21 July, 2024

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San Francisco’s Saks Department Store to Become ‘Appointment Only,’ Confirms Round of Layoffs
July 21, 2024

□ [“Breaking:  Joe Biden Drops Out of Presidential Race!"]

But he does not stop self-identifying as POTUS.  Without explanation, he says it's in the "best interest of my party and the country" to not run again.  Priorities.  He does say he'll "speak to the Nation" later this week, possibly providing an explanation.  They may have already started filming it so he can do take after take that might be feasible.  There's no evidence that he even saw this statement, much less signed it.  At least Nixon went on tv 50 years and one day ago so we'd know he was personally involved in this.

Biden (or whoever wrote this) has already endorsed Kamala Harris.  The people in charge can't just ditch Biden now or they'd be stuck with her, so now it's quite possibly time to start getting rid of her.  Currently the speculation is that Hillary will move in with her people and take over the unusually-late national convention.  If that's what happens, then this was obviously part of a long-running plan.  Remember when Biden promised to be a one-termer?  For that matter, he's repeatedly called Harris "president."

But he had no clue what he was saying, so he filed for "re-election" anyway.  And Harris doesn't have to face the primaries either, she had quit running in 2020 before the first state voted.  Now she's expected to show that she's qualified for something and be covered by a media that has just shown how stupid they are by lying about Biden all this time.

Even Biden has that problem, he's spent the last few weeks saying that he has no intention of dropping out, yet here he is.  If there's any real living Joe Biden fans, how are they supposed to react to that?  I know the rulers have a lot of practice in trying to manipulate large populations, but they can't really do a 180 on the spot like this.  And just think, they may have expected things to be very different with Trump dead.

As Athletes Head to Paris, Israeli Olympians Threatened: “Prepare for the Intifada!”
July 21, 2024

democraticunderground.com has always been my favorite place to see the left going nuts.  When there's a real problem that they want to hide from the public, they shut down visitors, almost like building a wall.  Today I did something I've never done before (that I remember, anyway) and created an account just so I can see their reactions, to get a clue of what the left is freaking out about.

There's a lot of automatic support for Harris, which is natural.  As I've said, she was next in line.  Others are trying to suggest people who might be more competent, or at least less incompetent, Gavin Newsom getting the most attention.  Some of them are trying to get over the fact that they've spent the last few weeks insisting Biden would stay in the race, although they haven't considered that he might have some kind of responsibility for that.

Any number of posters are just moving along as ordered.  No idea if they're serious, if they're in denial, if they're just human 'bots, or real 'bots.  Just when things started to seem normal, they were all pushed back to the start of the 'five stages of grief.'  And some of them are saying they tried to bring up these problems earlier and were attacked for it.  Or those who think this is a "coup."  This could be a fun mess to watch as society collapses.

Zelensky Floats End of ‘Hot Stage’ of War in 2024, Insists on Permission To Shoot Long-Range Western Missiles Into Russia
July 21, 2024

□ [“Right on Cue, the Clintons Endorse Kamala Harris"]
□ [“Alex Soros Calls For Democrat Party to Unite Around Kamala Harris"]

Amazing how these people had nothing else going on, that they immediately rushed out with an endorsement of the same person.  Well, they're all very rich, they can afford that, so the party will get back to saying how awful it is that rich people have such a say in things.  No Democrat would complain about that.

Obama also issued a statement, but it was entirely about Biden, no mention of Harris.  One speculation I've heard is that this was a deal between Obama and the Clintons, which Obama basically lost.  He'll get what he can out of Biden and Harris, but then the Clintons will be back in charge when the next election is stolen, possibly with Hillary herself in the White House.  Plausible.  But Harris also comes from the Nancy Pelosi/Diane Feinstein side of things, i.e. San Francisco.

The Trump campaign has already released an ad against Harris.  It makes sense, they probably had one ready just in case they needed it, but it just makes it look like Trump's been in on this all along.  At least he's always been the "heavy," the media is still going to have problems trying to change direction.  At least now they have a chance to ignore the attempted Trump assassination.

Ukraine Blocks Delivery of Russian Oil To Hungary and Slovakia, Threatening Their Energy Security
July 21, 2024

□ [“'None of Us Understand What’s Happening' – Biden Campaign Staffers Blindsided, Learned About This on X/Twitter"]

These people also had to go out and say Biden was coherent and totally not senile, so they're already delusional, but this won't help the campaign.  They'll probably follow orders and immediately turn to Harris, but that will only work if they're brainless know-nothings with no individual personality, the leftist ideal for servants.  In other words, they're not going to be very helpful even if they support her.

This will be a problem.  In Nevada and Wisconsin, they've already passed the deadline, Biden can't be removed from the ballot unless he dies or the 25th amendment is used.  The former can happen any time, but the latter needs quick acceptance by Congress.  Someone will have to ignore the laws to push Harris through in these states and others which have similar obstructions.  Harris certainly isn't able to do that, who can she turn on?

□ [“New Biden Staffer Tapped With Helping Shape Comms Strategy in PA, ‘Erotica the Drag Queen’"]

It's like the people who installed Biden have essentially collected the most insane anti-American idiots they could find, the modern liberal.  And now they have to convince the party members who've been arguing that their votes mattered, so Biden had to be supported because he wasn't quitting.  And then they need to go out and convince normal people to go along with this.

□ [“Mob of Leftist Protesters Swarm Around White House to Demand That Biden Drop Out"]

And this happened yesterday.  Nothing about this looks natural or organic, people who would do things like this out of belief would have more important things to do with their time.  They were paid employees to go out and protest whatever they were told.  Wouldn't surprise me if the media and the elites suddenly announce these protestors convinced Biden so it's win-win for everybody.

TV producer Aaron Sorkin:  Democrats should pick Mitt Romney to beat Trump
July 21, 2024

□ [“Pennsylvania Woman at State Fair Calls For Assassination of Trump"]

This is the sort of leftist who believes everything will work out the way they want, and there's a lot more of them than there of sane leftists.  No contradiction is enough to make them change their minds about whatever they happen to believe today.  They are the base, the ground troops, the expendables for our rulers to use any way they want.

They've had to account for creatures like this, that's what their political careers are based on.  They can just assume everybody else is this way, except right wingers who even worse.  That's probably also why they need to install only leftwingers in any position of authority, and maybe even be how they can establish RINOs, although that part is a bit iffier.

I assume this is all about establishing the "new world order."  I'm guessing there's a demon-worshiping cult behind all this, but that's just speculation.  They will create a lot of chaos and disaster, but they have no ability to establish anything meaningful.  It's why we need to go on strike, so women like the one listed here don't get to have anything to do with us.  They can't learn that any other way.

IMF Suggests Raising Taxes to Pay off the $34 Trillion US Federal Debt
July 21, 2024

Rachel Maddow Shell-Shocked, Van Jones Cries After Biden Drops Out
July 21, 2024

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