28 November, 2020

If John Lennon actually needed help, wouldn't he have told somebody?

I actually do have more things to say than I had yesterday, but I've been working on the book all day so I dunno how much I've worked out.

It's basically a given that the left stole the election, they just don't want to admit it.  No matter how many Republicans won, all the votes were for Biden who somehow got lower votes in most counties than previous Democrat candidates yet set a new record of over 10 million votes?  Would they have gotten that record if he'd been on top of the ticket instead of that loser Obama?  Half a million "people" voted for Biden and no one else?  They weren't the ones electing Republicans.

Now the left isn't going to acknowledge any of this but they avoid reality in the first place.  Notice how in the last few years, everything became "racist."  China can keep adding slaves but they're not opposed to slavery, China even supported Biden and gave Biden's son tons of money somehow.

Unfortunately there's still rumors of something big going on behind the scenes.  The latest rumor I've seen says there are over 20,000 deputized people ready to move in on the sting.  It wasn't just investigating the 2016 elections, it was preparing for 2020.  It'll be biggest at "17 days before Trump gets sworn into office," that would be January 3.

Here's the record to this rumor just in case something happens but I'm not optimistic.  I've said many times that there's no reason this shouldn't have been well on the way before Election Day and we've seen nothing of that.  This is not the way to go and every day nothing has happened proves me less and less wrong.


I thought there was a chance for this plan to work but it would happen before Thanksgiving.  Before that I thought it would happen two weeks after the election.  Before that one week after.  Before that it would only be a day or so.  Before that, well, I thought their plans would take care of things before the election.  I'm starting to look for comments I made like that, such as October 26, "I do think that Biden can’t win without several tons of vote fraud."  Well, we got that, now what?

It's not like these millions of people - I assume at least some are currently alive - will suddenly realize what's been going wrong, it's what they believe they've been going for their entire lives.  I'll say it again, Biden could flat-out admit that he stole the election with fake votes and they'd still insist he was now POTUS, ignoring what day the Constitution says he'll actually get the job.

I definitely don't trust judges or the Electoral College to stop this.  They should but there's no reason to believe in them at this point.

Still trying to get used to being back on a blog.  I will definitely give Facebook credit for being able to post as much or as little as I had to say at any given time.  On a blog I feel like saying more even if I'm not actually adding anything.  On Facebook I could make a quick comment, a longer comment, a paragraph or two or three or more.  I know that I could post multiple times per day on a blog, I just don't think it's the same format.  I'll see how it goes when I get around to finishing this new book and starting the next one.

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