19 November, 2020

Mister Ed was always an Ayn Rand fan. A horse is A horse.

Democrat Tyrant Gavin Newsom Issues 10 PM Curfew For Most California Counties
November 19, 2020

Thousands of People Packed the Streets for Biden, and Now He Wants You to Cancel Thanksgiving
November 18, 2020

President Trump’s Executive Order from 2018 Covering Interference in US Elections By Foreign Entities Looks Relevant Today
November 18, 2020

Dunno how much I have to say at the moment.  I'm not happy today and it's been like every other day for the last several months which is like all of 2020 and several months before that.

□ [“Wonder Woman 1984 Will be Released to HBO Max on the Same Day As Its (Obligatory) Release to Theaters"]

Is the movie theater business coming to an end?  Obviously there's no point to going out to buy a ticket if you can just watch it at home and your cable bill stays the same.  The article says they'd spent $200 million to make the movie (presumably including marketing) and there's no way to get that back.  If they can't get by with Wonder Woman, what other movies have a chance?

And note this connects to the rumors about DC itself, that it's getting out of the regular comics business.  There was another article about it a few days ago which I thought of posting but decided it was just speculation, but it did have more detail about how DC would be adapting to a new format.  It's kind of tough to think Warner Bros wasn't planning this for a while and I doubt it started with the fake virus.  Taking down movies, comics, haven't heard anything about music concerts or theater but obviously those are out of the running these days.  Painting and books are the only artforms off the top of my head that could be created normally and how do you get them to customers?

Then there's sports dying off although I assume they'll come back before too long.

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