20 July, 2024

Can I get another word for "vocabulary"?

Illegal Immigrants Arrive to UK By Yacht As Traffickers Upgrade From Small Overcrowded Boats
July 20, 2024

□ [“Biden Fumes in Isolation at Delaware Beach House, Believes Obama and Pelosi are Behind Leaks to Drive Him Out"]

The New York Times brings us the latest official news, because they're so trustworthy.  I will assume Biden is fuming because that's always worked before, but there's no reason to think he has a clue what's actually going on.  He's probably just whining why people think he has some disease he's never heard of before.  But at least he'll be heading out to Hollywood to get money in a few weeks.  He likes that.

I'm pretty sure that by the time this is supposed to happen, the people in charge will have decided what to do about Biden, one way or another.  Maybe they'll be lucky and he'll die of "suddenly."  Otherwise they'll have decided when he's going to be out and who his replacement is.  And if by some miracle they decided to keep him around, at least they get a few weeks without media coverage of him speaking in public.

I assume Obama and Pelosi are involved, or at least taking orders.  Your mileage may vary on how involved they are in decision-making.  It's still noteworthy that the Clintons seem to be staying almost entirely out of the discussion, which suggests that they aren't worried about the votes because they'll be the ones counting.

The people involved all have blackmail on each other.  Even if Joe doesn't remember any of it, I'm sure he had back-ups in place back when he had a couple of working braincells, so they're all eyeing each other and trying to figure out what will work best to influence the others.  But it's still a question who wanted the NYT to put this out and why.

New Hampshire Becomes Latest State to Ban Biological Males in Girls' Sports
July 20, 2024

□ [“Israel Bombards Yemen’s Oil Depot in Retaliatory Strike After Tel Aviv Suicide Drone Attack"]

Still amazed at how little news the destruction of Israel is getting these days.  I honestly can't remember if they've officially attacked Lebanon or just threatened it - I'm sure they have in reality, whether or not it was made public - but this means two countries they're fighting in.  And of course there's already been a war going on in Yemen between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

This is just a sudden guess, but could that war have been about finding a fundamental reason to fight Iran (and/or Saudi)?  It could also tie in those who really want to destroy Israel, separating the "enemy" from those who just want to live their own lives and Israel's existence doesn't matter one way or the other.  I really do think this is based on plans that have been underway since 9/11.

But this whole part of the war gets less attention than Ukraine is getting these days, which is less attention than Israel is getting these days, which is less attention than all the talk about whether or not Biden will be pushed out by the people in charge.  And we haven't heard anything recently about Venezuela trying to start a war with Guyana.  I'm as guilty as everyone else for not paying attention, but WWIII is going on outside and we just ignore it.

Salon Accuses Those Concerned About Biden’s Age of ‘Ageism’ and ‘Ableism’
July 20, 2024

Third Dem Senator Up for Re-Election Tells Biden to Get Out
July 20, 2024

□ [“DNC Rules Committee Outlines New Voting Process — Virtual Roll Call to Nominate Biden"]

Something's going to go wrong for them.  Not sure what.  People are going to put their own horrific footage on screen?  People in charge showing off their authority with new rules to prevent others from doing that?  Using CGI to show all the people who support Biden?  Hackers messing with the whole process?  Hackers from China showing off how much secret info their agents have gotten from Democrats?

Something about this just sounds like a deliberately bad idea, like last year's Hollywood strikes, a way to tie everybody down and make compliance mandatory.  You'd think human nature would guarantee a lot of people disobey whatever these rules are, but then, they wouldn't be high-ranking Democrats.

There's also the fact that they can communicate with each other without being at the actual convention.  At least if people all show up at the same place, there's a way to keep tabs on them and have specific proof whether or not they follow the rules.  You could do that on virtual calls too, but then it becomes really obvious that you're spying on everybody.

By the way, what's the point of having an actual convention if this is all they need to do?  This does help them avoid protestors, but is there any other benefit?  It gives members of the party something to focus on, but they're already having problems with the supposed nominee, so this won't help.  Or maybe it's just another excuse to change rules because they can.

The Boys TV Show Adds Disclaimer About ‘Coincidental’ Assassination Attempt Against Trump Analog
July 20, 2024

□ [“'She’s Running!' – Hillary Clinton Floated as Biden Replacement Amid Democrat Turmoil"]

My loyal readers, all two and a half of them, will know that I have suggested this possibility before.  Of course there's no way to prove if Hillary was the overall goal or if it's just one desperate leftist trying to come up with another option.  Maybe it's a trial run to see if anybody has a clue who she is anymore and if so, any memories of her not being a shrew, which is how she's been known for the last 30+ years.

Any of these options are believable.  She must be bored since Epstein's island is closed, and when was the last time Russia needed her approval to get more uranium?  And how's Haiti doing since she took over?  Does everyone still agree Benghazi worked out the way she wanted?  For that matter, these are all from over a decade ago, has she done anything to suggest that she's not in the same shape Biden is these days?

Something we won't know and will probably never learn is how important this is to whatever remains of "feminism."  Hillary's supposed to be the first female POTUS and Harris is in her way.  But Harris has whatever skin color she self-identifies as these days, so she can't just be thrown out.  Harris is also right there right now, Hillary, not so much.

If I had to guess, I'd say it was the overall goal to have her replace Biden.  That said, she's not someone who's ever wanted to risk failure.  She was supposed to be the nominee in 2008 and then some junior Senator came along.  Obama didn't even think he'd win, he was just trying to promote himself.  It's always been strange that he didn't make her veep, but she probably didn't want to actually do the required work for that position, she'd just burn fossil fuel to go around the world and talk to rich people.

Then she thought 2016 was a guaranteed win so she didn't bother to campaign.  The plan may have been for her to try again, but I think it's very likely that she'll see the resistance from Democrats - for ditching Harris, if nothing else - and won't want to try this time either.  Hillary is on the very short list of remotely-plausible candidates if the rulers ditch Biden, but that's not a compliment to her, it just show how little they have to work with.  Good thing they're already in charge or they wouldn't have a chance of stealing the election.

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Lands New Job, Negotiating Merger of US Steel With Japan's Nippon Steel
July 20, 2024

Bud Light loses more ground, slipping to No. 3 in America
July 18, 2024

□ [“The Acolyte Needs Star Wars Fans To Save It And There’s One Perfect Way"]

Suddenly a number of articles and comments have come out, suggesting the new Star Wars tv show wasn't as big of a hit as we had thought.  So now it's up to the "fans" to do something, since the people making the show couldn't be bothered.  The fans already wasted their time and money and it's not their intellectual property in the first place.

This article is about doing a 'fan edit,' homemade edits of the footage to make something more watchable.  That comes off to me as basically auditioning to have some amount of talent for film-making, since Disney is obviously lacking.  That part actually makes sense, but what I'm more amused by is the comments ordering fans to directly contact Disney to push for a Season Two.

I would be totally supportive of doing more of this show for the same reason I supported the previous season and previous shows, as complete wastes of money that destroys the franchise.  It's not like I have to watch them.  I would charge a lot of money if that was the requirement.  But who do they expect to go along with this?

The show's last couple episodes are very low in the ratings.  The earlier episodes weren't remotely successful and were still dwarfed by previous Star Wars shows, which themselves were also financial flops.  It's theoretically possible fans might come back if there's something interesting, but Disney doesn't want that and we should agree.  Keep wasting money on *woke* garbage, maybe someday that "new audience" will finally show up.

But the fact that this is being pushed now suggests desperation by the tv show producers.  No one will pay them tons of money for anything like this ever again, so this is their only chance to keep going.  Someone like me would be happy with a fraction of that money to live a cheap, simple life for the rest of my time on Earth, but these are Hollywood liberals so they demand more.  So let them choke on it, show us how attractive and interesting their lack of faith is.

Sanctuary Cities Drowning Under Migrant Invasion Have Begun Quietly Cooperating With ICE
July 20, 2024

Trump Pledges to Achieve ‘Just Peace in Ukraine’ in Call With Zelensky
July 20, 2024

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