11 May, 2024

Trailing the people to victory!

Biden Calls North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un the President of South Korea
May 11, 2024

□ [“Hillary Clinton Slams Anti-Israel Protesters, They ‘Don’t Know Very Much’ About The Middle East or USA"]

The left always thinks they can sum up an actual human being as bad, for whatever reasons they want.  They're even willing to include family members, as we see with their attack on Trump relatives.  Or religion, skin color, location, etc.  It's like their rhetoric about stereotypes is to accuse others of doing what the left does.

Yet people are genuinely more complicated than that.  In the same interview where she says Trump is Hitler, Hillary f*cking Clinton makes a sensible coherent point that the Philistines had a chance to get a country decades ago when her husband set up a deal between Ehud Barak and Yasser Arafat, and the philistines refused, with full support from their neighbors.

She even points out that her own side is the one ignoring this.  No idea how many of the protestors actually voted for her (legally) but those who could vote would have gone for her, yet here they are now.  The rest of us can see that their goal is to destroy Israel and/or rule the world with leftist tyranny, but the fact that Hillary was allowed to say this in public shows definite cracks in their side.

None of this excuses her stunts with Uranium One, Benghazi, or pretending to avoid sniper fire.  It just makes the point that you can do that and still have solid arguments in favor of the right thing to do (or the less wrong, in Hillary's case.)  We should all keep that in mind.

Former MLB Star Sean Burroughs Dies Suddenly Aged 43, Heart Attack at Son’s Little League Game
May 11, 2024

□ [“UN Assembly Votes to Back Palestinian Membership Bid, Grant New 'Rights and Privileges'"]

Which they've never bothered to form in all these centuries, but the UN has very low standards.  Safe to assume Israel has no place in the 'new world order' and it's quite possible that this may be the actual goal of WWIII.  I'd assume China/Russia/etc. are doing it for their own reasons, but the effect remains the same, destroy Israel and anyone who supports it.

□ [“Biden Regime Accuses Israel of Violating International Law in Their Attacks on Hamas in Gaza"]

As we see here.  Can Hamas be accused of "genocide" or any other violation of international law for their treatment of homosexuals?  Of course not, that's what the philistines voted for and that's why the UN supports them.  Everybody knows that, it's just that some people pretend to ignore it for convenience.

Some Republicans have spoken out against the International Criminal Court.  They include a good line, "target Israel and we will target you," although there's no way to know how serious they are or what they'll bother to do about it.  It might be something but there's no clue what.

It's also unclear if Israel has moved in on Rafah.  We probably wouldn't hear anything useful if they have, but then, I'm one of those who said they should have done that years months ago.  If the world's going to oppose you anyway for whatever made-up definitions of "genocide" they have now, might as well go through the real thing.

Internal Email Show Pfizer Offered Employees “Separate and Distinct” Covid-19 Vaccines
May 11, 2024

The new Ghostbusters movie has been out for 50 days and has the second-least successful box-office.  I'm just counting domestically, not going to bother going through each country for each movie, but it's made just under $110.6 million.  Ghostbuster 2 had made just over $103.6 in the same time period.  Movie tickets were cheaper, production and marketing cost less, so it was probably still more successful at the time.

The 2016 version had $125.4 million after 50 days, the 2021 version had just under $124.2 but the real surprise was the original movie, the one that made all this happen.  By this point, it had made over $137.3 in 1984 money.  Far and away the most popular movie of the year - Indiana Jones 2 came in second with over $40 million less - but this is really surprising.

There's also just a lack of movies people want to see, as well as the economy.  For whatever reason, the current most popular movie is a reboot of the 1980s tv show The Fall Guy, which I never watched but it was apparently popular enough that I did hear of it.  Not an insult, Ghostbusters was a little before my time, although I did see it on VHS not long afterward.

Movie studios must have known they were heading for bombs, they've deliberately avoided putting out anything that might be interesting and, although I'm not checking the finances, the movies they are releasing probably aren't as ridiculously expensive as previous years have had.  The studios have an 'in' with our rulers and as bad as they are, they must have some skill for planning over several years.

Biden Admin Planning to Roll Out ID Cards for Illegal Immigrants This Summer
May 11, 2024

□ [“California Supreme Court Rules People Cannot be Detained for Trying to Evade Police Officers"]

This sort of thing makes it look like police are all corrupt because otherwise, why wouldn't they just quit?  The people who make the laws support those who break them above those who enforce them, so what's the point?  Even if the criminals make it to court, they're just released anyway.

Of course the flip side is that the police could detain anyone they want for any reason.  I'm not sure how to fix the problem, but one thing we can all agree on, the rulers and their courts want more of the problem.  One obvious problem is just the sheer number of laws so that effectively everyone is a criminal and it's just a matter of which ones the rulers decide to go after.

But the massive increase in crime makes the argument for a police state.  Or just anarchy where people are defending themselves because no one else will.  The rulers want the chaos and they're able to afford armed men to protect them.  There's supporting illegal immigrants, but I also have to wonder if the actual point is make people afraid enough that they'll eagerly surrender their rights.  Not sure how likely that is, but it seems like a reasonable possibility.

IRS Threatens to Target Biden’s Critics, Those Who Question Washington’s ‘Ability to Govern’
May 11, 2024

□ [“Princeton Faculty Mocked After Stopping Their Solidarity Fast With Protesting Hunger Strikers"]

The protestors apparently claim they're doing a hunger strike.  Fine, they probably need to lose some weight anyway, but they're whining and blaming Princeton for the choices they themselves made.  They are completely unfamiliar with the concept of being a f*cking adult and yes, people reading this will already know that even children are expected to learn how to take responsibility for their actions.  Or at least they used to be, but that's why we're here now.

So the teachers decided to show solidarity by joining them with a 24-hour hunger strike.  And as with the protestors, there's no proof that they actually lived up to this or if they're just pretending they went through with it.  But the teachers get to eat anyway, showing how devoted they are to the cause.  Is there any footage of those hunger strikers praising their instructors who gave up quickly?

I'm sure they'll keep going at least through the WHO takeover at the end of the month, but otherwise I think the protestors have shown how worthless they are.  They don't inspire anybody, all they can do is cause problems for those nearby.  Nobody's going to reconsider their own lives because some transgender studies major who can afford Princeton whines about being hungry.

So the protests are pointless.  I'm not even sure how long they've lasted at this point, but it hasn't been that long.  Occupy Wall Street lasted for several months and at least pretended that it did something.  This was just a waste of time which pissed a lot of people off, as if we weren't already.  I'm still waiting for them to realize suicide bombing is the only remaining option.

American Fighter Jets Fly Over Guyana In Show of Support Against Maduro’s Territorial Ambitions
May 11, 2024

ISRAEL 20240511 Hillary, Bill Clinton's deal with Arafat and Barak
ISRAEL 20240511 UN, US, International Criminal Court, attack on Rafah
MOVIES 20240511 Ghostbusters, do the studios have this planned?
CRIME 20240511 California, why are there police?
ISRAEL 20240511 protestors on a hunger strike

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