25 July, 2024

I was today-years old when I started asking when my birthday was.

FBI Conducts Pre-Dawn Raid on $3.5M Long Island Home of Former Deputy Chief of Staff to Governor Hochul
July 25, 2024

□ [“US Forces Scramble to Intercept Russian and Chinese Bombers"]

They know there's a woman in charge, at least nominally, so it's not like she's going to do anything.  They'll have fun messing with her and Biden leaves behind a military run by *woke* DEI hires.  It's like our rulers only expect the taxpayer to suffer.

Russia and China are definitely capable of long range plans.  Not sure about the rest of BRICS although India and Iran obviously understand long chronological periods, it's just not clear how good their planning is.  I think they're working on things elsewhere but sending in airplanes like that is just to mess with us.  And it's working.

And they timed it for just before Biden was told to say he was done.  You can understand why the media's not going to mention this, it makes him look like he can't stand up to Russia or China.  Well, he can't, we knew that, but if he has any real supporters, this would make him look bad.  And whoever his successor is.

Paris Olympics:  Flame Relay Features 3 Drag Queens
July 25, 2024

□ [“If Kamala Harris Loses, Democrats Will Have To Answer Questions About Denying A Primary Process"]

They could be asking that anyway.  This shows that they're not interested in fixing the problem, which means they've got everything in place to guarantee they can't lose.  Good thing the internet is so trustworthy these days so the votes can be counted correctly and everybody will trust the results.  And anyway, Harris is so well liked by her staff, she'll just spread that to everyone else.

□ [“CNN Reports That Liberal Hollywood Celebrities Are Excited About Kamala Harris"]

Well, at least the rich and famous.  Everyone else can be ignored because they don't matter.  What could they do except mimic the rich and famous?  We can all assume the election theft is already in place - assuming the internet works - but they really do seem to be building their own disaster.  Harris is going to stay as far away as possible from poor people, except maybe as house servants.  Because Democracy!

One thing they need to do is keep her far away from any slightly-slanted tower in the vicinity because what's going to happen if the Secret Service refuses to check it out?  That's why she stays with the rich and famous where it's safe.  She's already proven she can ignore what voters want, there's no more lessons to be learned.

Belarus and Georgia Pivoting Toward the China-Russia Axis
July 25, 2024

‘□ [“Non-Partisan’ Website Erases 2019 Page Listing Harris As Most Liberal of All 100 Senators"]

They've got the whole system loaded to guarantee success in election theft.  All the organizations, the media, the elites and every place along the Democrat party.  They have to expect complete obedience, but I can't figure out how.  Even Black Lives Matter is criticizing them.  Assuming normal blacks can't see the problem, then these people would still be promoting it.

They have to keep everyone in line.  In one sense, they obviously know how to do that, their servants are easy to manipulate, but then this just seems totally impossible.  We know they'll steal the election, but they have to know that most people won't comply with that.

The media is the weak link.  They're showing it right now with how they waited until last week to say maybe Biden wasn't totally capable of using the toilet I mean running for office.  Then they had a few days of trying to act like real journalists, and now they've found some relieve and can just crown Harris.  But it should be obvious no one will trust them and they'll have to censor access to reports, as we see with the "border czar." nonsense.

This really seems like it can't last.  We need to assume our masters will see it through, but it's still just mass delusion.  We know this can't continue but there's no clue when or how it will end.

Six Democrats Join House Republicans to Condemn Kamala Harris' Failures as Border Czar
July 25, 2024

□ [“Obama Won’t Endorse Kamala Harris Because He Thinks She Will Lose to Trump"]

I'm sure he will, assuming he hasn't already.  I think he did some generic lines that were mostly about Biden but I'm sure he'll put more out shortly.  I assume he's fighting whoever his opponents are, trying to grab as much power as possible.

He may be the one who told BLM to speak out.  If this really is a fight against the Clintons, hate to say it but Obama might be coming out as closer to being on 'our' side.  Of course he's just using it for more power and it may show how easily controlled he is.  Makes you wonder when George W. Bush and Mitt Romney are going to take a side.  Probably with the Clintons but you never know.

Also, it just occurs to me that Biden will probably never be bothered by the press again, and he'll never have to take questions.  There's a reason for that, he probably still thinks he's running for POTUS.  Someone should look over the years of documents that are supposed to have his official signature and see how many variations there are.

So how will the Obama/Clinton fight work out?  They have to keep it private, but by the same token they may reach a point where it can't stay quiet.  Or someone else might release what they know.    And so the war continues...

Kamala Harris Opens Her Presidential Campaign on RuPaul’s Drag Race
July 25, 2024

□ [“Biden Admin Looks to Rescind 20 Medal of Honor Awards Given to Soldiers in the 1890s"]

They eagerly rush to erase history.  Those men earned the medals, simple as that.  This is not going to encourage anyone else to perform as well as they did, even at the risk of their lives.  Even if you do, you'll just be wiped away from memory.  This is the opposite of what a military does, which is why our rulers want to destroy it.

It's a line of civilization running through history and they want to break it.  It's the same mentality as 'year zero' which some leftist icon or other named and they all want to pioneer.  It's one reason we need to keep printed and physical records of everything that has happened, to minimize the chance of it being erased by these tyrants.

Strange how they never see themselves as being the target for any of this.  They all assume history will remember and honor them forever.  They never conceive of this flaw in their own argument.

California Governor Gavin Newsom Orders Mass Removal of Homeless Camps
July 25, 2024

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