01 November, 2020

Turn your clock back into a robot and fight the Decepticons.

One thing that's pretty clear is that one of the left's short goals is to insist that Trump lost no matter what.  Really, the only question is how many of them are going to go along with that.  I do wonder if they've been using fake votes of dead/moved away people all these years and now something's been done about it.

Funny how the places getting ready for riots are run by Democrats like in Chicago.  It's not Trump supporters they're worried about.  At a speech in Michigan, Biden told the crowd "Folks, we got a lot of work to do.  I don't need you to get me elected, I need you once I'm elected."  I generally try to avoid Biden's ridiculous comments but this one is interesting.  Why would he specify that he doesn't need these people to become President?  What politician would do that?  Not someone who wants votes.  Or maybe he's just senile, but that's why I haven't gone after many of his recent statements.

I have seen a list of the candidates' public speeches since Labor Day and it's mind-boggling how Biden hasn't gone anywhere.  I wish I could copy and paste it like I did with the places I talked about yesterday, but it looks like Biden has had 44 events in the last 57 days.  Trump has had about 61 in the same time.  I'm trying to discount things like press conferences, debates and whatnot.  I don't pay much attention to the audience numbers, but Biden's is about 1616 people who came to see him.  Total.  With Obama at the last several.  What kind of a politician would only get people who want nothing to do with him, who are too scared to leave their homes?

Even if Trump wins, we've only got, at best, a four year delay.  The left won't stop, at this point I'm not even sure they'll reconsider what they're doing.  And Trump will be gone in four years regardless.  That's what I think the left is planning for, how to react if they haven't won.

Hunter Biden's Laptop Is 'National Security Nightmare' With Personal Cell Numbers for Clintons, Obama Admin Officials, More
November 1, 2020

Is this going anywhere?

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