28 May, 2024

Now is the time on blogger.com when we dance!

China is Preparing Large Military Fleet to Invade Taiwan
May 28, 2024

□ [“Biden’s $320 Million Floating Gaza Pier Just Broke Off and Is Now Sinking"]

It was there to help Hamas so it's quite possible the philistines destroyed it just because they could.  They do have several decades of showing that they'll turn on anyone who tries to help them.  The US is putting this right there for them to take down, how could they avoid that opportunity?

It's also possible that it fell apart because of incompetence in its construction.  It was the military, so of course they had to follow Joe Biden's example.  Did he say 'make sure to build something that lasts more than six months'?  Probably not.  If you want a commander who can think of things like that, you'd go for Donald Trump.  But I'm sure the construction team met all their DEI requirements so nothing else really matters.

Could Israel (or anyone else) have destroyed it?  In the technical sense, yes, it's certainly possible.  It's just that whoever we would blame already has more than enough experience with the philistines and US leftists to know that it would fall apart on its own anyway.  They might have targeted the supplies or Hamas taking them, but they'd be doing that anyway.

Black Community Organizers Sue North Carolina County — Claim Confederate Monument Violates 14th Amendment
May 28, 2024

□ [“Libertarian Party Chair Thanks Trump For Speech as Party Faces Backlash Over Radical Leftist Nomination"]

This may be the best example we have of organizations breaking down before the upcoming Civil War 2.0.  The lady in charge has to sound competent and open-minded, so she makes a generic statement and obviously appreciated Trump going out of his way to be there.  Meanwhile the rest of the party gets to see how blatantly leftist their leaders are.

National Secretary Caryn Anne Harlos went bonkers, saying if they didn't support the leftist, they weren't in the party, not all that different from Joe Biden deciding who is or isn't black.  "You were not in the Party for thick and thin.  And that’s fine but that’s not how third party movements survive.  I am sticking around to carry on our legacy.  I’m a Party person and never ever hid that.  I remain so.”

And this is why the Libertarian Party gets maybe 3% of the vote every four years and that's all they do.  If the party wanted to grow, they'd have to ask what they're doing wrong, and going along with Democrats would be the wrong way to go about it.  But you don't get to a high position in this irrelevant political group if you think that way.  They're happy with their 3% of votes.  Any more than that, they might have to work for a living.

This is why I prefer the two-party system.  The uniparty is bad enough and needs to be purged, but when there's more than two sides, the uniparty can always find ways to infiltrate and take over.  With two parties, either side could theoretically purge all of the trolls.  That would lead to losing elections, but at least they'd have strong foundation to build on for the future.  So which side will Libertarians take?

Biden Regime Wants to Prioritize Minorities For Kidney Transplants to Address ‘Racial Inequities’
May 28, 2024

□ [“Trump Flag Spotted Flying at New York Post Office on Memorial Day"]

It was only up for a little while, but this sounds great.  It would have to be someone with access to the flagpole because it wasn't just tied there or anything like that, but the post office says their employees did not do it and this will be investigated.

They wouldn't be in trouble if they had flown a "diversity" flag, why does this matter?  Don't the leftists demand inclusion?  Or does this only go one way and everybody else must be silenced?  This is showing signs that it's not going to work.  More and more people will speak out.

□ [“Foreigners Out’:  German EDM Song ‘Auslander Raus’ Becomes a Sensation Among Youth"]

Another example, this one from Europe where foreigners have been very prominent for the last century or two.  And of course the police say this is "racist."  I don't want to fall into the stereotype, but it's looking like the young people are the most conservative of the lot because they're just trying to resist the old people.

These sort of things are going to be happening more often.  People will be putting out their own videos (or pamphlets, in my case) and trying to inspire and attract as many others to join as possible.  People hearing about this sort of thing and thinking they should it try it themselves.  That's why the rulers will need to shut down the internet as soon as this gets too big.

□ [“California Catholic Middle School Bars Student’s 'MAGA -Styled' Patriotic Speech"]

Another example.  This is something tyrants only learn from experience, they never have a list of policies that have been developed and passed down over the generations.  The more you try to silence the serfs, the more of them will stand up against you.  They can be sneaky about it or they can stand up in front of the crowd.  Either way, a resistance always grows and all tyrants can do is double down because any alternative will reduce their tyranny.

NATO European Nations Plan To Build a ‘Drone Wall’ Against Russia
May 28, 2024

□ [“Biden Campaign’s Press Conference Outside Trump Courtroom With Robert De Niro Backfires"]

This is just a stupid idea that shows how out of touch our rulers are.  The only way it could be worse is if Biden himself was there, although that might at least be fun to watch.  You've already got the Biden-supporting judge and prosecutor, they're telling the jury that they don't need proof of a crime to for a "guilty" verdict, which contradicts the US Constitution, and they're trying to pretend they have no political interest in this case, which is why they're right here.

Robert Deniro probably has more mindless sycophants than almost anybody else on earth, but he's an old, rich white guy so that's expected.  There aren't people asking what Deniro has to say about any given situation, particularly something like this.  "I didn't know what to think about this case against Trump until I heard from the producer of the Rocky and Bullwinkle movie.  Fearless Leader will tell us what to think!"

But he's rich and famous and white and available, so they told him to be here and that was that.  Doesn't need any actual connection with anything going on, he's famous.  And he gets into arguments with non-famous people on the streets, as we see here.  This doesn't help Biden or hurt Trump, it's just a waste of time trying to get publicity in a stupid way.

Michigan Confirms First Human Case of High-Risk Bird Flu, Marking Second U.S. Case This Year
May 28, 2024

□ [“Memorial Day Box Office Sales Worst in Decades"]

The audience is becoming more selective.  Don't worry, Memorial Day weekend isn't a big movie-going weekend.

It seems 1995 was the last time the weekend was this bad, just under 30 years ago when tickets were much much cheaper.  And it doesn't sound like they have many other offerings for the rest of the year than this, the latest sequels/reboots to boring franchises.  Some people have actually seen the Mad Max movie and says its good, but still nobody wants to see it.  Hollywood has destroyed itself.

More people are finally suggesting that the economy is the reason for this, probably because there's almost no superhero movies this year so you can't blame them.  Don't know if it's related to specific regions, but one video said modern tickets cost over $20 each, which if true, basically guarantees that no one will go.  Who wants to waste money to see *woke* propaganda, with a date or family members, buying popcorn, that gets very expensive very quickly.

There's no chance whatsoever of this changing until Hollywood admits that they caused these problems, but they still support doing exactly what they've been doing.  So theaters will go bankrupt and where are the studios going to get any real profit without them?  I'm still expecting small groups of people to just make short films with their cell phones and post them online, for much more success.

Biden Turning to Bill and Hillary Clinton for Help With Fundraising
May 27, 2024

Safeway Removing Self-Checkout from Certain California Stores Due to Increasing Theft
May 28, 2024

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