03 July, 2024

We need a sequel to the American Revolution

Non-Binary Pup Handler and Luggage Thief Sam Brinton Gets Sweetheart Plea Deal, Avoids Jail
July 3, 2024

□ [“Atlantic Writer Calls on Biden to Resign"]

This shows the problems Democrats are facing.  Much as they wish otherwise, they don't have a totally monolithic party, so people can speak out and say 'this is nuts.'  The leaders can order them censored or otherwise beaten down, but that just shows how eager they are to do what they accuse Trump of wanting to do.  Even if every Democrat did quietly obey - which won't happen - it would be too obvious to the rest of the world and we'd say 'hell no!'

This writer is actually trying to promote Kamala Harris.  He's probably just being pushed to do so by other officials, but there are sensible reasons for it.  They have to pretend women are worth being in charge of anything, they keep pretending she's black so there's a worry of losing the black vote.  Or at least the black female vote, they don't care what black men do.

There's also the fact that Harris is the only one who can spend the Biden/Harris campaign finances.  Not to mention that there's really no explanation for why the Veep isn't next in line to the POTUS.  Being dumb as a box of hammers is irrelevant, look at Biden.  Is there a better way to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Nixon's resignation?

But a lot of Democrats won't be convinced, not to mention everybody else.  If there's a real crisis, you'd want someone who can do more than put black men in jail and have sex with married men.  The people in charge have known about this all along, and pushed it anyway.

Military Continues to Seek Upgraded Discharges and Accountability for 2021 Covid-19 Shot Mandate
July 3, 2024

□ [“Maine Democrat Rep. Op-Ed:  ‘Trump is Going to Win the Election and Democracy Will be Just Fine’"]

On the one hand, it's nice to hear someone on the left trying to be sensible.  On the other hand, this could be a trick to pull out all those who aren't totally in on this.  But this is someone trying to grab onto reality before it's too late.  Assuming it's true, you can respect that, but how many will go along with him?

□ [“'The Dam Has Broken' – 25 Congressional Democrats Preparing to Call on Biden to End Campaign"]

Biden says he almost fell asleep at the debate because of international travel tiredness, which had ended 13 days before and he'd been off work for the previous week.  This is the guy who gets 3am phone calls?  Well, the rest of us know that he doesn't get any calls, but if there are any real Biden fans, this doesn't look good for him.

Of course there's no names given, so there's no way to know if this is actually happening.  But it does suggest the underlying currents that the rulers are facing.  For anybody who's been following my commentary, you might have noticed that I describe leftist power structures as being run from the top-downward.  Subordinates are here for the masters, not the other way around.  This is providing an example of what a bad idea that is.

□ [“Obama Voices Concerns About Biden Following Debate, Calls Dementia Joe and Offers Advice"]

Not sure if Obama's ever really learned anything about this or if he's just taking orders too, but Nancy Pelosi spoke up yesterday, Obama today.  Bill Clinton is (ostensibly) supporting Biden, Hillary hasn't made a statement to my knowledge.  Don't think Al Gore has made any public comments except about global warming and his interest in Chinese women, John Kerry is basically the same, who else is left to make a public statement?

Durandal, Legendary Sword of Roland, Is Missing From Small Rocamadour Village, Feared Stolen
July 3, 2024

There's varying rumors that Biden has suggested he'll resign, or insisted he'll never do that.  He's supposed to have a meeting with Democrat governors, although I don't know if it's been scheduled yet, or if Biden would even be there.  Maybe he'll speak for a minute or two and not take any questions.  Meanwhile people who didn't think Kamala Harris was worth being POTUS four years ago want her to take over, while other wanna-be Democrat candidates are trying to promote themselves.

This doesn't encourage voters.  Or, more importantly, rich donors.  At this point, they're probably giving money to the Trump campaign, just to make sure they've picked a winning side.  Meanwhile the media has to either admit they've been lying the whole time, or continue the lies and hope someone out there believes them.

□ [“‘Orange is the New Black’ Actress Calls on Biden to Assassinate Trump: ‘Take Him Out, Joe’"]

Then there's their fellow leftists who want to go all the way.  If you disagree with them, they'll be willing to do this to you too.  Because Democracy!  Otherwise, they completely agree with their fellow Democrats about everything else.  Near as we can tell, there's no difference between them.

I forget the specific saying, but there's something along the lines of 'don't get involved when your enemy is making mistakes.'  One weird aspect of this problem is that, near as I can tell, no Republicans are offering suggestions to help.  Or even RINOs.  But in this situation, none of them would be that stupid to get involved, and even if they were, Democrats wouldn't listen.  The Uniparty will keep its discussions private, but in public, everyone can only watch the unified left collapsing.

Biden Threatens to Send Attorneys General After Grocers to Combat His Food Inflation Crisis
July 3, 2024

Why doesn't Biden just call up Trump and say 'turn on the camera, we'll do a debate right now'?  Trump would have nothing else to do since his court sentencing has been cancelled delayed for some reason, so he's got an hour or two free.  And Joe Biden could show that he can actually be outgoing and competent for an hour or two.

Can't say he's got anything more important to focus on, his daily schedule is always pretty empty.  Trump's always been the sort of guy who reacts on the spur-of-the-moment, so I'm sure he'd eagerly do something like this with very little notice.  Wouldn't it be cool if we all suddenly get a notice that youtube is showing them talking right now?  Even Biden could get some respect for that.

That's why I don't get the rumors that Republicans are trying to keep Biden in the race because he's the only opponent Trump can plan to defeat.  Never mind the emptiness of Democrat ranks with anybody who has a chance of winning a (free) election, Trump has always had a knack for switching plans quickly when circumstances change.

Biden has fifty years of history to go through and that's just public knowledge, never mind the hidden details.  Why would anybody think he couldn't shift to Kamala Harris or Gavin Newsom or whoever without much of a problem?  More importantly, what will happen if Democrats are wrong and he's able to handle them just as easily?  Making plans before going all-in on this is smarter than risking everything on something where you've never considered the possibilities.

O'Keefe:  Disney Marketing Director Reveals Plans to Expose Children to More LGBTQ Content
July 3, 2024

□ [“Russia Bucks Western Sanctions, Gets Upgraded by World Bank to ‘High Income Country’"]

So if you believe the World Bank, the Russian economy is doing better than before the invasion of Ukraine.  It is kinda believable, although I'd think it has more to do with dealing with China, India and the rest of BRICS.  Then again, it's also Russia and the World Bank, so how trustworthy is it, really?

Ukraine owes a lot of money, and they were given a two year pass, which expires next month.  Pumping in money from the US and out again to its debtors?  I guess they wouldn't take it in bitcoin or whatever the hot new cybercurrency is.

□ [“Visiting Kiev, Orban Presses Zelensky to End the Meat Grinder"]

What's in it for Zelensky?  Just look at all the money and attention and money he gets from the meat grinder, what does the EU have to offer that could compensate for that?  Zelensky says he'll start working on a new peace process that most of the world will agree on.  What parts of the world won't agree and what happened to the Switzerland agreement?  Something seems to be missing here.

Remember when Ukraine got a lot of attention?  Then it became all about Israel, and now it's all about Joe Biden.  Priorities.  Or distraction, they're all the same.

Transgender Athlete Qualifies for U.S. Olympic Team
July 3, 2024

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