30 November, 2020

Do unto others what they've been doing to everyone for four years.

A couple rumors have come out today, obviously no proof now, maybe never.  If there's actually an overall plan to keep the election from being stolen, one rumor says Biden actually asked Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to help get a pardon from Trump for him and his family.  That actually came from a Chinese news show, cannot find the name and obviously no reason to believe it even if I did.  Another rumor says that the female head of the CIA has just died of "natural causes."  Not the virus then?  At least she didn't break her leg like Biden.

Definitely not seeing any reason for hope.  It would be nice to have some.  Obviously the left has wanted to demoralize us all year, is it because that's just their thing or out of fear their schemes were being caught?

I've finally found a glimmer of, not hope or leadership, but at least a direction to head next.  In hindsight, it's probably believable that it would take a few weeks to think of something.  We may have even had similar thoughts but I haven't seen them put into simple words yet.  The websites I've seen - and have been following precisely because I needed it - have been reading like the plan would come to fruition any moment and Trump would continue his Presidency.  I still hope that happens but it was indistinguishable from Democrats saying the same thing when they lose.  Of course they don't lose because the election was stolen but they think they did and that's the effect here.  The rumors posted at the top came from such sites.

But this comes off as a basic direction and view to keep going with, there are concepts that can be used in practice.
□ [Instapundit: #Resist]

Using game theory, it has been determined that the proper way to respond to defection from optimal behavior between two parties, is to match any bad behavior by equal retaliation. Acquiescing in bad behavior without consequences simply gets you more of it.

So, the only rational rational response for Trump supporters, after the last four years is to respond to Biden exactly as Trump was treated:


First, no one who voted for or supports Trump will recognized Biden as legitimate. Second, everyone who voted for Trump will believe and continue to proclaim that the election was stolen, in this case with far more factual basis. Third, Biden will not be given any deference or respect due to his office, but will be given only contempt and profane disrespect. Fourth, there will be no prospect of cooperation but only opposition, in every lawful way, to everything he says, does, or proposes, all day, every day, until he is gone.

At some future date reconciliation may be possible. But not until the last four years has been repaid in full.

And the foregoing is on the presumption that Biden will be sworn in as President, which he should not be, and which may not happen.

This is understandable.  We already have a lot more proof of what they've done then they ever had.  The only thing they can do is destroy things and give orders, the orders that there's no reason to obey.  I do assume their pretension to "equality" will be one of the first things they ditch, they cannot permit their inferiors to have any of the rights they claim, the builders, those who know how to deal with reality, or men with guns.

The left is in a somewhat-similar position, they're finally starting to get around to thinking about how they could have unquestionably believed in the "Blue Wave" and been so completely wrong.  How are they supposed to keep their promises if they lost House seats and will have to steal the Georgia elections just to get 50% in the Senate?  Where did they get the notion that they'd win big time?  Every poll, every interview, every media article, all insisted that this would happen, no if's, and's or but's.  Hell, Trump even got more votes than every other Presidential candidate in history except one and he didn't go through graveyards for his.

How are Democratic leaders supposed to continue the propaganda that got them their voters when it totally didn't work?

I don't know where we'll be four years from now, only one way to find out.

Georgia Dem Senate Candidate Ossoff Says We Need a One-Party Government During Pandemic Crisis
November 29, 2020

Former FBI Special Agent Finds 17,514 Georgia Voters with Out-of-State Forwarded Mail Addresses
November 30, 2020
Star-studded "Time’s Up" charities spent big on salaries, little on helping victims
November 28, 2020

Ben Bova, science fiction author, 88 years old
November 29, 2020

When you're smiling, the whole world wonders what's wrong with you.

In a week, the Electoral College will get together.  So we're totally at the end of the line here.  I actually have more trust in them than on the courts but a) maybe I'm wrong and b) so what would that do?  If they don't come to a decision, I believe it goes down to the House and that won't be good.  I still can't believe these would be the only defenses in place all along the line.

That said, I suddenly have a fantasy about this being a set-up and every member of the EC receives a letter clearly sent years earlier but describing exactly what's been happening these days and what's being done about it.

They're also having problems with the Georgia vote counting machines.  As always, I haven't looked closely so I'm not sure what to believe, but they're broken, being erased or flat-out missing.  Also the judge who keeps changing his mind has reportedly gone back to ordering a delay.

Oregon Gym Fined $90,000 For Staying Open During Covid Shutdown, As County Commissioners Take Trips To Hawaii
November 29, 2020

Perspective: St. Louis Has 239 Homicides this Year and 238 Coronavirus Deaths – At Least 50 Children Shot So Far This Year
November 29, 2020

Massive Islamic Terrorist Attack In Nigeria Results In Deaths Of At Least 110 People
November 29, 2020

29 November, 2020

Nature pricks them and their heart engages, the people long to go on pilgrimages or just anywhere outdoors for a change!

NYC Pub Borrows a Page From Leftists in Lockdown Dispute, Declares Itself an 'Autonomous Zone'
November 28, 2020

□ [“Pennsylvania Supreme Court Tosses GOP Lawsuit on Absentee Ballots, Lifts Block on Certification of Election"]

This is an example of the problems I've been having with what-little-we-know about what's going on, the courts aren't trustworthy as a way to settle the problem.  Obviously they have to go through this before going to the Supreme Court but at this point I don't see a reason to trust the Supreme Court either.  And pretending everything goes the way it should, the left won't believe in it so what's the point?

I do wonder just how random Ruth Bador Ginsberg's death was, given how quickly the Senate moved through for a replacement.  If she were still alive (assuming she hadn't retired oh who am I kidding?) would everything be different now?  That's one of those things that I don't think we'll ever learn the truth about.

□ [“Judge Timothy Batten Issues Order to Freeze All Dominion Machines in Georgia …UPDATE: Judge Reverses Order Within Hours"]

Another example, the most obvious guess is that he's giving into whichever side hit him last.  I've been wondering about Georgia for a while anyway and would like to find some detailed history on its election process.  Two Republican governors between July 1868-January 1872 and the next one took office in January 2003.  I've already looked at Atlanta having even fewer Republican mayors.  At least the northern states bounced back and forth.  One Republican Senator in 1871, the next in 1980, then they started mixing up and both have been Republican since 2005.  Majority of Republicans in Congress between 1868 and 1875, then the next one took office in 1965, two more in the 1960s.  One Republican in 1979, one in 1985, three in 1993 and since then most have been Republican.

Republicans ran the state senate for two years in 1869-70, lost the majority in 1871 and it was 1965 before you needed two hands to count the number of members, 1989 before you needed more than two hands to count them and 2003 when they had a majority.  The state house has more members so obviously there were more Republicans, sometimes even needing two hands to count after the Civil War.  1965 and 2003 show up again for the increase and majority.

At this point I have to wonder if Democrats were just so messed up in 1965 - technically the 1964 election - that this is why they started losing seats and magically decided Republicans were the ones doing all those awful things they had done for a century.  But 2003 has always been interesting and I've never figured out what happened.  I remember the Republican majority increased in DC and it was noted to be unusual for any POTUS to see that in the off-year elections.  It was also guessed that it was a post-9/11 reaction which is certainly possible.  I think it's a large part of it but it can't be all, can it?

Joe Biden’s Team Won’t Allow Pool Reporters to See Biden Go In or Leave Doctor Appointment After He Twists His Ankle – No Explanation Given
November 29, 2020

Didn't that happen to Axl Rose right before the G'n'R reunion?  I'd swear it happened to someone else around that time which was why I noticed it, although I don't remember any details.  I used to have a memory, I really did.  I remember having one!

David Prowse, Darth Vader, age 85
November 28, 2020

28 November, 2020

If John Lennon actually needed help, wouldn't he have told somebody?

I actually do have more things to say than I had yesterday, but I've been working on the book all day so I dunno how much I've worked out.

It's basically a given that the left stole the election, they just don't want to admit it.  No matter how many Republicans won, all the votes were for Biden who somehow got lower votes in most counties than previous Democrat candidates yet set a new record of over 10 million votes?  Would they have gotten that record if he'd been on top of the ticket instead of that loser Obama?  Half a million "people" voted for Biden and no one else?  They weren't the ones electing Republicans.

Now the left isn't going to acknowledge any of this but they avoid reality in the first place.  Notice how in the last few years, everything became "racist."  China can keep adding slaves but they're not opposed to slavery, China even supported Biden and gave Biden's son tons of money somehow.

Unfortunately there's still rumors of something big going on behind the scenes.  The latest rumor I've seen says there are over 20,000 deputized people ready to move in on the sting.  It wasn't just investigating the 2016 elections, it was preparing for 2020.  It'll be biggest at "17 days before Trump gets sworn into office," that would be January 3.

Here's the record to this rumor just in case something happens but I'm not optimistic.  I've said many times that there's no reason this shouldn't have been well on the way before Election Day and we've seen nothing of that.  This is not the way to go and every day nothing has happened proves me less and less wrong.


I thought there was a chance for this plan to work but it would happen before Thanksgiving.  Before that I thought it would happen two weeks after the election.  Before that one week after.  Before that it would only be a day or so.  Before that, well, I thought their plans would take care of things before the election.  I'm starting to look for comments I made like that, such as October 26, "I do think that Biden can’t win without several tons of vote fraud."  Well, we got that, now what?

It's not like these millions of people - I assume at least some are currently alive - will suddenly realize what's been going wrong, it's what they believe they've been going for their entire lives.  I'll say it again, Biden could flat-out admit that he stole the election with fake votes and they'd still insist he was now POTUS, ignoring what day the Constitution says he'll actually get the job.

I definitely don't trust judges or the Electoral College to stop this.  They should but there's no reason to believe in them at this point.

Still trying to get used to being back on a blog.  I will definitely give Facebook credit for being able to post as much or as little as I had to say at any given time.  On a blog I feel like saying more even if I'm not actually adding anything.  On Facebook I could make a quick comment, a longer comment, a paragraph or two or three or more.  I know that I could post multiple times per day on a blog, I just don't think it's the same format.  I'll see how it goes when I get around to finishing this new book and starting the next one.

27 November, 2020

Is Black Friday there to help Robinson Crusoe?

Toronto BBQ restaurant owner facing new charges for again defying COVID-19 lockdown rules
November 26, 2020

Reminder: In 2016 Democrats Threatened and Harassed Members of Electoral College to Stop Trump
November 26, 2020

FLASHBACK: Obama Says Mail-in Ballots Can Only Be Trusted if the Signatures are Verified (VIDEO)
November 27, 2020

Skin color tells leftists all they need to know about someone.  This is following the removal of individuality that they've always believed in since Marx or earlier.  I wonder how much of this is just to convince people to stay where they are until the government tells them to move.  Since they all think the same, they'll just obey without question.

At the same time, the elite get to show off their privilege in their mansions, private jets and so on.  Is there a coincidence in the rise of child-sex trafficking, particularly when the kids are flat-out told they don't have a gender and can have as much sex as their adult masters want?

Mysterious Spike in Incomplete NV Voter Registrations – 13,372 with Invalid Birthdates and Casinos and Temporary RV Parks as a Home Address
November 27, 2020

I don't know if I have anything to say today.  I've been working on the book as always.  I think I've got a little further in insights on leftism but not enough to put it into words.  I've noticed a bunch of other people seem to be doing that as well.  Why not, we're all watching it happen.

There are also reports that some of the state governments are trying to make a move against the stolen election.  We'll see if any of that gets anywhere.  It does seem to becoming more clear that Civil War 2.0 is underway.  We'll have to see where the first battles take place.  It wouldn't surprise me if people like the rulers of New York send out men with guns to impose their will on the people who aren't just going along.  They get the high life, the peons not so much.

26 November, 2020

Today's a day like any other.

□ [“Cuomo Calls Police Who Don’t Enforce Covid Orders Dicators"]

This is an example of how idiotic leftists are.  Dictators are about sending men with guns to everyone's houses and forcing them to obey which is exactly what he's doing.  Dictators are not about letting people do their own thing.  It's a dictator's job to come up with what everyone must do and forbid anything else, punishing anyone who isn't doing what he told them to.

Does he even have a clue what he's doing or is he that stupid?  I have wondered for a while if that's the point of the Trump presidency, to drive the left over the edge.  That's certainly what we're seeing.

□ [“Attorney Sidney Powell Files 104 Page Bombshell Complaint of Massive Fraud in Georgia Election – Update: Michigan too"]

Ok, that's something.  I doubt it would have been hard to show this much voter fraud, obviously there are legal requirements that would take time, but how could they not be prepared before Day 0?  Put out to every group of voters what the left would try to do and have them there with their phones and cameras to show footage.  A lot of people aren't in such groups but there must be other ways to get the message out.  It looks like the right was completely surprised by this which shouldn't have been the case.  I knew long ago they would try everything they could and I was surprised on Election Night, safe to assume people who don't pay as much attention were even moreso.

Will this work?  Will it get anywhere?  Will any leftist in the world think Biden may not actually be POTUS right now?

□ [“Mexico’s President Still Refuses to Recognize Biden Win"]

There has to be a plan.  I can understand why we wouldn't know the details of the plan but I don't see any reason why it's been over three weeks and we're only getting vague notes that something is being done, much less that it has any chance of working.  I was lucky enough to spend years working with highly-trained-and-classified soldiers preparing for missions where it was important to make sure everyone knew what was going on and what effect they would have on.  Not everybody had to know everything but basics need to be put out as much as possible for the best chance of mission-success.

I think (hope) that's the sort of people handling the plan.  The military knows that China and Iran have been using this Dominion voter system, according to Powell's Georgia report.  I don't think it's remotely a coincidence that General Flynn has just received his pardon although it's not clear why now and not a year ago.  Perhaps it holds back the leftist judge that went after him?

It would be nice to think that this plan will go straight to the Constitution.  I've long suspected that this was the sort of thing the right did which the left couldn't.  Build something that works, what doesn't work falls apart.  The left is just going for whatever's on their mind at the moment and will ditch it in a heartbeat for something else.  They can't build anything, they can only take other people's work.

As an obvious example, why didn't Karl Marx use the internet?  If it didn't exist, why didn't he invent it?  Because it couldn't be created without the capitalist society he wanted to destroy long before it was ever conceived of and now marxists want to control the internet like everybody has a right to it.  The military knows how to do that and how to rely on what works while updating it.  It's the most ideal format of right and left and basically by definition, not everybody can be part of it.

If there's a plan to it or not, we're obviously at a crucial time in history.  I don't see any way it'll get better any time in the near-future.

25 November, 2020

Just a note, I'm editing the proof copy of the next book and reached an article written on August 30, 2018 about China's enslaving the Uighurs and I suddenly wondered if that partially explains the leftist change recently.

China knows how to control leftists, they already support communists and the state running slavery, could that be how they started calling everything "racism" when they're obviously projecting their own views on anyone who disagrees with them?  Could there be a translation of Uncle Tom which would explain why Democrats suddenly started bringing up now and hating as much as they did 150 years ago?  The best I can find on Google is that the first translation was in 1993.

Another day to go nowhere.

President Trump to Pardon Gen. Michael Flynn
November 25, 2020

Child Abuse? HBO Max Documentary Celebrates 4-Year-Old Boy's Transgender Identity
November 24, 2020

Democrat Mayor of Denver Boards Flight to Houston to Visit Family Minutes After He Reminds People Not to Travel For Thanksgiving
November 25, 2020

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown Encourages Residents to Call Police on Neighbors Violating COVID Rules
November 23, 2020

□ [“Pennsylvania Judge Blocks State From Certifying Election Results"]

There seems to be starting to be a move here.  Finally, over three weeks after the "election."  I don't know why but I'm still split increasingly, that there's a plan underway to defeat the leftists from stealing the election and that it's over, they've taken it and can't be stopped.  As always, I think it would have been much smarter to stop them at the time, now they've had more weeks to fake votes and who can we turn to other than Democrat judges?

□ [“NOT Making Headlines: Las Vegas Oddsmakers STILL Not Paying Out for Biden Victory — Gamblers More Honest than Garbage Dump Media"]

There's also reports that Obama staffers are kicking out people Biden would pick for his administration.  I can believe that but doesn't it always happen?  I've always suspected one of the reasons Hillary gave up was because Obama agreed to hire her people.  It's not like he cared about that and Biden is probably along the same lines.  At least it's worth noting at another problem Democrats are facing against each other, but whether that'll lead to anything will probably be unknown forever.  It's the people who helped get Biden "elected" who suffer for what other unelected people demand for themselves.

□ [“Marvel Officially Cancel Dark Agnes, Daily Bugle, Morbius MIA No More"]

There seems to be a lot more titles on this list that are being cancelled.  ["Seems to be" because it's not clear and the website doesn't give any explanation.]  Only a few titles are even close to #10 and it seems like about half were being cancelled by #5.  What do they think they can do?

One of the titles is an adaptation of the last Star Wars movie, what brings that on?  Another one is a reprint of Amazing Spider-Man Annual #21, the marriage of Peter and MJ.  That one just boggles the mind that anyone would even think of it, who in their right minds would want it if they didn't already have one?  [I have mine, thank you.]  It was one of Jim Shooter's last decisions as Editor-in-Chief and basically showed why he was such a horrible leader.  It was an awful story which damaged the company's main character for no sensible reason other than an excuse for Jim Shooter to prove he was in charge.

Anyway, what's going on with these titles?  Why is Marvel running so many and dropping them so quickly?  It might be a response to DC's recent decisions but there's no way to know, nor a clue of what they're going to do next.

Because I feel like it, I'm also adding comments I made on a website on July 5, 2015 about Peter Parker marrying Mary Jane Watson.  For whatever reason, copy-and-paste has kept it in the original format so we'll see how it looks when I push "post."

Making MJ a supermodel for any length of time definitely reduces her character. I don't think it's demeaning so much as I don't think it's MJ as she's always been. She's hot and she knows it ["Face it tiger, you've hit the jackpot"] but there's five thousand other women like her in that section of Manhattan alone. Women far less attractive than MJ have to put up with far more unwanted advances from men before they turn 18. In this story, MJ is being given a Ferarri by someone who tells her to keep it because he's got another one. There are women who have to deal with men like that, and it is possible that MJ is one of those women, but if she is, she's not going to marry Peter Parker. Even at her best and noblest 'til death do us part' she isn't going to pick a freelance photographer who climbs up walls and could very easily leave her a widow without a pension, she's not insane. Or maybe she is insane, in which case Peter should have stayed the hell away from her to begin with. He wound up siding with the devil to give his decrepit aunt another six months in intensive care just so he could get out of that marriage; it wasn't a healthy relationship.

Basically I could go either way on whether or not Spider-Man should be married, and although MJ was definitely the best choice, he shouldn't have married the MJ that we were given here. If she's being flown to Paris by anybody other than a supervillain who will use her in his master plan for world dominance, she's wrong for Peter.

As for Peter's problems not revolving around his marriage, that's my point. He could have been whining and complaining just as easily to her if they were both single, all she did was sit there and respond. He did not treat her the same way, and her problems were usually idealized supermodel problems that often required a superhero to solve. At best it was defying the trope if she solved the problem herself anyway. MJ could have done that whether she was married or not.

24 November, 2020

Why does Alice get a say in what you can or can't get at the restaurant? Does she think this is Wonderland or something?

Society does not consist of individuals, but expresses the sum of interrelations, the relations within which these individuals stand.
—  Karl Marx, Grundrisse, 1858

As we approach Thanksgiving under lockdown, it's worth noting that it was started by people who would be called "leftists" today but the term didn't exist yet.  In fact, they're one of the most important groups of people who realized that leftism doesn't work and changed.

It makes me wonder if that's one of the points of Christianity, to provide so much motivation for leftism for so long.  I assume that the New Testament, along with the Old Testament and Koran, were partially about God engaging His adversary.  There's more to it than that, of course, but part of it was to give the adversary tactics to use, which will fail in the long run but is also a conflict that's way above our paygrades.  And of course the respective scriptures provide help for the individuals among them.

Of course leftism doesn't want any individuals except the people in charge.  Those people can even claim to be Christian as long as they're devoted to leftist dogma, i.e. No God Allowed.

Anyway, not having been raised with religion, I don't really know what the experience was like and even then it would be impossible to comprehend what it was like over 400 years ago.  John Smith infamously said "He who does not work shall not eat" around the same time and it's not hard to see that being for multiple possible reasons.

But it was realizing the need for individual ability that brought them success and centuries worth of influence.  If everybody gets the same thing regardless of how hard or well they work, there's no point in doing anything.  That was the spell the Pilgrims were under when they arrived and it took a year or so of suffering to realize there was another option.

That is what leftism is against, "from each according to his ability to each according to his need" according to whoever gets to make the decisions that everyone else must obey without question.  It never works and never will but that's what they have always gone for.

Ok, that's a good insight, I can use that.  My next theory is that it's why feudalism is their ideal society, assuming that they won't be the peons and they'll get to command everyone else who is because that's what not being an individual is about to them.

23 November, 2020

Raisins are just grape-jerky.

□ [“Israeli PM Netanyahu Met with Saudi Leader Mohammed bin Salman in Secret Trip to Saudi Arabia"]

Odd how there's no mention of stuff like this in the media or from so-called incoming POTUS Biden.  Shouldn't they be out there demanding that Israel doesn't exist and none of its neighbors are allowed to disagree with them?  Or couldn't they at least be appreciating Trump's accomplishment?  But that would be too much like work and it would just confuse their supporters.

I think I've made the point before but this is like Obama keeping the Bush tax cuts permanent, they can't say what they're doing because they've spent so long opposing it so they'll just go on pretending as they've been doing all along.  That is what they do.

NY Gov. Cuomo to Have Thanksgiving With Elderly Mother and Two Daughters After Telling New Yorkers to Not Have Family Gatherings
November 23, 2020

They're going to keep this up.  It's what they do.  It's looking more hopeless by the day to stand against them because it looks like nothing is being done against them.  I'm sure it's not the case but that's what it looks like.  If the left can't hold together on anything else, they can do it now at least for long enough to wipe out their opponents.

That's another theory that I've been getting, that at some level the left is telling the truth, they aren't after power.  It's whoever they cite as their enemies that they're really focused on, and yes, taking power is the only way to defeat their enemies, their true goal but they're focused on their enemies more than anything else.  We can see this with the cities they run falling apart, they don't want to be in charge, just to keep anyone else from doing anything.  Then the cities have gotten much worse this year and they don't want to help their citizens, they just want to use it as an excuse to go after their enemies.

I'm sure some leftists honestly want power and know it's the only way to get what they want, but what's unclear is how many of them don't and can be manipulated for "the cause."  Humans are far too complicated as individuals to make such widespread definitions which has always been a major weakness for the left and helps explain why tyranny is always the result when they take charge.

22 November, 2020

Don't think about this. It'll hurt your brain.

Time keeps passing.  Another weekend is gone.  The left sounds like they're planning to drop Thanksgiving and Christmas.  That'll go well.

MSNBC in 2019 Reports on How Easy It Is to Hack Dominion Software and ES-S Voting Machines (VIDEO)
November 22, 2020

It does sound like some demonstrations are getting started.  I've finally gotten through that "Rubicon" essay I linked to a few days ago and it does help set up much of the upcoming conflict.

I don't have much to say at the moment.  I've mostly been working on my next book or my "History Project."  I'm trying to re-read Claremont's initial X-Men storyline but between my reading problems and the dialogue/captions itself, that isn't easy or all that interesting.

□ [“The Comics Cube: Rick Veitch Interview: 1963"]

I found this interview last night and it was quite good.  The interviewer went to a large amount of detail of the creation and production of the series.  Rick Veitch looks old but I guess that's natural.  I was a fanboy for him and Steve Bissette at the 1993 Chicago Comicon and still remember that with happiness.

I think the biggest issue is 'just finish the damn series.'  Even if Moore never writes the second half of the "80-page annual," have Rick and Steve draw the script that was finished, call the new characters "Spewn" and "Yengbled" and that'll be good enough.

I've always wondered if 1963 was some sort of mystic program, given how it ended with the last issue and all the problems afterwards when the series failed.  Moore/Veitch/Bissette had done little or nothing with the Marvel characters or style so this was quite an anomaly from some of the most important creators of their era and right on the front-lines of what was happening in more places than comics at the time.

This is the sort of stuff I think about.

21 November, 2020

If you can read this, you have nothing better to do with your life. I pity you.

Guatemalans Are Currently Burning Down Their Congress After Series of Government Failures
November 21, 2020

Iran Again Uses Syrian Territory to Attack Israel, Plants IEDs Inside Israeli Border
November 21, 2020

Biden Scolds Reporter For Asking About Coronavirus and Schools, Doesn’t Answer Question
November 21, 2020

Notice that Democrats don't even seem to be remotely curious how Biden's going to rule a nation where half the voters believe he stole the election.  It's like they already know the answers, he has men with guns to enforce his will which is the same thing other Democratic state leaders are doing, ignoring what their state congresses have said and going on with whatever law they make up themselves.

They've wanted this for a long time and the only issue is how long they've been working on it.  50 years?  More?  Less?

To the extent that the goal is always the same, I think it's been less because the goal is always unrealistic.  Leftists don't look at reality, they look at what they want to see in their own minds.  That's why it's so difficult to figure out if this has been a plan or just going along with whatever.

20 November, 2020

After the dawn it's always too. They've stolen the sun.

Macron Gives Muslim Council Two Weeks to Agree to ‘Republican Values Charter’
November 20, 2020

NY Governor “Furious” That Cops Won’t Enforce His Thanksgiving Crackdown
November 19, 2020

I saw a cartoon of Gavin Newsom in his recent dinner party, including the photo of everyone close together and no one's wearing a mask.  It brings up Animal Farm with the pigs eating inside at tables which the animals they ruled were forbidden to do.

I'm surprised no one else has thought of that so far because it's pretty obvious when you think about it.  I've always wondered if Orwell was writing about Russia specifically as a communist who felt let down by the obvious result of the revolution or if at some level he was covering the problems with communism itself.  I can't find my copy so I can't even look it up.

Yesterday there was a news conference with Giuliani and others covering what has been found so far.  Republican observers weren't allowed to watch mail-in ballots be opened, much less see that they had been signed properly.  Democratic states had changed their laws right before the election and helped Democrat-run counties accomodat it but not Republican-run counties which is itself against the law.

Voters kept being told that their votes had already arrived and been counted.  The officials wouldn't check any defects, even backdating the votes so they'd be counted.  People didn't have to apply for mail-in ballots, they just had to send them in.  Votes for Biden went through the counting machines multiple times.  A lot of counties reported more votes than they had actual voters.  Then there's people who voted in states they didn't live in.

The company that produced these voting machines is from Venezuela and George Soros.  Even the votes were counted overseas.  The anomalies are too much to be anything other than fraud, and oddly enough they all happened in the middle of the night.  And notice how this only happens in Democrat-run states and cities.  Yet we're supposed to believe that Trump went all around campaigning multiple times a day, won more votes than he got four years ago and his party swept all the down-ballot elections, yet Biden didn't do any of that and won fair and square?

Yes, we know it was stolen, the question is what we're going to do about it.

Here's an article I haven't read yet, just glanced through.  Ain't my reading problems wonderful?  Anyway, it seems to be covering part of what might be done and the title probably gives you a clue.
□ [“Trump at the Rubicon"]

19 November, 2020

Mister Ed was always an Ayn Rand fan. A horse is A horse.

Democrat Tyrant Gavin Newsom Issues 10 PM Curfew For Most California Counties
November 19, 2020

Thousands of People Packed the Streets for Biden, and Now He Wants You to Cancel Thanksgiving
November 18, 2020

President Trump’s Executive Order from 2018 Covering Interference in US Elections By Foreign Entities Looks Relevant Today
November 18, 2020

Dunno how much I have to say at the moment.  I'm not happy today and it's been like every other day for the last several months which is like all of 2020 and several months before that.

□ [“Wonder Woman 1984 Will be Released to HBO Max on the Same Day As Its (Obligatory) Release to Theaters"]

Is the movie theater business coming to an end?  Obviously there's no point to going out to buy a ticket if you can just watch it at home and your cable bill stays the same.  The article says they'd spent $200 million to make the movie (presumably including marketing) and there's no way to get that back.  If they can't get by with Wonder Woman, what other movies have a chance?

And note this connects to the rumors about DC itself, that it's getting out of the regular comics business.  There was another article about it a few days ago which I thought of posting but decided it was just speculation, but it did have more detail about how DC would be adapting to a new format.  It's kind of tough to think Warner Bros wasn't planning this for a while and I doubt it started with the fake virus.  Taking down movies, comics, haven't heard anything about music concerts or theater but obviously those are out of the running these days.  Painting and books are the only artforms off the top of my head that could be created normally and how do you get them to customers?

Then there's sports dying off although I assume they'll come back before too long.

18 November, 2020

I've finally learned the meaning of life and it requires listening to Nirvana albums over and over. Just shoot me now.

There seems to be more public demonstrations from the right getting started.  I'm not paying close enough attention to follow where they all are or what they're all doing, but my main view is asking what they're worth.  Democrats can ignore protesters unless they see a political advantage and they're already making it clear that 'the people' aren't important.

I'm not complaining though, or at most I'll complain that this should have started two weeks ago.  If one were happening around where I live, I'd probably go.  I just don't see a point other than ignorable rage and maybe being a target for the leftists.  If that happens, then the fun will really get started.

□ [“Wisconsin, Like MI, GA, PA and VA, Caught Doing the ‘Drop and Roll’ Too — Once Biden Gained Lead with Massive Vote Dumps, The Rest of Votes All Possessed Same Biden to Trump Vote Ratio"]

It's starting to be said that Trump won a massive lead that was stolen but there's no way to know if that's true or just projection.  At this point it's impossible to know how many people really vote Democrat, how many just claim they do and how many are dead.  And that's the way the left wants it.

One thing that needs to be realized is that the left is working for multiple goals at the same time.  At some level they have to pretend to care what other people think and there's a need to elect "centrists."  Then they have to promote the actual left and drag everybody along with them by force.  They also have to make sure their leaders live in big mansions and are surrounded by men with guns.  Then they have to convince people who actually know how work is done to get involved since they stay as far away from that realm as possible.

This requires multiple layers of thought and decision which normal people don't have to bother with, then there's the need to keep track of preferred media and spend time on that.  It would be easy to say 'well they can't think for themselves' but even if true, that's still time and energy that can't go to any other use.  By all accounts, the right has been dropping a lot of media in the last few weeks.  I know I have and I haven't used much media in years anyway.

I received the proof copy of my next book today.  I promise that there's no chance whatsoever of my getting it edited and ordering a final copy before December 31, but if 2020 has given me nothing else of benefit, it's that I've come close to another year tying for first (along with 2017 and 2018) for the most books finished.

So now we know why Biden never bothered to campaign, it's not like he was bothering with real voters.

It's been run by Democrats for decades, they haven't had a Republican mayor since January 2, 1962.  As Joe Biden said, you're not black if you don't vote for him.  Those are votes they can throw out and blame Republicans for.

I'm trying to find a list of how long Democrats have run various states and cities.  Making one for Governors/Senators/Congressmen was easy and already disproves the notion that evil racists all left the Democratic Party and joined the Republicans in the 1960s.  I'd like to find records of state and city parties but I can't find much out of Wikipedia which only has some info.

Regardless, it's easy to find that Democrats have run for decades these cities full of riots claiming racism.  LBJ promised to keep blacks in their place for centuries and this is what he's done, now they're officially not black if they try to get out.  What's higher on the Democrat platform, gay marriage, abortion and gun control or blacks who disagree with all of that?  Democrats are trying to get the Muslim vote and they aren't in favor of any of that either.  The leaders get what they want, their voters just have to obey even against their own will.

Blacks have been the control experiment for leftist destruction of the family and attaching everyone to government income.  So why wouldn't they wouldn't they get their votes stolen and Democrats project the blame on Republicans?

17 November, 2020

Why did the chicken drink Rococo Coffee? They're sponsoring me, not some f*king chicken!

□ [Wolfgang Van Halen - “Distance" (official video)]

I totally forgot this was coming out.  He says his style is more 2000's "active rock" (whatever that means) than classic Van Halen.  That's certainly true.

I didn't even try to watch the video.  No interest whatsoever in seeing childhood footage.  The dialogue between the father and son at the beginning and end doesn't help.  I can certainly understand why it was done but I don't want to watch it.  I'm not remotely a big enough Van Halen fan to want to see any footage of Eddie and that goes double for Wolfie.

Musically there's nothing wrong with it other than the genre.  This is where pop music stopped even trying to have verses and choruses.  It just starts, keeps going and ends, nothing catchy or memorable.  The opening is decent but then the song just stays that way.  I'm actually planning to listen to it again to check if there was a real chorus or even a bridge, Nothing stands out, it all sounds the same going along.

The lyrics are pretty meaningless.  That's not a bad thing but there's nothing grabbing about them, in fact I have to work to pay any attention to them.  They're very repetitive which doesn't help.  The lyrics to "Jump" were meaningless but who cares, might as well listen to "Jump."  I guess there is a bridge but the guitar solo is just the same note over and over, eventually moving to another note, then another one.  Then the song just ends.

The whole thing just seems to be mechanical although that may just be because he's the sole instrumentalist so that's unfortunately a natural trend.  Compare the difference between Paul McCartney's solo "Maybe I'm Amazed" compared to the live version that became a well-deserved hit.  That's what a band does.  Prince is the only one I can think of off the top of my head who could be the sole musician on songs that was still catchy and popular.  [Obviously there are others.  Brian May's "Too Much Love Will Kill You" is one of my favorite songs ever, way better than the Queen version, But in both cases, they wrote actual songs and fortunately weren't doing the 2000s "active rock" style.

I honestly hoped it would be horrible.  At least that would be amusing.  It isn't horrible.  It'll probably be whatever qualifies as a hit these days but I assumed that would happen.  But it's not very good.  He could have played it on Van Halen's last tour and had a real guitarist and drummer, that might have been worth something.  Maybe he can do it for the reunion.

The blues is my business and business is good

California Lawmakers Head to Luxury Resort in Maui with Lobbyists Despite Covid Restrictions and Travel Warnings
November 17, 2020

Gavin Newsom Lies About Why He Broke His Own Rule and Attended a Large Birthday Party at Super-Upscale Restaurant French Laundry; Concedes, "We're all human. We all fall short sometimes."
November 17, 2020

Arlington Cemetery Cancels Wreaths Across America Over Coronavirus fears
November 17, 2020

They've got men with guns to enforce this: Pennsylvania Mandating People Wear Masks Inside Their Homes
November 17, 2020

Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein Caught at Work Without a Face Mask On…. AGAIN (VIDEO)
November 17, 2020

They've increasingly been on the 'rules are for little people' tactic for a while but they don't even pretend anymore.  I noticed that with Obama, they just started repeating the same lines about "Fox News" when anybody disagreed with them and there was not even the slightest attempt at communication, much less convincing.  This is how a dictatorship works, repeating their mantras and shutting people up until there's a reason to order them outside.  That's why I've suspected for a while that the virus nonsense was encouraged to let them impose their will upon everybody else.

What makes them do this?  Last night I had the idea that this is what made Chris Claremont's X-Men so influential, the left behaves like the human characters but pretend they're homo superior.  They're violent, they're hateful, they're willing to destroy the society they intend to rule and claim to be persecuted.

I'm trying to think of a way to extend this metaphor because where else would I go other than Claremont's X-Men?  The "Phoenix Saga" would be the most obvious example but I can't think of any specifics other than Claremont, John Byrne and Jim Shooter having no idea what they were getting into they were well into the process.  X-Men hadn't even been selling enough to become monthly until several issues into Byrne's run although it was critically acclaimed before he became penciller which must have been part of it.  The follow-up "Days of Future Past" would have built on it as was the introduction of the Hellfire Club.

I would have to site the first storyline as where it happened.  Claremont probably had nothing to do with Giant-Sized X-Men except read it after Len Wein and Dave Cockrum finished it, although in 1987 he did claim he was present at the plotting session and gave the idea of how to beat the villain.  Wein plotted the next two-part story and then gave the title to Claremont, I assume to script after Cockrum brought in the pencils.  It was a straightforward 1970s superhero comic, mainly notable for killing one of the heroes, Thunderbird.  I'm looking through the issues now and to this day I'm mindboggled by how simplistic the stories are.

The follow-up issue was Claremont's first total issue, following the simple theme but adding Moira McTaggert and spending over two pages on a subplot which would get developed over the next few years but then just vanish.  It also had a mystical scene which works in context - Xavier trying to mind-scan the invading demon - but makes me wonder if Claremont's interests in magic were involved here.  That's something the left always goes back to, isn't it?

#97 started the storyline as we know it.  The writing is already better, there are clearly things going on which never get explained - why did Eric the Red go after Lorna in the first place and how did he know about her when he admitted to having never heard of Alex? [I can call them Alex and Lorna, we're tight like that] and the subplots begin.  Eric the Red has turned Havoc and Polaris evil for some reason, a panel shows someone watching this scene on video and someone watching the watcher on video.  There's a fight that leads to no conclusions.

Then there's the three-part Sentinels followed by the appearance of Phoenix and a two-part change of direction of the storyline, Then Magneto returns, then the subplots that have been appearing in each issue build to the cosmic characters getting together, a one-off fill-in issue plotted by Claremont and scripted by Bill Mantlo that never went anywhere, finally the two-parter that ended the storyline, Phoenix saving the universe.

Looking through it now, regardless of my reading problems, I'm still impressed by how each part was full of stuff, character building and subplots in addition to the generic fight scenes.  It all built to a cosmic finale in the way while providing one basic story after another.  Flipping through this Essential Version and the next one, the series continued along these lines.  There would start to be more subplots that never went anywhere but most did and the next storyline gave the X-Men some individual attention and wound up with them going around the world and being presumed dead.  It ended with them returning home though still considered dead by some people.  Then there was a short buildup to the Proteus story, followed by "Dark Phoenix" and then John Byrne's departure.  After that Claremont had to figure out what to do next and the series began the first of it's several major changes during his tenure.

This isn't helping me confirm that it's a major part of modern leftism but I think it is helping me try to limit the possibilities.  It had to have come from the first storyline because that did set the standards one way or another.  Before that, Claremont just wrote whatever title Marvel told him to and the X-Men were a third-rate title that had just gotten out of reprints for several years.  Comics sales were going down anyway and Marvel was trying to come up with ways to increase them, hence the Giant-Sized series.  The direct market had barely been born yet and I think that was where the series became really successful, helping regular customers and collectors.  It's out of this scope to consider how the left worked with Marvel itself (although one assumes they've been part of the recent movies), I'm just trying to figure out how the series itself fit in.

I do think it's related that Marvel rehired Claremont in the mid-late 90s and since then, he hasn't made much of any connection to the rest of the world.  He rarely does interviews and when he does, he only talks about whatever he's currently writing if there is anything or standard anecdotes of his X-Men run, never any unknown details or secrets.  My guess is that they pay him to be quiet for the rest of his life because he was in too deeply with... something.  Obviously that's where I run out of ideas.

Gotta say, there's times where I would love to just start writing fiction again, I think a lot about how to do a made-up history that would probably explain about as much as a "real" history, I just can't think of an actual story.

16 November, 2020

We're all just sitting and waiting. What's going to happen next?

□ [“CDC Lists 26,557 Heart Attacks as COVID Deaths, Lists 7,919 Accidents and Poisonings as COVID Deaths"]

Of course they're still pushing heavily on this virus nonsense, trying to keep people locked up longer and longer.  I have to wonder if this is all an organized plan or just multiple plans merging together when victory looks in sight.

They have help taking advantage of people by the weakening of humans in recent decades.  This has been noticed for a long time but there's never been such a push to use it for power as the left is now.  Now that I think about it, that's always been an obvious goal of communists for precisely that reason.  It's never happened on this scale because there's never been a society with this scale.

Oddly enough, I'm both becoming more confident that the leftists will be stopped and more worried that they won't.  The worry is obvious, there's still no sign of Trump or anyone else holding a winning hand.  I'll say it again, Biden could flat-out admit that all the votes for him are fake and the left wouldn't care.  They wouldn't listen to him, they'd just pretend to support him and go on with their long-established goals as they've been doing.

Even a confidence is limited to the knowledge of human nature and so what?  Russians are human too - I think, would someone look into that for me? - and they were trapped under leftist idols for 70 years.  The company behind these Dominion voting machines which apparently caused a lot of the fraud is from Venezuela who also does voting fraud and is worshiped by leftists.

Yeah, a lot of the point is to tear down people's resistance but that's just it, there's a a point where that tactic works and so far we're not any way to get around it.  If Trump had been working for the Democrats to set this up all along, how would it look differently now?  Would day after day pass with no change?  I've got enough problems in my life without seeing Biden+media act like he's already POTUS with nothing to stop him and no way to figure out how and others are probably in a similar situation.  If there's something we can do, we have to be told about it.

15 November, 2020

If 2020 were a piece of gum, it would be wintermint flavored. Ewwwwwww!!!

□ [“DC to Pull Out of Comic Shops?"]

I've been meaning to post this for a couple days but haven't gotten around to it.  It suggests DC is going to drop the monthly titles.  They'd be focusing on internet serials, then collections or larger anthologies.  Going to internet is a possibility but even there, I can't see how they'd make much money from ads or subscribers.  I could see encouraging the collections but the last notion came from Japan and hasn't really succeeded elsewhere.  [Now watch someone show that Europe has done it for decades or something like that.]

One of the main ways comics have always worked is by coming out on a regular basis.  We saw that with the daily newspaper strips and the Sundays.  It's really helped to only have to wait a month for the next story about favorite characters.  The comics stores helped further by not requiring people to go around searching for their preferred titles.  I don't see a benefit in dropping that ability that comes from our history.

It's also going to drop professionalism.  Getting work done and moving on to the next one has always been important in every art field.

It's also tough to see how this won't basically kill the comic store.  Obviously I don't know how things are set these days, but from what I used to know, Marvel probably wouldn't be enough to keep them going.  Some could probably last, assuming 2020 itself hasn't been bad enough - but by-in-large, that part of the medium would be gone.  Almost all of it would, except the corporate characters themselves, the ones that needed regular comics release to survive for all these decades.

I may not be posting as much this week.  I know every time I say that, I never stop, but it's always good to keep a 'heads up' in line.

14 November, 2020

When my dad dies, I'm going to solve a new physics equation!

□ [“Wolfgang Van Halen Dedicating His Debut Solo Single To His Late Father"]

This single should be out on Monday the 16th.  I assume I'll listen to it but wanted to write down what I was thinking about it beforehand.

Yeah, there are people complaining about it coming right after EVH's death, but I don't think much of that.  Brian May had started preparing to release his first solo album as Freddie Mercury was nearing death and was really bothered by that and wanted to put it off.  He talked to Queen's manager about it who brought the news to Freddie whose response was classic, "tell him he must release it, what better publicity could he have?"  Then there's Yoko immediately going back to work on a new solo album two days after her husband died.  Lennon had spent his last couple of weeks focusing on it and it was her biggest hit.  It's Yoko's biggest hit ever and the Brian May album is still one of my favorites of all time.

Anyway, I'm not bothered by Wolfgang's new release.  If nothing else, it's good to have something to focus on in times like these.  More importantly, he's never had much to focus on.  Born to monstrously-rich parents, there hasn't been much need to get into anything.  He's supposedly a talented multi-instrumentalist but there's little sign of that beyond playing bass in his father's band for one album and two tours and some with another band I can't name offhand.  Nothing has made his abilities stick out and he's been working on this album for at least five years.

That's not how long it takes to make a debut album when you live in a house with a professional studio.  At least not if you have any real desire to get work done.  I know he said something about having to keep the family going for the next generation but I can't find the quote.  I think it was around the time he joined in 2007.  He's turning 30 in a few months and Wikipedia says he's played on four studio albums in his life, drums or bass, not both.  His father had released 1984, his sixth album, shortly before turning 29.  Wolf started in Van Halen when he was sixteen, over half his life ago and hasn't demonstrated ability that people have an urge to hear.

Like I say, I'm sure I'll listen to the new song, but at this point I'm just expecting this new release to be generic hard rock.  But this is coming from the Axl Rose school of music and even Axl managed to get a few albums done before his 30th birthday, the only ones he's known for.

Christopher Woerner is sponsored by Rococo Coffee. Everybody votes for Rococo Coffee. They have no choice.

□ [“Pelosi Cancels ‘Super Spreader’ Dinner at Capitol After Backlash"]

It was leftists who were complaining.  One gets the impression that it's more about them turning on Pelosi than any actual objection to this fake virus and Nancy would never have tried to throw the party in the first place if she thought there was a dangerous virus out there.  Given that they want to cancel Thanksgiving, it's a little too obvious that their rules don't apply to them if they throw a party to celebrate their victory.

Oh wait...

□ [“Pelosi: I Never Said Democrats Were Going To Pick Up Seats"]

She did say "Democrats are poised to further strengthen our majority" on Election Day.  How, exactly, will they strengthen their majority without gaining seats?  The two go hand in hand.  I'm still not paying close attention to the news - which many Americans seem to be doing these days - but they might have even lost seats.  Does that make a stronger majority?  Is there a reason she isn't doing a better job answering questions?  Or is it just she doesn't have to?

One of the few things entertaining about 2020 is how Nancy's falling apart with these election results.  At some point they'll have to at least pretend that there are a lot of solid Republicans who would vote for everyone in their party except Trump but that leaves an obvious point that a lot of Democrats could vote for their party except for Biden.  Human nature would lead to that much diversity, except for the one political party that claims to be diverse?  Everybody's the same, no exceptions unless they're in charge?

I have to wonder if she's trying to be Ruth Ginsberg, stay right there until she's totally dead and let the left fight against any replacement.  That doesn't seem far away.

□ [“Progressives slam Nancy Pelosi’s ice cream stunt in election postmortem"]

There are people trying to work out what percentage of live votes went to Trump or Biden compared to how the mail-in votes went and so far there seems to be a lot of difference between the two.  Of course that has to get through a judge and I assume they are mostly Democrats.

Of course the media is completely in on this.  It makes one wonder if that's the actual point, to push leftists as far as they can for the incoming Biden Presidency and then reality gets in the way and that's the actual start of the next civil war.  That actually sounds logical, they're already as far from reality as possible for them, such a thing would put them over the edge.

13 November, 2020

It's all part of Ringo's master plan!

□ [“Reclusive Yoko Ono, 87, hands over her business interests in The Beatles and John Lennon to their son Sean"]

Saw this a couple days ago but kept forgetting to post it.  I've been wondering for a while what Yoko was doing.  This article doesn't really help but at least it's news that she's old and sick although on what we don't know.

In February 2016, Yoko was hospitalized after suffering what was rumored to be a stroke, but she later said it was a severe flu.

How does a stroke get confused with the flu?  That doesn't sound logical.  Of course she's spent her entire live surrounded by massive wealth so she really has no idea what ordinary people are like, but she does like being in charge.  It's one of those things that most people can't even speculate how that work.  One assumes she's spent very little time around people who don't say what she wants to hear.

I suspect she's a major reason for what's happened to the world in the last 50 years, but to be fair, if she and John had never met, something else would have happened.  The 20th century seems to have been built for what's going on these days and we haven't reached the bottom yet.

Your best friends are the ones you beg for help and tell you they'll get around to it in a month or so. Who would care for you more?

□ [“THE HOOD INTERNET presents 1990"]

It's been a couple of months since I checked these youtube videos, but it seems they added a few more years.  Now they go up through 1994.

It's very interesting how they combine fragments of songs and videos to create these and I enjoy them immensely, at least from the early-90s.  But my interest in popular music started dropping early.  I'm listening to these videos again as I write this but at the moment, I don't recall recognizing songs from 1994, even ones I know I've heard like Nirvana's cover of David Bowie's "Man Who Sold the World."  There was a little more from 1993 but even there most of the recognition I had was from the videos themselves, not the music.

The videos are great.  They put together clips from the originals very well and generally it all looks like everybody's having a party, not a highly intellectual concept description but it's very well done visually.  Musically I quite like how they're generally aiming at pop songs, not focusing on hard rock etc. too much unless they were genuine hits.  There's too much rap music for my taste though, that's one of the reasons I left pop music.  Nirvana and Pearl Jam were the other reasons, it was obviously where things were going.

I don't know if I'll see many future videos.  At least I paid enough attention to recognize most of the stuff from the early-90s, later on I'd be lucky to recognize one or two songs from a given year.  I just had to look up what year Meat Loaf and Jim Steinman brought us Bat out of Hell II and it turns out to be 1993, so I guess it wasn't even mentioned in that year's video.  Dammit.

Even there, I will complain how a lot of song references only appear to be in the video itself and it's impossible to tell if they're citing the actual songs.  There's so much editing being done that it may be just a bassline or drumbeat, modified to the point that it's unrecognizable.  The 1990 video even has Slash playing on guitar and I had no idea what song it was even though I knew I'd seen it countless times.  [Turned out to be "Knocking on Heaven's Door"]  It's stuff like that which can make the overall track fail when you can tell you know the reference but cannot place it.

It also goes both ways on how they focus on music or vocals.  In some ways it might be better if they just picked a few of the singers and went back and forth between them while the music ran across the year's hit songs and grew in a dramatic fashion, almost making a new music.  But perhaps that would have been too hard.  And maybe it was just because 1994 was the least-familiar, but I liked the way it seemed to mostly focus on the music.  But even there, it's just moving from one section to the next, A to B to C with no real connection other than because they claim it does.

1991 is probably my favorite and seems closer to a song, focusing on Mariah Carey singing and the guitar riff from Michael Jackson's "Black or White" on the first 'verse,' then switching to Tom Petty, building to a bridge and then REM for the final verse although I only recognize the video and not any part of the song from "Losing My Religion."  Oh well just wonderful to see/hear it all again.

1992 had a few great moments, most especially building up to Whitney Houston for a climax.  I also loved how drums from one song backed up En Vogue singing, I loved the part that had the Annie Lennox "Walking on Broken Glass" music backing up other songs.  Then there was Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg's entry which reminded of me of how I stopped listening to pop.  They even used the edited version of "Nuthin But a 'G' Thang" which is especially pointless, although granted MTV wouldn't have played the real version.

1993 had stuff I recognized but almost none of it had stuck with me all these years.  Ace of Base's "The Sign" was about the best it came there.  I did like the last minute or so which just sounded like happy music, even blurred together like this.  And they did use a couple brief clips from a Meat Loaf video so there's something.

1994 had almost nothing I knew.  One song I recognized and according to the list, there's an Elton John song that I know very well but I didn't even recognize the video, much less the song.  There's a Seal song for a Batman movie that I know I've seen but didn't catch a thing.  I did hear a soft guitar with Nirvana which must have been the Bowie cover, so there's that, but it's it.  I did like how the music mixed and moved along although perhaps it was my lack of memory of the works that made me enjoy that for what it was.

I had left pop music after that for the most part.  There were some times in the next decade where I would listen to it but not many.  My interest was clearly headed towards rock music that was around before I was born, or at least made by bands who were formed.  It's clearly where my interest remains.  I noticed a few years ago that I can tolerate Country music, but not by much.  The only exception there is Johnny Cash and he's been dead for almost 20 years.  That's not how a musical genre gets fans.

A few years ago, I put together a bunch of songs that I had on computer to create "My favorites."  I still find that's worked really well, I can just link on a bunch of songs and listen to them all.  It's not from my complete collection but most of that is on CDs I haven't touched in many years, now that computers don't even have a way to play them.  But most of it is rock and pop, the majority of it older than me.  And that's the way it should be.
What little I've heard of the recent court decisions seems good but I'm still worried that the left has taken the entire system.  I've heard Trump making a statement today about some medical shot for the virus and he didn't sound good.  And virtually none of us have any options.  I've heard that there are few attempts for Trump supporters to publicly demonstrate in DC, sounds good but how many of us can get there.  I would if it were nearby but obviously I couldn't get there in less than a few days.  What else is there?

□ [“Pelosi to Host Large Dinner for New House Members as Democrats Urge Americans To Stay Home and Not Host Family Gatherings Due to Coronavirus"]
□ [“California Governor Gavin Newsom Breaks His Own Authoritarian Covid Lockdown Order, Attends Birthday Party For Political Advisor"]

Quite typically, they're showing that the rules they want on everybody else won't apply to them.  This is why Hillary got to send and receive top-secret information in a personal internet server, an act that would have sent any of us with a security clearance to jail for a long time.

One thing I've been thinking about recently was Woodrow Wilson, the first outright socialist to be in the Presidency.  I've never studied his work deeply, I did use to know the basic details but it's been a long time and obviously I've got my memory problems.  As much as anything, I'm writing this as a note to look into it.  Because I do know he truly believed in ignoring the Constitution and creating a non-elected elite who would make all the decisions for their subjects and have to wonder how much of the Democratic Party for the last century has been following his example.  It would explain a lot.

□ [“New York Times Finally Admits the Black Lives Matter Riots Left 'Long-Term Economic Damage'"]

Which they entirely supported all along, but now they feel the need to pretend they actually care about their victims.  I don't really get how this newspaper has kept going for so long with stuff like this.  Historical reputation goes a long way but we can see how that eventually falls.  Look at how many Democrats Nancy Pelosi has decide to take pictures off the House walls in the last year, just as Woodrow Wilson and Margaret Sanger get removed even as their goals are still being followed.

12 November, 2020

The world is nearing a time of great distress. And yet we have no cookies. Someone Must Pay!!!

I think we're all just taking up the days, waiting for something to happen.  The left is of course convinced that they've won.  Trump has finally started making a few oblique remarks about an upcoming surprise.  I don't mind that they're oblique, I'm just annoyed that he didn't do this a week or two ago.

□ [“Georgia Headed to Manual Recount"]

It's a start but that's all it is.

Iran-backed Terrorist Groups in Iraq Cheer Prospect of Biden Presidency
November 11, 2020

We're finally getting records of more Republican victories.  Five counties in Texas that are mostly full of hispanics, including one that's 94% hispanic and hasn't voted Republican since 1920.  They won the governorship of Montana and maintained another 8 governorships.  They picked up Senate seats in Arizona and added 9 House seats, plus added state houses.  Yet there's magically enough living voters who sent in votes for nobody but Biden?

□ [“Sen. Kamala Harris’ Husband Quitting Job for Position in Possible Biden Administration"]

I'm starting to come to a theory that most political marriages are run by whoever's not in office.  This could only be pursued by someone who's closer to marriage than I am but it's still an interesting thought.

□ [“'Cancel Traditional Thanksgiving Plans' – Mayor Lori Lightfoot Tells Chicagoans Not to Gather with Family Members, Issues Stay-at-Home Advisory"]

I've been wondering how they're going to treat Thanksgiving.  I don't think a lot of people will go along with that but I also doubt that there'll be much punishment for those who disobey.  Nor will there be media coverage.  Obviously they want to destroy American holidays but that may be a long-term goal while securing their power would be more immediate.  Controlling the media would be a more important component of that security than one random Thanksgiving.  This would be more about proving that they can give the commands and no one can stop them, forcing obedience will be next.

In other news, DC comics has been undergoing large changes over the last few months.

□ [“The Red Honeymoon at DC Comics"]

Partially I'm sure it's because the comics industry is in such horrible shape but I also assume that it's part of a larger plan for AOL/Time-Warner to restructure itself for the upcoming decades.  They've obviously been completely failing to make their characters into something people want to pay attention to and can't do it with comics, so...

What I found most interesting about the list of people getting fired is that I've never heard of any of them, even if they've been at DC for a couple decades.  I'm amazed to how little attention I've paid to the business aspect in so long.  Obviously I was never part of it myself but still...  The only name that even rung a bell for me was Stuart Schreck, sales manager for 21 years, because his last name was that of a previous editor, Bob Schreck.  He edited at Dark Horse, or at least was "special projects director" for Frank Miller and John Byrne, then spent two years founding a company, Omni (which got some more Miller comics) and left in 1999 to work at DC.  That's 21 years ago, are they the same person?  Related?

From what I could find, they aren't the same person.  Wikipedia says Bob left DC in 2009 and he's been deputy director of the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund since.  It also says he has a husband, suggesting what a marriage to Diana Schutz does to a person.  But that doesn't say Bob and Stuart aren't related, I just can't find any details one way or the other.  Wikipedia also says he had been getting offers from DC for a decade before he took them up on it which does make more sense.  Did he have a brother/cousin/nephew on the inside to help him take the offer?  Was giving this guy a job one of the requirements for accepting?  Both of them are from New York although I can't find specifics on state or city.  Bob is from Levittown on Long Island, a big Manhattan suburb.  His husband is "Randy" so that's not Stuart.  Assuming we can trust Wikipedia.

Anyway, that's a hint (that can't be proved) of the sort of interactions people can have which is far beyond leftists.  And I get to think a bit about comics.  Given what else is going on my life these days, it's nice to have something I can still enjoy.

And one other pleasurable note, this morning I was able to order a proof copy of my next book, the fourth one in 2020.  I won't get it edited by the end of the year, but I really wanted a physical copy of the work just to show I could do it.

11 November, 2020

And so this is Veteran's Day and what have we done?

I'm feeling a little better although there's still no reason for it.  The left has a tendency to go straight for whatever they want and never make any backup plans but that doesn't mean they never do it or that they haven't been smart enough to do it this time.  Of course they're going to turn on each other, there's just no indication that they'll be doing it before taking control.

Black Lives Matter leaders have already announced that they're owed something for supporting Biden.  He'd give in no matter what but it is an example of their internal conflict.  They'll go after Nancy Pelosi but at her age, she might be willing to surrender regardless.  The ostensible "moderates" will claim to want unity, the left wants nothing of the kind, they want complete control.

It is clear that the voter fraud, under current rules, could only happen in big cities which coincidentally are run by Democrats.  The Constitution and the rules all depend on every other place being able to have a say, which is why only the Presidential election could be given fake votes, not Congress, the House or state elections.

So, as we've seen in Georgia so far, there are 95,801 votes that went for Biden and included no other candidates.  Apparently Trump got 818 Georgia votes the same way.  Biden got 2,376,081 votes that involved another candidate, Trump got 2,456,915, thus showing that he won the state just as in 2016.  Georgia kept one Senate Republican, the other is still pending and I don't pretend to understand how both senators from a state can be up for election in the same year, but anyway...  Democrats gained one House seat, every other seat stayed with the previous inhabiting party, usually the same person.  The state officers weren't up for election and I can't find how the state House or Senate won.  Still, they're all Republican, except for places like Atlanta which hasn't had a Republican mayor since 1879.

This is where I start thinking that the notion that all the evil racists magically went over to the Republican Party.  The people making that claim never agree on a year but they never seem to realize that what they're saying is that the Democratic Party said 'we've been totally wrong for all these decades and you should never have voted for us, now vote for us,' and they keep winning.  Do they think blacks are stupid enough to go along with that or do they just know how to keep blacks in their place, as they did all those previous decades?

Then there's the issue of votes for Trump that were changed to votes for Biden, or just flat-out taken out by the people whose job is counting the votes, all using the same computer counting system, Dominion.
Pennsylvania switched 220,883 votes and lost 941,248.
New Jersey switched 80,242 votes and lost 20.
Florida switched 21,422 votes and lost 456.
Michigan switched 20,213 votes and lost 21,882.
New York switched 18,124 votes and lost 623,213.
Georgia switched 17,407 votes and lost 33,574.
Ohio switched 14,965 votes and lost 5,102.
Virginia switched 12,163 votes and lost 789,023.
Notice the large amount of lost votes in some states, most of which still aren't contested.  At this point, I'm thinking New York would have been totally for Trump and New Jersey was probably added just in case as it has a few million voters total.

As I've said, this is what's so demoralizing about the whole experience and why my biggest issue is that we knew something like this was coming and, as far as we can see so far, Trump had nothing in place to deal with it.  Obama had men with guns standing around voting sites based on skin color fer pete's sake.

F-CK TRUMP B-TCH’, Man Savagely Beats Up Woman While Her Car is on Fire With Her Husband Inside (SHOCKING VIDEO)
November 11, 2020

“Wait Until You See What’s Coming!” – President Trump Fires Warning Shot on Fraudulent Computer Voting Systems
November 10, 2020

10 November, 2020

Some more headlines...

Analysis of Election Night Data from All States Shows MILLIONS OF VOTES Either Switched from President Trump to Biden or Were Lost — Using Dominion and Other Systems
November 10, 2020

Results For CA21 Come to a Halt as GOP Candidate Pulls Ahead! Elections Dept Suspends Canvassing Operations Until Nov. 21 Due to Covid
November 10, 2020

They barely even need to pretend that they're stealing elections anymore.  It's worked this far, why stop now?

Anti-Police Portland Commissioner Calls Police After Spat With Lyft Driver Over COVID Protocols
November 10, 2020

Buffalo NY 18-year-old accused of vandalizing own vehicle with racist, Trump graffiti
November 10, 2020

“Wait Until You See What’s Coming!” – President Trump Fires Warning Shot on Fraudulent Computer Voting Systems
November 10, 2020
I'm growing more depressed over the matter but for some unknown reason I am starting to think there's been a plan to stop the voter fraud all along.  It's becoming too obvious and the media is too clearly supporting it to be trusted.  Also, I've been working on my next book and, covering events from the last couple years, the fraud was in place for quite a while.  There's no way Trump and co. could have missed that.

Now this doesn't really help the matter now, there's still no sign that they're doing anything, much less that it'll work, but it's something.

□ [“Analysis Finds Over 10,000 Dead People Returned Mail-In Ballots in Michigan"]

They're going too far to steal everything.  The thing I worry about most is that they have their people in all the crucial places, the kind who will approve of dead people voting.

□ [“Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: 'There Will be a Smooth Transition to the Second Trump Administration'”]

Is it possible?  I'm sure it is, but is it likely?  That's what I don't know, nor does anybody else.  But the 70 or 90 or whatever millions of living people who voted aren't going to go along with what Democrats claim happened.  The left has spent the last few decades getting farther and farther away from reality, there's no reason to think that this is when they're magically correct.

Current Actual Election Result Update: President Trump Leading In Electoral College With More Paths to Victory Than Biden
November 10, 2020

09 November, 2020

End of Week 1, Year 0

□ [“Logan Act: Obama Hack Ben Rhodes Says Joe Biden is Already “Having Phone Calls” with Foreign Leaders About His Agenda"]

Well this is a given.  The whole group will unanimously assume Biden is President right now no matter what.  It's not like they care what the Constitution says.  The only real question is if they're doing it in a lust for power or if they're desperate to move as fast as possible before they get caught.  It would explain why 2020 has moved so quickly for everyone.

□ [“System ‘Glitches’ Favoring Democrats Are Becoming an Epidemic Across the Swing States – More Incidents Identified Today"]

As I've said, I think they took many ways, specifically to steal small votes instead of just dropping a few million fake votes at once.

The problem is that we still don't have a clue what to do about it.  Obviously Democrats aren't remotely concerned about the laws and they'll freely ignore Biden if he flat-out admits the fraud.  At this point, we're not going to have much faith in the legal system either, given that everything else has collapsed.  And obviously that's what the left wants, to pretend they won without anybody knowing the fraud, at least not more than we already do and they'll be totalitarian to stop us.

After all, they've spent the last several months insisting that the virus will kill millions upon millions of people.  I don't know how many people believed them but they sure believed themselves.

This is where I think only God can save us.  I still try to think that Trump and co. have a plan in motion but I don't see any way that can work.  Even if it does and he gets to stay President, I don't see the country going along with it.  We're too broken now.  Nancy Pelosi or someone would declare themselves the ruler and the left would follow them.  The right sure as hell won't follow Biden.

Over 25 Shot, 4 Fatally, Friday into Sunday Morning in Lightfoot’s Chicago
October 8, 2020

Alex Trebek, Jeopardy host, age 80
October 8, 2020