11 July, 2024

Another day of writing, I guess.

Drunken Illegal Immigrant Kills 6-Year-Old Alabama Girl in Car Accident
July 11, 2024

□ [“Chuck Todd Claims a Cabinet Member Told Him Two Years Ago That Biden Couldn’t Run Again"]

Does this cabinet member have a name?  Do you have any evidence that this unnamed cabinet member said this to you two years ago?  Why did you hide if for two years?

You could have reported this "news" two years ago and, if you have any Democrats among your audience, they would have known there were problems.  They could have started making preparations - two years ago - for how to replace Biden.  He's running now and you were supposedly told by a cabinet official that he could not do this.  Was this cabinet official wrong?  Lying?  Is this cabinet official in the room with us now?

"It’s the story everybody knows and no one was, everybody was afraid to talk about."  So they're just like you, who gets paid a lot of money to report "news."  What else have you known about for years but been afraid to talk about?  What would your career look like if you hadn't hidden these "scoops" from the public?

This makes Todd look horrible, and deservedly, but I also think it's a sign that the damn is breaking.  Everybody in the media has to be worried that the secrets they've been holding on to will become public knowledge and they'll be attacked for covering it up.  I'm sure a lot of them will remain motionless but others will try to get ahead of the fire and start talking now.

As an example, MSNBC just reported that Obama is behind the conspiracy to get rid of Biden.  There are valid reasons to not believe that, which I'll probably get to later, but the point is, they know what they've been covering up all this time.  They also are starting to realize what permanent damage they've done to their reputation.  They can report the literal truth and there's no reason to believe them, like when the wolf actually shows up.

Vancouver Crowd Mercilessly Boos Mick Jagger For Praising Justin Trudeau at Rolling Stones Concert
July 11, 2024

□ [“Biden’s High Stakes ‘Big Boy’ Press Conference Pushed Back From 5:30 to 6:30 P.M. EDT"]

So assuming he showed up on time - not likely, given who he is - it started a little while ago as I write this.  [I was right about him not starting on time.]  Apparently there was some NATO event going on today, strange how we didn't hear much about that, and he's scheduled for a full day of "hosting" various meetings and work sessions.  Gotta admit, he might be the happiest one there because he'd have no idea what was going on, as the world is watching.

If he's an obvious failure, he's done.  Everyone will turn against him.  If he does a great job, it will help him but people will wonder where this guy has been for the last three+ years and he'll be expected to do this again.  My guess is that he'll do a mediocre job, which won't change anyone's mind.

He already had a meeting with Zelensky, whom he introduced as "President Putin."  It took him a few seconds, and possibly signals from his handlers, to realize the mistake.  There was a bit more babbling in that speech, but nothing major.  He doesn't sound horrible and one could easily say these mistakes were just 'Joe being Joe.'

So as I write this, he's getting later and later.  We're not teenagers waiting for Guns'n'Roses to finally take the stage, some of us have to actually show up to work on time.  That's not going to look good if there's a phone call at 3am.  But Biden's people don't care, so just accept it.

Shelley Duvall, actress, born to play Olive Oyl, age 75July 11, 2024

MSNBC’s Resident Wacko Joy Reid Goes on Unhinged Rant Against White People, Men and Christians
July 11, 2024

As I write this, it's been almost two hours since the healthy vigorous decrepit man was originally supposed to show up and show that he could do the job of leading the world.  Then it was delayed for an hour, and he still hasn't shown up yet.  This might actually be more entertaining than if he did, because then we'd have to listen to Biden and pretend to care what he thinks about anything.

In short, this will provide all the evidence needed for Biden to quit campaigning and it'll take every excuse leftists can make up to keep him as pretend-POTUS for the next six months.  That's probably why they waited for the NATO summit, to get the final vote from the 'new world order.'  No wonder they've suddenly started announcing that Russia is behind this.

Nancy told Democrats to wait until the NATO meeting to make their statements.  It's being said that rich donors are dropping him and Obama was behind the conspiracy to dump him.  They're talking about how to get Harris to replace him and someone on Biden's staff even put out a snarky response to George Clooney, that Biden has more "stamina."  Makes you wonder if there's some gay thing going on with Biden and Hollywood...

Apparently he finally showed up.  Obviously I'm not going to listen to it myself, but it sounds like he has energy, so he's either heavily drugged or it's an imposter.  He still needs the teleprompter though, I thought the point was to show that he could think on his own.  Either way, his supporters will all be grieving for the *late* Joe Biden.  [Get it?  Get it?  Hunh?  You get it?]

House Defeats Resolution Holding Garland In Contempt – Four RINOs Voted No
July 11, 2024

□ [“Biden Calls Kamala Harris 'Vice President Trump' in 'Big Boy' Press Conference"]

Not sure what to say about this event without actually watching it.  Seems to have gone on longer than expected, which itself is more than you'd expect from Biden.  Don't know how coherent he was, but from the commentary I've been following, nothing seemed too major.  This event has taken all the air out of the news today so even though I see other relevant news, nothing comes to mind to write about it.

The citizens won't react, we have actual lives to go to.  But how will the media respond?  Sounds like they're damned if they do, damned if they don't.  Are they eager to promote Biden doing anything and will they be believed if he actually did a good job?  For that matter, how long until Biden is seen in public again?  I do get the impression they're trying to build up to something for WWIII, although it's unclear what that might be.  But what else is there?

Sounds like it was a reason for him not to quit, at least nothing given in public.  So now the media, the celebrities and members of Congress who spoke out against him have to show whether they'll stand by their beliefs or if they'll return to the beliefs they had a couple weeks ago.  Perhaps this was the actual point, to show the media how weak they are even in their subservience to the rulers.

But it still doesn't feel like the end of the event.  I still get the impression something surprising is going to happen next, most likely from Trump.  It's not clear what the rumors about Obama being in charge are, since we already took that as a given.  For that matter, what influence does Biden's staff have, either for real or in their pretend world?  Or Congress?  This isn't over yet.

Three People Show Up to Pennsylvania State Capitol ‘Biden For President-Reproductive Freedom’ Rally
July 11, 2024

□ [“CNN Now Admits Biden’s Entire Presidency Is a Carefully Staged Sham"]

This is the stepping stone for the 'new world order.'  It looks like the point is to either destroy western civilization or to create so much chaos that our rulers can seize complete power.  This is where I assume China the one calling most of the shots, they have experience with tyranny and can wargame all the possibilities.

Which leads to the question of CNN and these other media figures are defying their masters or obeying them by suddenly speaking out against Biden.  That's why it's clear that something else is going on this week.  Russia/Ukraine is part of it, trying to spread WWIII.  Notice how little the media coverage has covered any of this since Biden choked at the debate.

To an extent, it seems like they're trying to have it both ways, showing the US as so weak and pathetic - as displayed by Biden that we can't do anything anymore, while demanding all the privileges of the leader of the free world, which Biden pretends to be.  It's similar to the current Disney show trying to destroy Star Wars while pretending to be Star Wars.  Or mediocre male athletes pretending to be women so they can finally win something.

Still don't know where Trump stands on this, but the 2020 election needed to be stolen to replace him, that much is clear.  It's really why we need to form organized resistance, just so we can have a clue what's going on and who isn't on our side.  Instead it just keeps getting drawn out much longer than need be.

Director of National Intelligence: “Iran Paid Anti-Israel Protesters in America”
July 10, 2024

1000-Year-Old Notre Dame Cathedral in Normandy Has ‘Caught Fire’
July 11, 2024

Disney Internal Documents Show Promotion of Pride Events for Children With Fully Naked Men on Bikes
July 11, 2024

Hunter Biden’s Legal Team Gives Up Push for New Trial, Admits Embarrassing Gaffe
July 10, 2024

Defense Department Anti-Terrorism Briefing Labels Pro-Life Organizations as “Terrorist Organizations”
July 11, 2024

New Leftist Britain Prime Minister Green Lights Use of British Missiles to Strike Russian Mainland
July 11, 2024

Senate Democrats Block the SAVE Act, So Illegal Immigrants Can Vote in Presidential Election
July 11, 2024

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