the fact that they watch and listen to the POTUS (and to Biden) would provide too much knowledge to avoid.  The POTUS can be kept in a cage, the SS must have their own individual lives where they can see the effect on the nation and the world, as can their support units, suppliers, and other employees.

So from there, they would basically be obligated to talk about such things, even in private.  I'm sure there are serious rules about this and the SS themselves are probably under constant surveillance, but I'm wondering if this is part of the overall plan, working against the tyrants.

Just the fact that they have to deal with DEI is showing how it affects their job and coherence, and it's probably natural too think of how important their job is, protecting important people.  History has shown how the palace guard becomes its own force and, whatever plans the SS might have to prevent that, there's still human nature in place.

And to mess that with DEI?  It's only useful as a mask being worn by those who are effectively clones, uniformly *woke* and obedient.  That's not how a special unit can operate, so the problems become obvious.  I'm still surprise that even this much info is being released to the public.

Dabney Coleman, comic actor, age 92May 16, 2024

Pope Francis Tells 60 Minutes that Conservativism Is “A Suicidal Attitude”
May 17, 2024

Disney is still admitting more losses than they had admitted a couple months ago when a board member or two might have been replaced.  I'm wondering if there's any public record of how the board salaries are decided.  I've heard Iger gets paid $30 million a year and you'd think the last few years of Disney performance wouldn't really be worth that, so with no knowledge or experience, I'm suspecting that the board voted themselves a big raise just a few months ago.  Because why not?

They're trying to retool Star Wars and Marvel, so even someone like me who ignores this stuff can see a lot of ads and news articles about what their latest change is going to be.  What's weird is how these productions aren't finished and won't even be released for at least a year, if not several.  These releases will clearly be expensive bombs, why start promoting them now?  Promotion wouldn't be free, so it's just more money being wasted to give people years to talk about how these movies aren't worth seeing at all.

To the extent I pay attention to them, the ads don't say much about the characters and story, it's about promoting "diversity."  This has already been killing the releases, yet they just double down on this.  We keep seeing this in businesses like Bud Lite and Walgreens, promoting this stuff just destroys their profitability, the whole point of running a business.  It's like they really are trying to get rid of money by losing it all.

North Carolina’s Senate Votes to Ban Face Masks in Public, Democrats Are Triggered By This
May 17, 2024

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