27 November, 2020

Is Black Friday there to help Robinson Crusoe?

Toronto BBQ restaurant owner facing new charges for again defying COVID-19 lockdown rules
November 26, 2020

Reminder: In 2016 Democrats Threatened and Harassed Members of Electoral College to Stop Trump
November 26, 2020

FLASHBACK: Obama Says Mail-in Ballots Can Only Be Trusted if the Signatures are Verified (VIDEO)
November 27, 2020

Skin color tells leftists all they need to know about someone.  This is following the removal of individuality that they've always believed in since Marx or earlier.  I wonder how much of this is just to convince people to stay where they are until the government tells them to move.  Since they all think the same, they'll just obey without question.

At the same time, the elite get to show off their privilege in their mansions, private jets and so on.  Is there a coincidence in the rise of child-sex trafficking, particularly when the kids are flat-out told they don't have a gender and can have as much sex as their adult masters want?

Mysterious Spike in Incomplete NV Voter Registrations – 13,372 with Invalid Birthdates and Casinos and Temporary RV Parks as a Home Address
November 27, 2020

I don't know if I have anything to say today.  I've been working on the book as always.  I think I've got a little further in insights on leftism but not enough to put it into words.  I've noticed a bunch of other people seem to be doing that as well.  Why not, we're all watching it happen.

There are also reports that some of the state governments are trying to make a move against the stolen election.  We'll see if any of that gets anywhere.  It does seem to becoming more clear that Civil War 2.0 is underway.  We'll have to see where the first battles take place.  It wouldn't surprise me if people like the rulers of New York send out men with guns to impose their will on the people who aren't just going along.  They get the high life, the peons not so much.

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