16 May, 2024

You've gotta fight! For your right! To write!

20240515 Ghost Wars
Han: You're never going to regret this, Luke.
Luke: But my aunt and uncle died there. At 19%, you didn't even bargain with the guy!
Han: You're not gonna lose the house, everybody has three mortgages nowadays.
C3PO: Sir, by my calculations, the interest rate alone for the first five years comes to 95,000 dollars.
Han: Will you guys relax? We are on the threshold of rescuing a beautiful princess who needs our help. The franchise rights alone will make us rich beyond our wildest dreams.

C3PO:  This is Emperor Palpatine.
Chewbacca:  ROARRRRR
C3PO:  The emperor can be whatever it wants to be.
Han:  Well whatever it is, it's gotta get by us.  Go get her, Luke!
Luke:  Emperor Palpatine?  Good evening.  As a duly designated representative of the city of Mos Eisley on the planet Tattooine as part of the Galactic Empire, I order you to cease all supernatural activity and return to your place of origin or to the nearest convenient parallel dimension.
Han:  That ought to do it, thanks very much, Luke.
Emperor:  Are you force-sensitive?
Luke:  Um, no.
Emperor:  Then die!
[zaps them all]
Chewbacca:  [to Luke] ROARRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
Han:  This chick is toast.  Let's show this half-witted nerf herder how we do things in the New Republic.

Eee-threpio-say ould-sha ave-hay otten-gay ix-say illion-may and-a un-way orms-fay of-a ommunication-say.  20240516

Columbia University Commencement Speaker Delivers Anti-Israel Rant
May 16, 2024

□ [“‘Thank Goodness He Had Subtitles’ — Jimmy Fallon Mocks Biden’s Mumbling Debate Announcement"]

More of the media is daring to make fun of Biden, or at least differ from unanimous praise.  That's just weird, they do know he's a Democrat, right?  Or maybe the elite cult has removed Biden without telling the peons, so now they're free to say bad things about him.  That actually sounds like a believable plot.

I can't believe they're really seeing the problems yet, although it's possible they have staff who have heard a few rumors about them.  Otherwise, the only other possibility I can think of is that they're seeing a need to prove that they have a real audience, not just mindless subordinates and spambots.  We know Trump would win in a fair election, and otherwise how will they look when Biden or whoever replaces him just steals another one?

□ [“MSNBC’s Morning Joe Accuses New York Times Polling of Pro-Trump Bias"]

It's even possible that this is internal conflict among the media.  Fallon hosts The Tonight Show on NBC and here MSNBC is being totally idiotic by thinking the NYT could do anything pro-Trump.  They have the same corporate masters, although at least Fallon is paid to make jokes and this MSNBC show is just being paranoid about pointless polls.

Polls don't tell you what anybody actually thinks, it limits a small minority to the list of answers you provide and ignores anything else.  It just diminishes your fellow human beings and gives the elites an excuse to impose whatever they wanted to do anyway, collectivism as a high-paid puppet.

Geert Wilders’s Dutch Coalition Pledges ‘Strictest-Ever’ Migration Policy, Illegals Will Be Removed ‘By Force’
May 16, 2024

□ [“White House Aides Worried About Biden’s ‘Psychological Torment’ Over Hunter Trial"]

He doesn't do senile tests but they somehow know about this and why it's happening.  Right.  A court has just ruled that Hunter can't buy a gun because he's a drug-addicted felon who lied about this on his gun application, which apparently is the only sort of person Democrats don't want to ban guns from.  And this bothers Biden for some reason.  With this ruling, Hunter can't shoot himself so you'll have to get the Secret Service to do it.

But Biden's "psychological torment" doesn't keep him from banning anyone from hearing the audio of his senility in the Special Council interview.  Including Congress.  They are not allowed to hear what he actually said, neither is the public.

Why didn't Richard Nixon think of that?  The Supreme Court unanimously voted that he was required to share his secret recordings, so then he resigned.  This happened during Biden's first Senate term, so back then he would have been as close to intelligent, or at least conscious, as he ever got.  

Speaking of which, Nixon's veep had been forced to resign, so that when Nixon resigned, the POTUS was now someone who was just filling in and had never tried to get the job.  This set up an easy Democrat victory in 1976 which really seemed to have set some sort of pattern for leftists.  Still trying to figure out what that was, but Jimmy Carter was followed by Clinton and Obama who installed Biden and whatever other uniparty members following them.

And it seems he is now at the end.  His wife died a year ago and it was pretty obvious that he'd follow her, but now time has come.  My guess is that he'll last until the end of the month, for the 'new world order' he made possible.  Something about celebrity deaths these days just looks like a deliberate human sacrifice and not a natural death.

Official Consumer Price Index Report Lowballs the Biden Inflation At 20% Since His Inauguration
May 16, 2024

Explosion at TSMC Microchip Plant in Phoenix, AZ – Fire Units Respond to Hazardous Materials Call
May 15, 2024

□ [“NIH Finally Admits Funding Gain-of-Function Research in Wuhan"]

But Fauci told Congress under oath that this didn't happen and he ran National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, one of the 27 that fall under the National Institutes of Health.  Lawrence Tabak ran the NIH from 2021-23 and he's now telling Congress that this really happened.

“With all due respect, you are entirely and completely incorrect. The NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.  I do not have any accounting of what the Chinese may have done and I am fully in favor of any further investigation of what went on in China.  However, I will repeat, the NIH categorically has not funded gain of function research to be conducted in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”
- Anthony Fauci, July 20, 2021

“Dr. Fauci, as you are aware it is a crime to lie to Congress, Section 1001 of the US Criminal Code. Critics say a felony and a five-year penalty for lying to Congress.”
- Rand Paul, July 20, 2021

Tabak goes even further, admitting that things like the "six foot apart" rule didn't really mean anything, there was no scientific proof for it.  It's like they were just using the pandemic as an excuse to impose rules on the peasants because they could, and that pandemic was a bioweapon from China like some of us have always known.

Like everything else, why is this coming out now all of a sudden when the rulers have lied about it for years?  It's even possible that they're lying about it now, but there' s still 'why now?'  Ecohealth, a gain-of-function group Fauci worked with in Wuhan, is also under investigation and has suddenly shut down operations.  Not just voluntarily, but on the orders of Health and Human Resources.

And they all used this to go after anybody who disagrees, nothing about freedom or democracy.  It was also an excuse to push the poison-vaccine, which made drug companies a sh*tload of money even as it caused far more "population reduction" than the actual virus.  And I've heard, no proof that it's true, that a lot of doctors were getting bribed to push this vaccine too, knowing full well it was at-best worthless.

We need to take these lying murderers down.  Line them all up, divide the vaccines between them and start loading them up with it.  Probably too much work, but it sounds nice.

House Judiciary Committee Votes to Hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in Contempt of Congress
May 16, 2024

While speculating about whatever leftist insanity came to mind, I suddenly recalled an anecdote I had heard years ago.  I cannot look up the details and have never read any of the original material, but if true, it did suggest that this transgender delusion has been going on a lot longer than most of us would expect.

Most of us never heard of this crap even a decade ago and if we did, we'd think of examples like Corporal Klinger.  Meanwhile, in-between the two world wars, over in France the rich and famous were partying.  One of them was The Lesbian Gertrude Stein, who ran a salon for literary and artistic figures, many of whom are still famous today.  Ernest Hemingway was one of them.

The Hemingway anecdote, where I heard this from, was mostly covering how he was not the 'man's man' he's always had a reputation for.  He was still trying to get popular, so sucking up to those who had already made it was a good way to go, as he'd already done with writers like F. Scott Fitzgerald.  He opened up to Stein about his real desires, only to realize that lesbians didn't act like men when someone is screwing them over.  Their relationship ended - I haven't google searched much but haven't found any details on why - Hemingway was the one who lost.

He tried to make up for it by putting various versions of Stein in his books, but that did nothing.  The only way he could work it out was to write about the real desires he had told her of, leading to an unfinished 800 pages of material by the time he died, which was later pieced together as The Garden of Eden.

From what I've heard, the book is basically about 'boy meets girl and tries to turn her into a boy.'  The source for this anecdote has provided other examples from Hemingway's life, such as having sex with his cats.  Hemingway was one example (upon many) of manufacturing a celebrity who would impose transgenderism and unisexuality upon the world.  Men would shrug and say 'if it's good enough for Hemingway, it's good enough for me' and go along.

The basic concept has probably existed for a long time.  For much (most?) of history, boys weren't boys.  The children were all girls until the boys grew up, which sounds weird but that's probably the toughness required to get through most of history.  Then there's whatever religions and myths added to the concept.  And finally there was a post-'War to End All Wars' celebration among the rich and famous who could share these beliefs and look for new technological ways to impose this belief.

As far as I know, Christine Jorgenson was the first infamous transgender figure, to the point where I usually don't even call him a "he," and he was only a decade or so after Hemingway's adventures with Gertrude Stein.  Whatever else this transgender delusion is, it's not new and has probably been part of Hollywood and other media for longer than any of us were alive.

I doubt Hemingway and Stein were any crucial part of the scheme.  If they hadn't come along, someone else would have been there to do basically the same thing.  But they were there, as part of the movement to manipulate everyone else to not be who and what they are, but instead be whatever the person in charge wants to see.  We see this today with parents who actually believe in transgenders having lots of kids who magically all decide they're a different gender, what a coincidence!

Comer Finds New Biden Family Bank Accounts, Issues Subpoena For Hunter Bank Records
May 16, 2024

□ [“Trump Says He's Willing to Include RFK Jr. in First Presidential Debate"]

Sounds pointless.  But then, I'm one of those people who think the debates should be ditched in general.  There is no reason to have the media involved and to the extent there should be anybody handling the debates, they need to be very minimal.  It's not remotely about them, so have them ask a quick question and then get the hell out of it.

Frankly, I would say Trump and RFK Jr. should just do a few of these right away.  Here's a question, you've got a minute to answer, 'go.'  And then let the two of bounce back and forth until there's a decent conclusion, and then follow up with the next question.

The point is to show how good these men are at thinking and reacting on the spur-of-the-moment to whatever they're faced with now.  I don't have the slightest clue if RFK Jr. has any skills in this whatsoever, so the only down side I would see is if he immediately humiliates himself and that's that.  We already know Trump is good at this, although my biggest advice to him would be to minimize his answers as much as possible.  Go into detail if there's a reason, but keep it short and to-the-point.

This would show how incompetent Joe Biden has always been at the best of times, which he isn't remotely close to now.  He would demand on stuffy rules and an archaic format as the only way he can function while Trump (and maybe RFK Jr.) would be providing any number of sensible comments and instant memes.  They do one or two of these a week and Biden can't even speak in public, it would show who actually has more to offer.

In Sharp Rebuke of Biden, 16 House Dems Join GOP to Pass Bill to Force Weapons Shipments to Israel
May 16, 2024

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