09 July, 2024

A joke from "Airplane"? What is it?

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit being a drummer for Spinal Tap.

Jill Campaigns in Three States in One Day While Joe Makes a Morning Call, Then Takes the Rest of the Day Off
July 9, 2024

□ [“'Felt Like a Funeral' – Democrat Lawmakers in Disarray in Critical House Caucus Meeting About Biden"]

They don't know what to do.  If I ever re-write these essays, I'll have to keep track of when I predict they're going to keep him or dump him.  At this moment, my guess is they're going to stick with him because they have no better options and hopefully the elections theft is successful.

They have no one to replace Biden with, Harris isn't going to work for obvious reasons and there's no one else who can unite Democrats.  The problem is that keeping Biden leaves them stuck with Biden, and no one wants that.  They can't push that through any competent media, then there's every other aspiring leftist tyrant who has their own goals.

They want to tie the rest of the world to their rule but can't stomach it themselves.  It doesn't help that they're so far away from acknowledging the truth, to themselves or anyone else.  Some of those who went out to say Biden must go immediately are now saying they support Biden, and they're just the ones who spoke out in public.  Who do you believe?

The people who are in charge of the party (officially) will get more and more lost and confused.  This sort of situation is where a "strong man" comes in really useful, but they don't have any of them (officially.)  What else could they do, pick some woman who wants to talk about her feelings?  Or would they be *daring* and pick one of the other three dozen genders to lead us through this?

House Committee Amendment Reduces AG Garland’s Salary to $1 Until He Releases Biden-Hur Tapes
July 9, 2024

□ [“John Kirby and KJP Say Biden Will Hold a ‘Big Boy’ Press Conference This Week"]

They both used the term "big boy."  WTF does that mean?  Who are they talking to?  It can't be a code word because they wouldn't use it in public like this, and it's so condescending that you'd just think they would never try this, but what else could it be?  They're not talking to Biden, they're talking to actual adults (presumably) who have them on camera for the rest of the nation to see.

Aside from that, there are obvious problems with this idea.  The debate was supposed to show what good shape Biden was in and that failed.  The interview a week later was supposed to cover up for these problems and that failed.  What are they going to do after strike three?

I still can't shake the notion that these are actually deliberate plans to show how senile Biden is.  This is what would be done if we ever had a real POTUS in this condition, so might as well use it here.  I'm not saying that's what they're doing, but it seems like a real possibility, effectively putting him on trial before the public, similar to how they're going after Trump.

Biden’s $320 Million Floating Gaza Pier to be Dismantled After Operating For 21 Days
July 9, 2024

□ [“'I'm Not Going Anywhere,' Dark Brandon Demands Democrats to 'End' All Chatter About Him Dropping Out"]

"Dark Biden" is the name given to that strange image he put out months (years?) ago.  It didn't make sense when he did that and it hasn't come up again, until a few days ago when he said "Dark Biden" was coming back.  This can't be an attempt to be a "strong man" because no one thinks Biden can handle that, but what other reason could there be?

There is speculation that *something* is going to happen in the near-future, although there's no clue what this will be.  There's attention given to his Parkinson's Disease, his staff is insisting that he doesn't have it.  Just a coincidence that he keeps being visited by specialist doctors on the subject, it's all just normal senility.

There's just more rumors being thrown out with no way to know how accurate they are.  Senator Manchin says something big will drop by the end of the week.  The New York Times says White House reporters need to use translation headsets to understand Biden.  And there's more coming out.

□ [“Former Biden Stenographer Claims He Blackmailed Obama with Threats of Exposing Homosexual Affairs"]

At this point, we all assume Obama is at least 'bi.'  My guess he's the 'screw anything he wants' mentality, because it's all the same as far as he's concerned.  But could Biden really blackmail him?  Well, maybe, he must have been good at something, but why wouldn't Obama just announce 'hell yes I'm gay'?  Did anybody believe him when he totally opposed gay marriage in 2008 and magically changed his mind in 2012?

But Biden's not one to keep classified information safe, if he knows about this then so does everyone else among the elites.  This just seems like a really weird way to get these secrets out.  For that matter, when was the last time people really talked about Obama as a great POTUS?  It's like he was forgotten as soon as he left office.

Even weirder, now there's all this talk about how Biden was responsible for whatever successes the Obama administration had.  I've always thought it was ridiculous how leftist media had no problem with Biden magically getting way more votes in 2020 than Obama did in either of his elections, but now they're dismissing the black guy altogether as just a stooge for the real brains of the operation, Joe Biden.  Who came up with this, a black woman?

Furthermore, being leftists, this is going to connect to other elites, especially in Hollywood.  Then there's the sex traffickers they've been connecting with all over the world, and their interest in corrupting children.  Don't know what's going to come out, but it does look like something will.

“Five aditinsthghga air degeeens shystems!” – Joe Biden at NATO Summit
July 9, 2024

□ [“The Numbers Are in for Star Wars 'The Acolyte' and Disney Isn't Going to Be Happy"]

I must admit, this is really quite fascinating, even for someone like me who was never all that big of a Star Wars fan.  Yes, I loved the One True Trilogy when it was new, but then I grew up and became more mature, discovering the brilliance of superhero comics.  There was no competition.

Anyway, Disney has barely owned the franchise for a decade and it's gone.  It had been silent between the original trilogy and the prequels, but those were all massive successes and since, then the franchise had seemed to be a permanent fixture in our society.  Yet here we are now, laughing at how the people running Disney and Lucasfilm try to promote space lesbian witch propaganda.

Apparently the latest episode had the lead female ogling a naked man.  Are they trying to prove that lesbianism is just a facade and once a girl sees what a real man looks like, everything else becomes irrelevant?  That actually sounds like it could be an interesting story, but it would have to be intentional by the writers and not just added because they didn't have anything else.

But the viewership is gone and won't come back.  In theory, it would be possible for someone to come up with fun stories about space wizards with laser swords fighting an evil empire, but just include the Star Wars logo would be problematic, and there's no way Disney would be capable of that.

I'm also curious what they're going to do to ruin the Marvel franchise even more than they already have.  At least those are characters I (used to) know, so it's somewhat interesting to hear how they're being ruined.  With Star Wars, it's characters I've never heard of doing things that make no sense, as told by deluded elites who really seem to think they've found something good, and they get to redefine what "good" means.  That never works, yet they're still doing it anyway.

Chuck Schumer Announces Scheme to Strip Trump of Court-Granted Immunity and Send Him to Jail
July 9, 2024

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