13 November, 2020

It's all part of Ringo's master plan!

□ [“Reclusive Yoko Ono, 87, hands over her business interests in The Beatles and John Lennon to their son Sean"]

Saw this a couple days ago but kept forgetting to post it.  I've been wondering for a while what Yoko was doing.  This article doesn't really help but at least it's news that she's old and sick although on what we don't know.

In February 2016, Yoko was hospitalized after suffering what was rumored to be a stroke, but she later said it was a severe flu.

How does a stroke get confused with the flu?  That doesn't sound logical.  Of course she's spent her entire live surrounded by massive wealth so she really has no idea what ordinary people are like, but she does like being in charge.  It's one of those things that most people can't even speculate how that work.  One assumes she's spent very little time around people who don't say what she wants to hear.

I suspect she's a major reason for what's happened to the world in the last 50 years, but to be fair, if she and John had never met, something else would have happened.  The 20th century seems to have been built for what's going on these days and we haven't reached the bottom yet.

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