06 November, 2020

Year 0 day 4

They've been planning this for a long time.  Notice Democrats and the media were unanimously reporting about Trump's reaction to losing for months if not years.  Hillary told Biden not to concede no matter what.  They knew the fake votes were coming and would keep arriving.

What are we going to do about it?  That's what I don't know and think that's where demoralization is coming in.  I definitely feel it and it's safe to assume many others are as well.  It's easy to say it'll be fought in the courts but that's not going to convince anybody even if Trump wins 100% of the cases and all the real votes are for him.

I have wondered if the whole virus stunt was to assist that, keeping people as home as much as possible so the votes would be easier to fake.  No doubt they were going for help across the world, they sure didn't mind working with Russia until November 2016.

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