29 November, 2020

Nature pricks them and their heart engages, the people long to go on pilgrimages or just anywhere outdoors for a change!

NYC Pub Borrows a Page From Leftists in Lockdown Dispute, Declares Itself an 'Autonomous Zone'
November 28, 2020

□ [“Pennsylvania Supreme Court Tosses GOP Lawsuit on Absentee Ballots, Lifts Block on Certification of Election"]

This is an example of the problems I've been having with what-little-we-know about what's going on, the courts aren't trustworthy as a way to settle the problem.  Obviously they have to go through this before going to the Supreme Court but at this point I don't see a reason to trust the Supreme Court either.  And pretending everything goes the way it should, the left won't believe in it so what's the point?

I do wonder just how random Ruth Bador Ginsberg's death was, given how quickly the Senate moved through for a replacement.  If she were still alive (assuming she hadn't retired oh who am I kidding?) would everything be different now?  That's one of those things that I don't think we'll ever learn the truth about.

□ [“Judge Timothy Batten Issues Order to Freeze All Dominion Machines in Georgia …UPDATE: Judge Reverses Order Within Hours"]

Another example, the most obvious guess is that he's giving into whichever side hit him last.  I've been wondering about Georgia for a while anyway and would like to find some detailed history on its election process.  Two Republican governors between July 1868-January 1872 and the next one took office in January 2003.  I've already looked at Atlanta having even fewer Republican mayors.  At least the northern states bounced back and forth.  One Republican Senator in 1871, the next in 1980, then they started mixing up and both have been Republican since 2005.  Majority of Republicans in Congress between 1868 and 1875, then the next one took office in 1965, two more in the 1960s.  One Republican in 1979, one in 1985, three in 1993 and since then most have been Republican.

Republicans ran the state senate for two years in 1869-70, lost the majority in 1871 and it was 1965 before you needed two hands to count the number of members, 1989 before you needed more than two hands to count them and 2003 when they had a majority.  The state house has more members so obviously there were more Republicans, sometimes even needing two hands to count after the Civil War.  1965 and 2003 show up again for the increase and majority.

At this point I have to wonder if Democrats were just so messed up in 1965 - technically the 1964 election - that this is why they started losing seats and magically decided Republicans were the ones doing all those awful things they had done for a century.  But 2003 has always been interesting and I've never figured out what happened.  I remember the Republican majority increased in DC and it was noted to be unusual for any POTUS to see that in the off-year elections.  It was also guessed that it was a post-9/11 reaction which is certainly possible.  I think it's a large part of it but it can't be all, can it?

Joe Biden’s Team Won’t Allow Pool Reporters to See Biden Go In or Leave Doctor Appointment After He Twists His Ankle – No Explanation Given
November 29, 2020

Didn't that happen to Axl Rose right before the G'n'R reunion?  I'd swear it happened to someone else around that time which was why I noticed it, although I don't remember any details.  I used to have a memory, I really did.  I remember having one!

David Prowse, Darth Vader, age 85
November 28, 2020

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