10 May, 2024

Why is it still Hammer Time? You were told to stop!

Boeing 737 Crashes During Takeoff in Senegal, Injuring 10 with Four in Serious Condition
May 10, 2024

Legendary Fight Promoter Don King Endorses Trump: ‘We Must Reelect Him to Save Ourselves’
May 9, 2024

□ [“Good Luck Chicago:  City Faces Shortage of Police Officers Ahead of DNC"]

Sounds like they're going to need to cancel the election.  Democrats are too oppressed, they're not even allowed protection from Democrat voters at their own convention.  And when they make the announcement, they'll be able to wave Ukrainian flags.

It's not clear if Chicago police are just missing or if this sort of event requires them to volunteer and nobody's doing that.  If the latter, I would think there would be some area where they could essentially be drafted.  Not saying they'd obey if it came to that, but at least as a possibility.

Maybe Chicago should just hire some gangs.  They've got weapons, they're used to protecting important people and would have a lot of connections to government officials anyway.  They might require some extra payment for their favors, but that's life in this city.  It's why Democrats are in charge.

With the WHO taking over in a few weeks, there's no reason to think the convention will happen anyway, since the elections won't.  Without that, Democrats would have to push their delusion that things are going well as their own people are outside protesting.  There's just no way they could keep doing this.  Easier to keep everything private and put their orders out to the peons.

“Severe Geomagnetic Storm” Forecast – Power Grid Blackouts, Internet Outages, and Supercharged Northern Lights
May 10, 2024

□ [“Climate Activists Attempt to Use Hammer and Chisel to Smash Glass Protecting the Magna Carta"]

The penalty should be to be treated the same way they tried to treat the Magna Carta.  Muscular man should be imposing this punishment.  I suppose you could make the argument that they should just stay in jail until they're dead, but they're in their 80s and were stupid enough to do this in the first place.  At least my suggestion would be a punishment equivalent to the crime.

Do they even know what the Magna Carta is?  Did they just search the internet for the most valuable historical item around and head out to destroy it?  They just have rhetoric how there's no rights if global warming continues.  Either they're lying about this and just want attention or they're too stupid to live.  Destroying a work of history to save the world is just a bad idea.

And they've been filled with this their entire lives.  They would be among the first generation who received 1984 as a training manual, and things like this would be part of the 'two minute hate.'  1984 even specifies how young women were so easy to turn over, which would explain a lot about the 1960s and everything that came after.  They were all opposed to what the Magna Carta made possible, and they still are.

AstraZeneca Announces Worldwide Withdrawal of Covid-19 Vaccine
May 8, 2024

Target Will Only Sell Pride Merchandise Online and in ‘Select Stores’ After Last Year’s Backlash
May 10, 2024

□ [“Afghan Soldiers Trained by U.S. Forces Are Helping Russia Through Their Embassy in Iran"]

So the US helped Afghanistan and Iran to use this against Ukraine, because those who look forward to WWIII need to make sure their enemies are well-armed and financed.  Now Russia gets their assistance.  They were supposed to fight the Taliban, but that's been over for a few years.

The Taliban has been able to laugh about victory over the US, so they may have an incentive to get involved, and not just to spread Islam.  Meanwhile Russia can point out that other nations are willing to help them in this fight, so does the west *really* want to get in on that?

Our masters do, sure, but no one else is going to volunteer.  They won't obey the draft either, so what's supposed to happen here?  Their fellow muslims are all over western turf right now and they can strike at any time.  Still want to fight?  Well yes, they do.

I'm still wondering if Israel will switch sides, which could be interesting if they're siding with their enemies.  But the world is seeing they need to do that or else side with the US, so what are they gonna do?  You sure you still want this war?

Miss USA and Miss Teen USA Resign Their Titles Two Days Apart Amid 'Toxic Atmosphere’
May 10, 2024

□ [“Jubilee:  Pope Francis Declares 2025 a Holy Year Devoted to ‘Hope’ – Rome Expects 30 Million Visitors"]

Who's going to believe that?  I'm blanking on the examples, but Popes in the Middle Ages did this and it wasn't a good sign.  The church needed help and that's what they're doing again.  And Francis is promoting "global warming."

Millions of people will spend money to burn fossil fuel and travel around the world to celebrate this.  Where do they expect so many rich devotees willing to do this?  I don't know the current status of the Catholic Church but one would have to think they're going through at least as many problems as everyone else.

But this is obviously part of the plan.  Considering how long it would take to infiltrate and overtake the church, this must have been prepared for ages.  2025 is halfway through the latest 'ten year plan' so it makes sense, but how many of us will still be alive by that point?

Virginia School Board Rename Two Schools After Historic Confederate Leaders Four Years After They Were Changed
May 10, 2024

□ [“California AG Prepares ‘Onslaught’ of Lawsuits to Stop Trump’s Second Term Agenda"]

He has so little to do with his life that he's just planning to possibly sue someone in the future.  If it was a crime, he could do that now, but it's too much like work.  Why does California waste money on this guy?  Don't they have anything more important to focus on now?  Or is this how an "insurrection" actually works?

So, doesn't this mean states can be preparing to sue Biden for, I dunno, turning over US sovereignty to the 'new world order,' ignoring Congress and the Supreme Court, funneling money through Ukraine and all that?

It's things like this that make it look like they don't really have stolen elections in place.  They need the fraud and they need to force the invaders to vote Biden, but they still see a chance of losing.  I'm sure the hope is that they'll still manage to steal the election, but more than a few of them have to wonder if this will actually work.

It is possible that they believed everything would work, at least at the medium and lower levels, so they're getting very scared that they might be treated the same way they treat others.  As always, I will assume this is why there won't be any elections this November, whether or not the rulers have plans for bioweapons or nukes or something else to shut everything down.

Eco-Extremists Break Through Police Barriers – Attempt to Storm a German Tesla Factory Near Berlin
May 10, 2024

Student At Philadelphia’s Leaders Academy Cultural Day Event Praises Jihad And Martyrdom
May 10, 2024

Saudis Using Lethal Force To Displace Villagers and Clear Land for Futuristic Desert City ‘The Line’
May 10, 2024

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