15 May, 2024

We built this city on rock'n'roll. When are we going to get electricity and sewage?

Muslim Dentist in Florida Calls for Jews to Die, Now Faces Serious Action
May 15, 2024

Red Lobster Closes 120 Restaurants in 27 States — Plans to File Bankruptcy Soon
May 14, 2024

□ [“Mike Pence Demands Taxpayers Bail Out His Presidential Campaign, Over $1.3 Million in Unpaid Debts"]

Just when you think Mike Pence is out, they bring him back in to demand more of our money.

The people who didn't want you have to pay for you and you won't get them any choice in the matter.  That sounds like a basic description of the sort of POTUS he would have been.  It also describes the sort of candidate he supported back when he worked for Trump.  He got over $5 million for his campaign (somehow) yet he's in debt.

Maybe this was the real point to his campaign, just a convenient way to get into debt and help himself to other people's money.  Can you imagine him having to take a second job to pay for the debts he chose to make?  Like if you saw him working at McDonalds and, on the off-chance he was recognized, had to explain that this is why he's a Republican, because he'll pay his own damn debts.

Doesn't he have any friends to ask for help?  Or political allies?  What about the people who gave him money to run for POTUS, surely they'd support him just as much now.  Or were they just using him like he's trying to use the rest of us?  We may never know that, but we do know that nobody will be permitted to ask him any of these questions in public.  He'll take your money but he doesn't have to explain himself.

Harry and Meghan’s Charity ‘Delinquent’ in California, Must Stop Spending and Fundraising Immediately
May 14, 2024

Federal Reserve Chair Admits His Confidence Is Rattled as Wholesale Inflation Unexpectedly Surges
May 15, 2024

□ [“Rosie O’Donnell and Other Hollywood Post Video Telling Jill Biden to Call for Gaza Ceasefire"]

Why would they be asking her?  Aren't we supposed to pretend Joe Biden is responsible for anything?  Or that he can at least make his own decisions?  Did Jill have to tell him to get his daughter in the shower with him?  Why don't they at least ask Hunter Biden to do this, he's the one who's had actual jobs doing something that was worth a lot of money, you'd think Biden would genuinely care what he says about things.

But if we pretend for the sake of argument that there's any real person who would do what Jill said, why doesn't she tell Hamas to stop trying to destroy Israel?  Or tell the Philistines to stop supporting Hamas. They have to respect her, don't they?  Oh wait, Rosie and her crew are fine with Hamas killing people, they just oppose Israel defeating them.  That's what they really want to stop.

Or why not order Jill to order Hamas to let gays live?  Things like this make it look like the whole point of the "War on Terror," from the Muslim standpoint, was to promote stupid gays and lesbians to positions of authority so that the infidel could see how evil they really are, and recognize Islam's truth in getting rid of them permanently.  That truth becomes more obvious every day.

Anti-Israel Graduates Scream “Shut It Down” at Washington University’s Commencement Ceremony – Drowning Out the Chancellor
May 15, 2024

□ [“As Defenses Collapse and Constitutional Mandate About to End, Zelensky Cancels All Foreign Trips"]

Why didn't he do that before the pretend-US Secretary of State visited?  The defenses were collapsing then too, as was May 20, the date his election-cancellation mandate is supposed to expire.  What's changed that something is now too important to run away from?  He had been scheduled to visit places like Spain and Portugal, which of course is very relevant to running Ukraine.

I'm guessing Blinken was passing along messages about the upcoming 'new world order,' although at the moment we don't know what the WHO will decide to do about Zelensky.  If China and Russia are the ones calling the shots there, he might be declared a "pandemic" and ordered to stay at home.

Beyond that, we might be seeing similar events happen over the next week.  The prime minister of Slovakia was just shot multiple times, reportedly by a leftist writer.  The PM opposed this involvement with Ukraine and had ended all military aid.  The writer founded an organization called "Movement Against Violence" and obviously saw no contradiction here.

On the other side of the fence ocean, the president of Peru just issued a decree that transsexualism, gender identity disorder in children, dual-role transvestism, fetishist transvestism, egodystonic sexual orientation, and other gender identity disorders are all mental health conditions.  Don't know if I support the decree, but the 'we're not putting up with this any longer' mentality is definitely growing.

I have absolutely no evidence or even any clues to point to, but something about the upcoming WHO seizure of power at the end of the month looks sketchy, like some of them are having second thoughts or just getting chicken.  Either way, I do think more people will start speaking out against all of this.

And after writing the above, I just heard that Chairman Zi just made a trip to Europe, visiting a number of nations there.  Gee, there's nothing worthwhile he could be telling their leaders, is there?  It's not like they're looking at a trade war, or that they might rather rely on the yen and not the dollar.  Whatever the deal with Ukraine is, Zi was definitely putting out orders.

Al Qaeda Terrorist Network Now Moving Back Into Afghanistan
May 15, 2024

□ [“Barge Collides with Galveston Bridge, Causing Partial Collapse and Oil Spill"]

These are very deliberate, as are all the other attacks on our energy and infrastructure.  We don't know if the government is deliberately causing it or if they're just letting it happen and keeping everyone else distracted by other problems as much as possible until it's too late.  My guess is that the Chinese invaders are responsible but there could be many others involved.

I also think this is about another aspect of the plan to take the US down, whether or not the 'new world order' actually gets started in two weeks.  Like the economy, the wars and the bioweapons, they're hitting us with everything they can at once so that even if one thing doesn't work, they still have a lot other plans to fit together.

This can't just be random attacks to create fear, there must be a bigger plan.  Businesses will need to account for the loses, as well as the potential for more.  The government will also have an excuse to take more control.  You could have guards in place to stop, say, a power station being destroyed, but who else would really be able to stop a barge from running into a bridge?

Biden Compares the Loss of His Son Beau to Police Officers Killed in the Line of Duty
May 15, 2024

□ [“Biden and Trump Accept CNN’s Invitation to Debate on June 27"]

Ok, this is probably why CNN and other news networks have actually permitted some criticism of Biden.  They need to sucker Trump and his people into believing the media isn't totally biased against them.  Will Trump believe that?  I'd like to think he wouldn't, but there's enough examples of him screwing up like this in the past.

But they could also go along with this for other reasons.  Not sure what, but it's entirely plausible.  They could demand Biden be tested for drugs or not allowed to use a teleprompter or something like that, but it would just give Biden's people an excuse to cancel the debate because Trump is whining and making up stupid new rules.

The guy reads his instructions off the teleprompter, there's no way Biden could do a spontaneous 90 minutes on camera.  People are counting how many edits it takes to get him through a 30 second campaign ad.  Really this does sound like a fake, there's never going to be a debate, much less an actual election.  What we don't know yet is if Trump will go along with that.

British SKY News Commentator Justifies Assassination Attempt on Slovakian Prime Minister
May 15, 2024

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