06 May, 2024

I self-identify as someone who doesn't self-identify as anything.

Huge Dublin Protest Against Mass Immigration – Ruling Sinn Fein Party Blasted as ‘Traitors’
May 6, 2024

□ [“Leftist Judge Merchan Finds Trump in Contempt, Says $1,000 Speech Fines Not Working, Threatens Jail"]

Something about this has been planned and, obviously with no specific info to work with, it looks like Trump's in on whatever the plan is.  If the judge wants him in jail and has all the evidence he needs, why not just do it already?  And if he's not going to do it, why keep threatening it?  What good is publicity if he doesn't follow through with his threats?

It just looks like a set-up and if it was a trap for Trump, one would expect him to have already fallen for it.  I get the impression he knows where the actual law stands on this, whether it's based on the judge or his position as POTUS, or if he just has secret pix of the judge.

So is there going to be any actual jail time for any of this?  I mean that in a legal sense, not just leftist tyranny.  The Secret Service would certainly be taking over the jail, so there's that.  Trump hasn't committed any violent crimes so that reduces the point of the threat in the first place.  There may be some other legal reason why this is a stupid idea and the judge is an idiot for going through with it, just like the lawyers who finally got this to court in the first place.

Or maybe blacks will riot if this actually happens.  Now that would be funny.  Or maybe they're just waiting 'til the end of the month when the WHO can declare Trump a "pandemic" and everything is moot.    That will not be so funny.

In India, World’s Largest Floating Solar Power Plant Wrecked by Storm Just Before Grand Launch
May 6, 2024

□ [“Columbia Cancels Graduation Commencement Ceremony"]

You wasted all this money for to get a piece of paper and don't even get a ceremony for it.  Doesn't matter if you weren't part of the protests, this affects everybody, because that's how much the protestors care about others.  And of course the university sides with the protestors because what else?

□ [“13 Federal Judges Announce Boycott of Hiring Law Clerks from Columbia University"]

No word on who appointed these judges, so there's that.  For that matter, I'd also assume that any number of judges will specifically require Columbia graduates be hired, another check of the DEI box.  But it's still something.  More of this is going to happen and not just for legal clerks.  The upcoming collapse may change some things, but the internet will still be there eventually and it will be able to identify those who took part in this.

I've been saying for years that we're headed towards Civil War 2.0, and even consciously knew that this was it, but I've only just seen how many/most/all other people are consciously aware of this too.  This isn't even the 'we're not putting up with this any more' mentality most of us already had, this is 'we are not on your side' in a way only leftists have known in our lifetime.  But they don't even really know what that means.

Biden Heavily Slurs as He Presents Commander-in-Chief’s Trophy to Army
May 6, 2024

□ [“Israel Defies Biden Regime, Begins Offensive in Rafah to Finish Off Hamas"]

What's taken so long?  Our rulers have shut off ammo supplies and not just because Ukraine is getting it all.  CIA Director Bill Burns has even promised Hamas that Israel will go for a "permanent" cease-fire.  That means Hamas has totally won the war because Israel can never fight back ever again, no matter what.  But Israel's not going along with this.

So all we need is one more step and we'll be back to the first few decades of Israel's existence, where they were getting all their support from Russia.  Too lazy to look it up, but I believe it was the 1969 war that Russia didn't bother to help and the US did, so we've been the "great satan" ever since.  Funny how all the haters of Israel never mention that or explain why the US ignored Israel and communists supported it, but the Muslim viewpoint remained the same.

The more of them Israel kills, the fewer our rulers can bring in to impose Hamas policies on US citizens.  Just a thought.  There are members of Congress trying to oppose Biden doing this, although we know how well that will work.  We also know the protestors on campus totally support this, that's why they're in place to strike as soon as they get orders.

Trans Athlete Shatters Records, Wins RIT Woman's Track Meet, Who Would Have Lost to Male Competitors
May 6, 2024

□ [“US Soldier Detained in Russia"]

This has got to be a set-up.  There's no reason to go to Russia, so the question is who's behind this and what's the point?  Is it a deliberate trap set by our rulers, or by Russia?  Is there some military reason he went there?  Obviously we won't be given any actual info on him, so it's all guesswork.  Russia says he's accused of stealing from a woman, that's it.

We also have learned that there's over 1000 US military still in Niger with no way to escape.  That's Russia's ally by the way.  It's probably not asking if we'll go against our self-declared enemy for one soldier while ditching a thousand held by blacks or vice versa, but who knows how these people think.  Niger is a completely Muslim nation, so they have no objections to slavery, which liberals would appreciate.

If this was happening under Trump, the media would be giving it heavy coverage, ranting about how weak and helpless the POTUS is and how he can't even protect the soldiers he's responsible for.  But for some reason, this never needed to happen under Trump.  Just another example of how they know they don't have to worry about future elections, if the WHO even permits them.

Two New COVID Variants Named ‘FLiRT’ Reportedly Spreading Across the U.S.
May 6, 2024

□ [“Biden’s Handler Seems to Remember Something Important Halfway to Marine One"]

He's now surrounded by handlers so that cameras can't get a good glimpse of him the few times anyone actually sees him, but the handlers need to be on the correct side if they want to block the view.  She's female, so she probably didn't think of that until too late, but she ran around to the right side at some point.  How professional.

There's also footage of him stopping while walking to do what some people call "dementia posturing" and others call "shitting on himself."  Both sides make convincing arguments but it's Joe Biden, so maybe he's doing both.  Jill is standing quite a distance away, so she probably knew what was about to happen.  There's a reason Biden's life has been called "elder abuse" for quite a while now.

You'd really think this would be something both sides of the aisle could agree on, that there's no reason to put him through this.  But Biden's supporters are fine with it, they see nothing wrong.  He's handing over authority to the WHO, that's more than enough shit for everybody.

Thousands of Pro-Hamas Protestors March Down NYC Street, Break Through Barricades to Disrupt Met Gala
May 6, 2024

Biden Calls Illegal Aliens “Model Citizens” in Cinco de Mayo Speech
May 6, 2024

Chicago Cinco De Mayo Parade Canceled as Fight Between Latin Kings and Satan’s Disciples Gangs in Broad Daylight
May 5, 2024

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