26 May, 2024

Whoever wrote this headline deserves to get paid more so he never does it again.

Black Man Sets NYC Subway Passenger on Fire with Flaming Liquid – Second Flaming Liquid Attack in 4 Months
May 26, 2024

□ [“Trump Announces Former Rival Nikki Haley Will Likely Be on His Team"]

As always, Trump lives up to the stereotype of having a bad choice of character in his associates.  In theory, I could see trying to win over Haley and the handful of supporters she has, assuming they aren't all Democrats.  It's also true that he is trying to get people to vote for him and is obviously willing to campaign in enemy territory.  He just showed up at the Libertarian convention.

To his credit, he just showed up at the Libertarian convention and was straightforward.  Even as the crowd was booing at him, he said they could boo all they wanted, but if they also wanted to win, they'd have to vote for him.  You certainly wouldn't see Joe Biden doing that, even if his votes weren't already stolen, but you get my point.

So getting Nikki Haley on board is a double-edged sword.  There might be a benefit in getting her and her supporters in line, but then there's having to deal with her and her supporters.  It is true that in a war like this, there are people on your side that you really don't want on your side.  So overall, I can't oppose Trump winning over Nikki Haley, but it still sounds like another disaster in the making.

Denali National Park Superintendent Tells Construction Workers to Remove US Flag from Equipment – It “Detracts” from Park Experience
May 26, 2024

□ [“Angry Muslims Step Up ‘Abandon Biden’ Campaign Across Nine Swing States"]

Spend all this time trying to win them to your party, spend all this effort bringing their illegal immigrant buddies to vote for you, keep promoting that you want Israel destroyed, and they still turn against you for not destroying Israel.  That's gratitude for the infidel.

It might be just a show to make sure Democrats know whose side they need to be on despite all these decades of promising to support Israel.  They also used to say gay marriage was nobody else's business, abortion should be rare, blacks shouldn't be treated differently than whites and "global cooling" was going to destroy the world.  So they can change their policies any time they want.

But this also shows the problems of [blanking on the word] the Democrat approach to putting together a coalition of voting groups.  It's not looking for common interests and goals and working towards those, it's about bribing each individual group to keep them in line.  Blacks who want to destroy America and rich white people, Jews and Muslims who want to destroy Jews, poor people who keep getting poorer and rich people who keep getting richer because capitalism is bad.

So now they're having to look at how to keep this coalition together.  It's just not workable and the more they appeal to one or two groups - Muslims and transexuals - the worse they look to everyone else, and that's not counting the economy and the wars going on.

I'm actually feeling a slight bit of hope that even the election theft won't work this time.  Or that it's just so obvious that nobody can take it seriously.  The war will continue, but at least it'll have to be more open about who's on what side.

Aladdin and Little Mermaid Director Blasts Disney for Prioritizing Woke Messages Instead of Good Stories
May 26, 2024

□ [“WHO Global Pandemic Treaty Fails After Two Years of Negotiation"]

Remain skeptical.  Must remain skeptical.  Wait until there's more confirmation that this is what happened.  My first question is why they didn't have this treaty all ready to go before this week's meeting in Geneva?  My second is why anybody would be sent to Geneva if they weren't eager to sign, assuming they hadn't already and this was just a photo-op to make it public?

Just speculation, but this may have been a set-up for whatever comes next.  What if the western elites are shocked and depressed because they'd bet everything on this working out and someone else, most likely BRICS, is ready to move out for the next step.  There's a rumor that China will start moving in on Taiwan in early June, which would fit my theory, as well as Russia against Ukraine and Iran against Israel.

We'll have to see who that goes.  It's also possible that our rulers will go bonkers and start launching nukes as revenge on the rest of us for whatever imagined slight.  Otherwise they have to deal with the populace and we wouldn't like them when they're angry.

According to Roland Driece, co-chair of WHO’s negotiating board, they didn't have a final draft ready yet, so this week will be about working on it.  I could see some thug deciding that it has to be done his way and everybody goes along with it.  But there's also a problem that any nation that doesn't comply doesn't get punished for it, so there's no point to the agreement.  That's a problem which all groups have to face, but they're usually formed by people who want to be there.  Few people outside these negotiations want to be part of this and we won't comply.

One major aspect is nationalism.  A country is created by the men who make it and agree to their common principles.  A different group will have different principles.  Individuals are already more complicated than that, but these people just want to ignore the truth and impose their demands on the entire world.  That's a recipe for failure and, God willing, that's what's happening here.

Bitter Co-Host of The View Ana Navarro Insults Latino Trump Supporters: ‘Very Stupid Attitude’
May 25, 2024

“Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” – Trump Brings Down the House at Libertarian Convention
May 26, 2024

□ [“Libertarian Chair Just Levels Biden Team After Their Hot Take About Trump Speech"]

Ok, this is funny.  Biden-Harris HQ tweeted mockery of Trump being booed and the lady running the Libertarian Party responded "You didn't even show up.  You have zero credibility."  This just proves Trump's point.  He's out there going for as many Americans as possible, while the idiots who are deluded enough to think they win elections were also invited and didn't even respond.

□ [“'Democrat Messaging is Full of Sh*t!' – James Carville Goes Off on Democrats"]

Says the guy who helped design the modern version of it.  He does make some good points, “Talk about cost of living, and ‘we’re going to help deal with this.’  Don’t talk about f*cking Gaza and student loans!”  But he always falls back into standard leftism, it'll be a theocracy if Trump wins and blacks need to come "home."

There's also a good point - not sure if Carville made it or someone posting about him - about how they've gone from 'it's the economy, stupid' to 'you're stupid if you think the economy is bad.'  That's true, but they also know they'd be blamed if they admitted how bad the economy is, and they'd rather have things get worse than be blamed for it.

And it doesn't matter how many people suffer for this.  I always cite the GWB tax cuts as one of the key turning points of my awareness about leftism.  Before the tax cuts, my refund was *almost* enough to pay rent for a month.  After the tax cuts, it paid two months and left me enough money to treat myself with a pizza.  That's a big difference and I'm not the only poor person who saw the benefits, yet to this day I have never heard any leftist credit the Bush tax cuts for helping poor people.  Their rhetoric has been 100% about hating the rich and ignoring the poor.

There's a lot more poor people than there are rich people and leftists are much richer than most of us, yet they ignore this to attack people who have more money than them.  Or at least those who aren't leftist.  Nancy Pelosi can just keep getting richer, they don't mind that and they ignore the contradiction.

Start looking at what the faux-POTUS has done to poor people for the last three years and you'll suddenly discover more problems than you ever conceived of, problems that you supported all this time.  Whatever leftism I ever had was very minimal, but this sort of thing made it permanently past-tense.  Even pointing it to them never helped them understand, and adds to the proof that this is what we're up against in this conflict.  And now even blacks and Libertarians can see that.

Illegal Immigrant Stabbed to Death by Another Illegal Outside Shelter in NYC – Desperate Democrat Mayor Eric Adams Decides to Work With ICE to Get Around NYC’s Sanctuary City Laws
May 26, 2024

□ [“CBS’s Margaret Brennan Laughs in Buttigieg’s Face As He Can't Explain Why Only 7 or 8 Charging Stations Have Been Built"]

They spent billions of dollars to build charging systems all across the country, but you can count on your fingers the number they've constructed in the last three years.  But somehow they will have half-a-million chargers done by the end of the 2020s.

Best of all, if they fail, the people who made this decision will be long gone, free to hang out with the rich people who received those billions of dollars to fail to build chargers.  Works out, don't it?  Or maybe they'll be hanging out with all the rich people who burn fossil fuel to mine and transport the rare metals these charging stations require to function.  Or maybe they're just stupid enough to fall for the lies put out by these fossil-fuel burners getting even richer.

So how many of these people actually know they're a fraud and how many people are die-hard believers stupid enough to go along with it?  I'm coming to the theory that "earth worship" is the real crime that's been going on for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.  Funny how it's always the elites who are handling this against the rest of us.  Think there's a connection?

Massachusetts Trans “Woman” Goes on Stabbing Rampage at Movie Theater – Stabs 4 Girls Ages 9 to 17
May 26, 2024

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