07 November, 2020

Year 0 day 5

We could believe that Trump and his allies knew that this was coming and set up a plan which will win.  That would be fine.  But I don't see how it could take this long to get anywhere.  Biden and the media already take it as a given they've won and have been for days.  Short of him flat-out admitting the fraudulent votes, I don't see how anything could be done about it and no one on his side will go along with it.

I think there's a point where the American people deserve better and yes, I totally am blaming Trump for this.  One of the things that truly impressed me was that Hillary crumbled within a day after the election.  She may have been too lazy to really go into stealing the election and had nowhere to turn, but no one would think the Democrats wouldn't try again four years later, exactly what we've been watching all this time.  And exactly what they're doing now.  That's what they've already done without hiding it.

There is no brilliant plan to hold out for a few weeks and then stop someone from having a heart attack or suffocation.  It's theoretically possible that agents are taking out the puppeteers at this moment but we don't see any of that or have the slightest hint of it and for that matter, it's just as possible that Trump was the puppet, wiping out the Clinton family so they wouldn't get in the way.  Liberal courts have long since ignored the law to impose their will on people who didn't elect them, why would they stop now?  Just because Trump brings them a suit to stop the election from being stolen from him?  I don't think so.

All the left needs to do is hold out, the right needs to do more just to keep up and we don't see any options available.  This does not keep hope, only blind faith and even that's run out.

We know the election was stolen.  At this point there seems no chance whatsoever of getting it back.  If something can be done then show it.

Just to add, I have suspected that this is why Trump made sure to add another Supreme Court justice a month ago, that it was part of the plan.  That actually is helpful but as far as we know - and we're all pretty ignorant on this - there's still no major aid short of them all voting for Trump.

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