13 July, 2024

I hear Democrats are going to trade Biden to the Yankees for Reggie Jackson.

Ruth Westheimer, sex therapist, age 96July 12, 2024

Putin Calls for BRICS to Unify in Order to Create a “Safe” and “Harmonious” World
July 13, 2024

□ [“Biden Rally in Detroit Michigan Can’t Fill a High School Gym that Holds 600!"]

And suddenly there's barely any news or chatter about Biden.  It's like the media has suddenly been given orders to go silent for some reason.  There's just standard stuff, Trump is having a rally, Jill is out at a rally, Kamala Harris is out at a rally, Biden is staying home.  Nothing suspicious about that, but you have to wonder how many of the people are paid to be there in the first place?

In theory, you could expect Biden to be on the phone at all hours, trying to convince people that he'll do whatever they tell him.  But it's Joe Biden so that's kinda iffy.  Maybe Hunter is home with him, handling all the phone calls.  And he'll tell the old man what decisions have been made for him.

In a fair election, the lack of real people showing up would be worrisome for the campaign.  There were probably more people at the George Clooney event a couple weeks ago, although granted a lot of those would be cooks, waiters, men with guns, all paid to be there, but you get the point.  The Democrat media didn't cover this and nobody was telling Biden to step down back then.

To be fair, Biden has been making more public appearances in the last few weeks than he has in the last few years.  At his age, just doing that must be wearing him down, even if he spends very little time in public, and very few people see him when he does show up.  You have to wonder why whoever does his teleprompter doesn't just put "I resign" on it.  Or why Kamala Harris hasn't thought to make that happen immediately.

It's a problem of their own making.  Biden was senile four years ago and had already been stupid in public for over four decades, so the fact that they installed him in the first place was a bad idea.  Then there's all the backroom deals and hidden rules the Democratic Party utilizes to keep its elites in place.  They've held out all this long and only now do some of them even acknowledge a problem.  Would you want to be on an airplane with a pilot in this condition?

Richard Simmons, athletic weirdo, age 76July 13, 2024

The money for one, the show for two, get ready for mannnnnyyyyy...20240713

Bill Maher on Democrats Replacing Biden:  ‘The Question Isn’t If, It’s Who’
July 13, 2024

□ [“Conflict Between Jill Biden and Kamala Harris Might be Part of What Keeps Joe in the Race"]

Obviously they'd hate each other.  Not that we get to see it and it's odd that this is suddenly being reported, but they're women.  Of course they don't like each other, and they're both on the top of whatever collective groups of supporters they have, so they both want to be the queen.

I've noticed that Jill didn't get much attention for the last couple years, letting Joe get all the blame, but it's suddenly changed, probably because Joe is lucky to get through a minutes without sh*tting himself these days.  So the self-appointed queen needs to step in.  Meanwhile, Harris is surrounded by people who need someone to replace Biden and like it or not, she's at the top of the list.

But there are still more puppet masters, and those also have female companions.  We don't know how many levels up this goes, it's probably why we assume it's a demon-worshipping cult in charge of them.  It's believable, they would want to install all these people who believe in made-up genders.  Harris, Jill, Joe, all the rest of them.  Just an endless array of rules on DEI discrimination all the way, calling for a "strong woman" to be in charge.

Black Florida Woman Sparks 500 Person Riot After Skating Rink Canceled Daughter’s Birthday — ‘Make Them Crackers Work’
July 13, 2024

Climate Hawk John Kerry Jet Sets to Indian Oil Tycoon's Wedding Alongside Global Elites
July 12, 2024

□ [“Biden on July 8:  ‘We’re Done Talking About the Debate, it’s Time to Put Trump in a Bullseye’"]

This ridiculously popular leader of a political party has ordered everyone to be silent on a topic that doesn't make him look good.  We are now commanded to put his opponent in a bullseye, i.e. a target of gunfire.  You do not disobey this kind and caring leader or you too will be punished.

A similar thing happened a few years ago to Republicans practicing for a congressional baseball game.  The shooter was a Bernie Sanders supporter, but somehow only Republicans were blamed.  And over a decade ago, Sarah Palin was blamed for some internet posting which somehow also resulted in shootings.  So what are the odds the Commander-in-Chief who got more votes than anybody in history will be considered remotely responsible for this?  Ok, you know as well as I do that puppet media won't mention it and will probably censor anyone who tries.

Of course there are some relevant questions about this. I'm not checking out every news story and the early hours/days will be full of nonsense anyway, so I don't know what has been said about the matter.  The shooter is reportedly dead but not identified.  One other person in the mostly-peaceful rally died in the shooting.  Someone has already put Biden's name on a released statement that this was a bad thing and didn't even bother mentioning the need to ban guns.

Not sure if the shooter was a plant or what.  The shots were from 200 yards away, which isn't long-range, but it's also something that would take some training and preparation.  But then why wouldn't he (we can assume it's a male) be a better shot?  And why the hell doesn't the Secret Service check out anything within range, especially for an event like this large rally?

Reportedly Biden is going to make a statement soon.  It's past his work hours and, presumably, he hasn't been practicing this for the last week, so we'll have to see what he has to say on this.  I doubt he'll mention his comment from five days ago, he wouldn't even remember that.  We'll see if Nancy Pelosi remembers her statement on July 2 that "Trump must be stopped" because "this is not a normal election."

Al Sharpton Complains Biden Only Takes Questions from White Reporters While Expecting Black Support
July 13, 2024

□ [“8 Shots Fired At Trump Pennsylvania Rally - Trump Bleeding From Ear!"]

Well this is a way to get people to stop talking about the debate.  I simply can't remove the possibility that this was all a fake.  It just seems too planned, with everything being pushed for this weekend to decide what happens in the (stolen) election.  I'm not saying it was a fraud, I'm just considering that it might be.

If it's not a fraud, face it, it'll be tough to actually steal the election at this point.  Trump is reported to start receiving intelligence briefings next week, so he might get inside info on what's been done in the last four years.  Of course the intelligence will come from people who installed Biden, so it might not be trustworthy, but at least I got far enough to have a security clearance where the point is to know when things aren't your problem.  If Trump can handle it, great.  If he can't, we're already screwed.

He is also a showman, so the possibility of a fake just won't leave my mind.  Simple as that.  Trump supporters should be even more pissed off, assuming they aren't skeptical, and what are Democrats going to do about it?  As the saying goes, "if you strike at a king, you must kill him."  Well, here we are.

If it wasn't a fake, it still seems weird.  But also note that, as I write this, Trump hasn't made a public statement.  His campaign immediately said he was alright and he did make a statement on Truth, but no proof that he's actually alive.  Or it could be a lookalike on stage and Trump was always fine.  Or he's out partying with Hillary and Putin that the game is fun, who knows?

So now Trump has a mugshot and bullet wounds.  Are we sure he's still white?  Democrats might want to ignore this as quickly as possible or it might look bad for them.

But here's a question, what would they do if this happened to Biden?  Obviously he couldn't fill a stadium and the Secret Service would probably try harder to keep the shooter from getting eight shots out, but in theory, it might happen, and how would the left respond to this?  So far, it seems like a lot of them assume it was a fake [which may be true] and others blatantly have no sympathy.  They aren't saying they wish the shooter was more accurate because that would get them in trouble, but it's clearly what they meant.

So would they respond to Biden the same way?  Probably not, they would demand every Trump supporter be arrested and nobody but government officials get to have guns.  And they'd need to seize all our money and property too, just because.  They're probably trying to work out how to do that now, but it won't work, at least until the next stolen election.

Biden did make a public statement, calling him "Donald" and saying they'd speak on the phone when Trump had finished being checked by doctors.  At least someone sent him out to do the right thing, but now we'll see how that pays off.  If the shot had been a bullseye, things would be very different now.

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