15 November, 2020

If 2020 were a piece of gum, it would be wintermint flavored. Ewwwwwww!!!

□ [“DC to Pull Out of Comic Shops?"]

I've been meaning to post this for a couple days but haven't gotten around to it.  It suggests DC is going to drop the monthly titles.  They'd be focusing on internet serials, then collections or larger anthologies.  Going to internet is a possibility but even there, I can't see how they'd make much money from ads or subscribers.  I could see encouraging the collections but the last notion came from Japan and hasn't really succeeded elsewhere.  [Now watch someone show that Europe has done it for decades or something like that.]

One of the main ways comics have always worked is by coming out on a regular basis.  We saw that with the daily newspaper strips and the Sundays.  It's really helped to only have to wait a month for the next story about favorite characters.  The comics stores helped further by not requiring people to go around searching for their preferred titles.  I don't see a benefit in dropping that ability that comes from our history.

It's also going to drop professionalism.  Getting work done and moving on to the next one has always been important in every art field.

It's also tough to see how this won't basically kill the comic store.  Obviously I don't know how things are set these days, but from what I used to know, Marvel probably wouldn't be enough to keep them going.  Some could probably last, assuming 2020 itself hasn't been bad enough - but by-in-large, that part of the medium would be gone.  Almost all of it would, except the corporate characters themselves, the ones that needed regular comics release to survive for all these decades.

I may not be posting as much this week.  I know every time I say that, I never stop, but it's always good to keep a 'heads up' in line.

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