23 July, 2024

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Furniture Store Must Pay $110k to Manager Fired For Refusing Covid Jab
July 23, 2024

□ [“Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle Resigns"]

She'll just be replaced by another DEI employee.  Presumably whoever makes decision for the government will expect them to do a better job of getting Trump shot next time.  That's what they're paid for.  She spent yesterday lying to Congress or at least being an idiot, that'll probably get her a high-paying job at some big corporation.

She was still expected to show up to testify to Congress today, but refused.  The heads of the FBI and Homeland Security were supposed to testify today as well and they didn't show up either.  It's like all those years of ignoring Congress has taught them who's in charge.

Someone who claims to be Joe Biden has posted a statement on the internet about how great Cheatle was and also praises the Homeland Security investigation of the failed assassination. Of course it will be handled by anti-Trump deep-staters like Janet Napolitano.  They know it's a cover-up and they don't care if we know that.

□ [“American Federation of Teachers Boss Randi Weingarten Calls Trump an 'Existential Threat to Democracy'"]

And they'll just keep pushing this.  Somebody, perhaps many people, are going to come up with the sensible solution 'let's just shoot him.'  That's what you do with an "existential threat."  If shooting Trump doesn't stop the threat then Trump wasn't the threat in the first place.  They just want him shot.

Hydrothermal Explosion at Yellowstone Causes Tourists to Panic, Park Officials Close Biscuit Basin
July 23, 2024

□ [“Biden Seen for the First Time in a Week, Exits Motorcade, Mumbles Incoherently at Reporters"]

I'm surprised anybody noticed him.  He's magically been tested as negative for the virus so all of sudden he's allowed to go outside again.  The rulers got what they wanted from him so nothing else is needed.  This is at the White House, he was probably there to get his stuff out and sign whatever he's told to sign.  He's not scheduled for anything official.

This all just seems like a deliberate plan, every step of the way and, gotta admit, doesn't seem likely to fail.  They spent years pretending that Biden was coherent and not braindead, they'll have no problem insisting Harris is coherent and not braindead.  Besides, she's very light-skinned so you're racist if you criticize her.  The media has missed being able to say that.

□ [“Anthem-Kneeler and China Lackey LeBron James Picked to Carry US Flag at Olympics"]
□ [“Snoop Dogg Announced As Olympic Flame Torchbearer Ahead Of Opening Ceremony"]

They've won, or at least they want it to look that way.  The Olympics is as good a place as any to show the world that the US is destroyed.  I thought this was the year Obama and Michelle had rushed out to try to get the Olympics to Chicago but I misremembered, that was the 2016 Olympics.  Probably the same motivation, but the games don't work *that* far in advance.

Corrupt Obama AG Eric Holder in Charge of Vetting VP Candidates for Kamala Harris
July 22, 2024

Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) to Resign Next Month Following Bribery and Extortion Conviction
July 23, 2024

□ [“Black Lives Matter Turns on Democratic Party After Kamala Harris Is Installed as Nominee"]

They're complaining that they wasted their votes on Biden who insisted that he would not drop out of the race, which indicated that there would be no competitors.  Is this really something whoever's in charge [i.e. Obama] would approve of?  Democrats want to act like everything is smoothed out but there's still conflict, unless they have some experience keeping blacks in line.

Biden is supposedly supposed to speak on camera tomorrow.  Right now, the speculation is that he'll leave office on the spot, or at least announce that he'll leave in the near future.  He's not scheduled for any events, even as a public figure, and it's easy to picture the leftist belief that the rich old white man will take the blame with him.

Harris will get a few weeks as the media pretends she's competent, but too many Democrats will be pissed off that she was installed, they didn't vote for her and the party isn't even pretending they have a choice in the matter.  Then there's all the donors, who see what a lie the primaries were.  This is not going to go away quietly, although there are probably parts that will which we expected to explode with fury and vice-versa.

Michigan Leftist Deliberately Runs Over Elderly Trump Supporter in ATV
July 23, 2024

□ [“Hackers Leak Stolen Pentagon Documents"]

Getting hit by a lot of hackers these days.  Several days ago, there was an "IT outage" all around the world, hitting banks, airlines, medical services.  It also hit Cloudstrike, a cybersecurity company that's been involved with supporting Democrats with Russia and Ukraine.  But don't worry, China was mostly untouched.

And here's the Pentagon being hit.  Like everything else, I assume this is part of WWIII.  It's also the reason that the military doesn't dump its older services.  We might lose the internet any day, and then what will we do to communicate with our neighbors?

The hits are going to keep getting bigger.  We have to assume that the upcoming stolen election will be stolen through internet, and we'll have no way to know who the hackers are.  There's also no way we can trust the results, that's why printed ballots are so essential to maintain voting rights.  It's also why Democrats oppose that.

Anti-Israel Protestors Infiltrate House Office Building – 20,000 Protestors Expected to Shut Down Capitol Tomorrow
July 23, 2024

□ [“Chuck Schumer Endorses Harris for President and No One Claps Even After He Asks Them to"]

If you don't start giving orders better, you're going to be replaced.  No voters will help you, the orders come down from the higher ranks and you're out of there.  You think just because you're an old, rich white man you'll be able to stay in power?  That's not how it works.

He was announcing this to the press, don't they have to applaud whatever he says?  It's not like they get a choice in the matter.  Although to be fair, why didn't the press applaud?  We know they support this.  Harris gave her first speech today and there were a ton of reporters, probably the majority of the 3000-person gym.  How long will it take for her to start having Joe Biden-level numbers?

□ [“MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski:  Mispronouncing Kamala Harris’ Name Is a Right-Wing ‘Hate Campaign’"]

We can do that?  I would never have thought of such a thing, but that's what the liberal media is for.  I'm now going to make sure I always mispronounce Camel Harris' name to make sure the "right-wing hate campaign" is promoted.  Where would Kam Laha Ris be without leftist media to tell people what to think?

Going on Offense:  GOP Congressman Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against Kamala Harris
July 23, 2024

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