06 July, 2024

As a Star Wars fan, what have you done today to destroy the franchise?

Britain’s New Labour Party Prime Minister Does Not Know if a Woman Can Have a Penis
July 6, 2024

□ [“Livid Jill Biden 'Lashing Out' at Those Who Want Dementia Joe to Step Aside"]

Because he can't do that himself.  No one will ever accuse Joe Biden of being surrounded by people who want what's best for him.  Jill is being very obvious about her love of self-identifying as "First Lady" and Hunter gets to look like he's calling the shots for Dad now which will keep him out of jail and get lots of money coming in.  Ashley is there for some reason but I haven't seen Beau around for a while.  I hope he's all right.

I've been thinking of what I've heard about the recent interview and there seems to be a point that Stephanopoulos was basically asking the same questions over and over for the 20+ minutes it lasted.  I have to wonder if there was actually a specific reason for that, to measure how well he can maintain coherence on the same topic, and/or if he'd get angry when he realizes it's the same question over and over again.

There must be practices like this to measure someone's mental coherence, especially when they're aged and senile, and more than anything, that would have to apply to whoever claims to be POTUS.  And there are other scenarios that need to be prepared for.  If Biden sounds like this in broad daylight with all the relaxation he gets, what's his response going to be at the 3am phone call?  That's really not a situation where you want to wait until it happens to find out.

Still seems iffy, but that may have been the point of this interview, effectively showing off to the world - and if we lived in a fair society, the American voter - what this guy is actually like.  He was already trying to recover from a bad performance.  This one wasn't as bad, but they need a real hit and aren't finding one.

As #MeToo Crosses the Atlantic, a Famous French Director Is Charged With Rape, Sexual Assault and Violence Against Two Actresses
July 6, 2024

□ [“Biden Agrees to Debate Trump 2nd Time Live on Air"]

This is just rhetoric, it doesn't really mean anything.  Biden does commit to it but says nothing about when, and that's not counting that he'd need permission.  He had permission last time and for yesterday's interview and look how that worked out.

Biden also makes a comment about how Trump has never "been challenged in a way that he’s about to be challenged.”  No way to know if that's just empty threats or if there's actually a plan to take Trump down, permanently.  The fake courts aren't doing well, they keep postponing any actual decision, so the rulers need some other tactic.

And notice how the left is all unanimously insisting he's a "convicted felon"?  Isn't a conviction what happens after the judge delivers the verdict?  The lawyers and jury has done their part, and only then can the judge convict?  Which the judges in Trump's cases keep delaying.  Seems to me that if you want to act like you take the legal system seriously and expect others to as well, you should get the basic terminology right.

And I'll freely admit that I don't know if this is accurate, I did a very quick internet search and that's all the proof I have for my claim.  What do the unanimous leftists have to offer?  That words mean whatever they want them to?  Not a good way to run a legal system.  And if I'm right, everybody who knows more than me about the legal system sees that leftists don't know what  they're talking about.

LAPD To Expose Hollywood Drug Rings in the OD Death of Friends Star Matthew Perry
July 6, 2024

□ [“Variety Top Executive Editor:  'I’m Ready to Start Working for the Kamala Harris-Mark Warner Ticket'"]

Some leftists are going to be coming out with their willingness to ditch Biden.  Others will stay quiet, waiting to see what happens to those who spoke out.  Those who want to be promoted will have to come up with their own strategies to get to (fake) Election Day.  The people who are really in charge won't want this to be public so what are they going to do about it?

□ [“CNN’s Sanjay Gupta Calls for Biden to Undergo ‘Detailed Cognitive and Movement Disorder Testing’"]

Meanwhile those who know they've been hiding this from the public need to act like this is a big deal now, which puts them up against leftists who want to stay with Biden, for whatever reason.  They can't all be delusional enough to think he's totally healthy, but it's probably safer (and funnier) to assume they are.  What's the alternative, admitting that he's barely more than a houseplant but you want him to stay where he is anyway?

□ [“Biden Tells Stephanopoulos He’ll Drop Out of 2024 Race if ‘God Comes Down and Tells Him To’"]

We probably won't get to see God doing this.  Darnit.  Doesn't mean that won't happen, just that I doubt we'll see it, although we might see some other aspect of it.  But it could work many ways, including God doing exactly that and Biden refusing to acknowledge it for whatever reason.  Everybody around him screams that God is sending him this message but Biden just says that's "disinformation."

I know it's just me fantasizing - since God doesn't text me about His plans anymore :( - but it is interesting to think about the possibilities.  The anti-God forces really do seem to be building up to something and it looks like their target date is very close, and not just the 2030 'new world order.'

I think they're doing this for what is basically 'demon worship,' which is effectively the same as 'earth worship.'  I do think those really exist, but they're effectively all the same entities, working towards anything that *isn't* God, which is why monotheism is what works.  There is no god but God.  He permits other beliefs to the extent it supports His plan or proves His point, it's worshipping the entities as gods themselves that's the bad idea.

So I've been wondering how scientology fits into this.  I used to know a bit about it, but only enough to know I really didn't want to know any more, and don't even remember what I did learn.  But it's always been aimed at the elite, specifically Hollywood, so I have been wondering how that works these days.  Their beliefs are anti-God, so how do those fit in with 'global warming' and 'transgenderism,' not to mention how allied they are with Islam in a post-9/11 world.

Neon Slime Water Spotted Spilling All Over in Miami Airport
July 6, 2024


Something is coming out about Neil Gaiman.  On the one hand, that's understandable, given his level of fame.  He's obviously been friends with the elite since his early days on Sandman.  That said, to the extent this makes sense, it seems very weird, like they're not actually putting out all the information.

He's being accused of assault by various mistresses or girlfriends, and it's long been known that his marriage was about convenience, he'd could cheat on her with whoever came along.  It's also being said that he's abusive, but not even so much in a violent way, it just comes off as creepy.

I do remember him being privileged enough to just decide to go halfway around the world in the middle of the "covid pandemic" because he was pissed at his wife.  Commoners were told they had to stay home, but some people can ignore that.  But the incident that seems most notable is telling "Scarlett" that he'll commit suicide if she doesn't obey him.

Not sure if "Scarlett" was the children's nanny he ditched his wife for or if she's someone else, but threatening suicide?  That's a horrible idea under any circumstances, actual suicide at least has a bit more dignity.  But using that to control one of your many women?  An actual man wouldn't handle a problem that way.

Which lines up with Guns'n'Roses owner Axl Rose, who became famous around the same time as Gaiman and performed the same insane stunts with at least the first of his two most infamous girlfriends.  Erin Everly was born to a famous family, Don of the Everly Brothers.  Axl beat her repeatedly and locked her in the closet for hours.  I assume that's where the lyric comes from for one of his most famous songs, "When I come home late at night, don't ask me where I've been.  Just count your stars I'm home again."

Axl and Erin's short marriage began the same as we see Neil Gaiman doing here, he barged into her apartment in the middle of the night and said he'd kill himself if she didn't marry him.  Chicks fall for that, so they got married.  IIRC, Axl first filed for divorce the next day but this lasted for a while.  Then he wanted video epics to say how wrong she was to not obey him, and hired Stephanie Seymour for the female role, continuing the obsession, and the same basic abusive personality.

What strikes me about these two, and possibly others up to and including Joe Biden, is that it's not about sexual abuse for its own sake.  Axl got to be a rock star, so he wanted lots of sex, but at least for Neil and Joe, it comes off as something much creepier.  Physical and sexual contact, yes, but it just doesn't seem to be like sticking it in whatever hole you want.

Yet all of that seems to be in line with, well, modern leftism.  I'm not aware of Biden threatening suicide if a woman doesn't obey him, but a lot of women would go along with that and they're all feminist modern pop culture idols.  Feminists won't allow men to be in charge so men can find other ways to do it.  If a woman did the same thing, she'd be "oppressed."

Judge Cannon Agrees to Delay Jack Smith’s Classified Docs Case
July 6, 2024

7 People Shot, Including 13-Year Old, in Downtown St. Louis Following July 4th Fireworks Display
July 6, 2024

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